My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1239: take away


"Concha, here is the camp of the international peacekeeping force, please leave!" Xu Lingshan took the lead and went up to use Weng Wendao.

Kongchai spit out a cigarette, and there was no expression on the steel-like face. "No need to be nervous, I am not coming to kill, it is not a violation of international law."

"Then what are you doing here?? Driving in with a heavy machine gun, this is already a violation of this rule!" Xu Lingshan cold.

Kongchayi reached out and gestured to the next few men.

Soon, a man with blood and unconsciousness was lifted from a pickup with a stretcher.

"This is my brother Gomez, who was injured in the battle. This is the nearest medical base. I want you to save him!" Concha said.

Everyone knows that Kongcha is seeking medical assistance!

This situation is very rare. In general, drug lords have their own medical team, and even some skilled doctors are hired. After all, they have money.

But sometimes the place of fire, far from their base, the soldiers who are too late to heal, will be abandoned directly on the battlefield.

However, this time, the injured brother of Concha, he naturally refused to abandon.

He could rush back to his base, and the road was too far away. They couldn’t afford it, so they fell into disregard and broke into the peacekeeping camp.

Xu Lingshan looked at the medical team behind. The doctors and nurses were shaking and shivering.

She is also worried that if he can't save this Gomez, Concha will kill him directly.

Kongcha's eyes are getting colder and colder. "I know what you are worried about. I tell you, let me take care of this only younger brother before my parents leave."

If Gomez is dead today, all of you will be buried with him! Don't expect to use the international law to scare me, my Concha, is not scared! ! ”

Xu Lingshan's pretty face is whitish. Although she can not be afraid of Concha, she has too many civilians to protect her. She has two fists and four hands, not to mention the heavy machine gun.

Concha had no patience to wait, and his eyes immediately locked the group of medical staff behind him.

"If you don't send a doctor out again, I will kill you all!!"

This shocked the doctors and looked at the general manager of the medical team, a doctor named Huang Haotian.

Although Huang Haotian has rich experience, he is also afraid. He pushed his glasses and tried to walk hard.

"Dr. Huang, don't worry, unless I die, otherwise I will protect you." Xu Lingshan can only soothe at this moment.

Huang Haotian nodded with a smile and walked over, squatting down to see Gomez.

"Hole... Mr. Concha, your brother... What hurt?"

Kongcha reveals the murderous light: "If I know, what else do I ask the doctor!"

Huang Haotian was so scared that he had to change and asked: "He... what attack did he take?"

Kong Chadao said: "When he was on the gun in the car, he was shot in the leg, and the car fell off and was hit by a car."

Huang Haotian nodded busy and began to check Gomez's wounds and heart...

Not long after, Huang Haotian frowned: "The bullet did not hurt the artery, the problem is not big, but his heart rate is more than 125, it is probably the coma caused by the stuffing of the heart..."

"What the **** are you talking about!?" Kongchao angered.

Huang Haotian was terrified and shivering. "The tamponade is a traumatic heart rupture, or blood vessels in the pericardium cause blood accumulation in the pericardial cavity..."

"Shut up!! I don't want to hear this! I will ask you, how can my brother wake up!" Kongcha directly pulled out the pistol and pointed it at Huang Haotian.

Xu Lingshan also pulled the gun at this time and aimed at Kongcha. "Don't move!! Put down the gun!!"

For a time, Kong’s men on the other side began to pull the guns, and the two sides were arrogant.

Huang Haotian's legs are soft, and quickly said: "I! I will find a way to extract the effusion inside the pericardium, you don't worry! Can save!"

Kongchao listened to this, and the slightest relief eased. "Go!!"

Huang Haotian is also rich in medical experience, so after determining the cause, he hurriedly asked a nurse to take the syringe.

After simple disinfection, Huang Haotian put the needle into the heart of Gomez and wanted to pump out the fluid.

However, after a while, Huang Haotian was pale and sweaty...

"Pull... Can't pull out... This... you need to open your chest to find the reason." Huang Haotian said hard.

"Open the chest? Do you say that you are working here?" Kongcha frowned.

Huang Haotian shook his head and said: "Here... there is no way to open the knife, because there is not enough surgical material, and the conditions are too bad. When it is time, it can't be sutured...

Mr. Kongcha, I really tried my best. If it is a hospital, there is no problem, but after all, this is just a small camp..."

Concha checked, his face shouted: "Can't save my brother, then you go to hell!!"

Said, Kongcha is about to shoot.

When Xu Lingshan saw it, she planned to shoot the arm directly.


After a thousand miles, Ye Fan shouted Concha, and because it was in Spanish, Kongcha immediately reacted.

Ye Fan sighed in his heart. He didn't want to be too conspicuous because he needed to be low-key, but at this moment, he seemed to have to stand up.

"Who are you? Looking for death?" Kongcha cold eyes.

Ye Fan walked up and gestured to Xu Lingshan to have no problem. He said: "I can try to save your brother, but you have let go of Dr. Huang first."

"You are a doctor?" Kong asked.

Ye Fandao: "If you ask these boring questions again, your brother may be really dead."

Kongchao frowned. "You'd better succeed... otherwise, I will kill you."

Huang Haotian died for a lifetime, his face pale and authentic: "Dr. Fron, there is no way to open the knife here, the stitching can't be done, how can this be saved??"

Ye Fan comfortably patted the other's shoulder. "Doctor Huang, trouble to bring the surgical equipment for the chest, and need water and a urethra tube."

"Ah? What do you want to do with the urethra?" Huang Haotian wondered.

"No time to explain, fast", Ye Fandao.

Huang Haotian gritted his teeth and ran into the tent himself, helping Ye Fan to take out the equipment.

Under the intense gaze of the people, Ye Fan’s tactics opened Gomez’s chest and cut the heart...

Huang Haotian is also curious, Ye Fan intends to treat, he is more trustworthy to the doctor who came to the camp temporarily, but the surgery at the moment is almost impossible, he is extremely embarrassed.

" the right ventricle damaged."

Ye Fan looked like a hi, after draining the effusion inside, quickly took the urethral tube and put a balloon at the front end into the heart chamber...

"Doctor Huang, help me to pour 10 ml of water to the target capsule", Ye Fandao.

Aside Huang Haotian, suddenly woke up, loudly said: "It turned out to be like this!? You... You use the balloon of the urethra tube to temporarily seal the opening of the heart!?"

The latter group of medical staff were also amazed by Ye Fan’s calmness and skill, and they finally saved!

Soon, as the balloon bulged, the opening of the heart was blocked.

Ye Fan reached out and probed the carotid artery of Gomez. He looked up and said to the hole: "Well, your brother temporarily passed the dangerous period, but you must take him to the place where he can suture as soon as possible."

Kongcha blinked and his mouth showed a rough smile. "Not bad... I didn't expect this small camp to have such a good surgeon."

Xu Lingshan heard this, could not help but look at Ye Fan.

Even if she lost her cultivation, she was twenty or thirty years old, but this man can still give her a feeling of heart.

A group of peacekeepers and ordinary workers in the back also applauded.

"Concha, now you are satisfied, the person who took you left," Xu Lingshan said.

Kongchai laughed. "It's OK to go, but I took my brother back to the base. There is still a long way to go. The road is bumpy. I am afraid of something going wrong. So, I need to take this Dr. Furen away!"

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