My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1240: What do you want


"No!" Xu Lingshan immediately listened to this, and immediately refused: "You are kidnapping!"

Kongcha cold said: "I am just an invitation, but if you refuse... then I will kidnap, and ... will kill."

The staff at the scene showed the color of fear. They knew that Concha was not joking.

Ye Fan sighed in his heart and said: "Well, I am going with you."

"You..." Xu Lingshan saw Ye Fan to go, can not help but anxious.

If it is the previous Ye Fan, she certainly does not worry, but now Ye Fan, just a bullet can kill him!

"Ha ha ha! Sure enough, the parents of the doctors, rest assured... As long as my brother is completely saved, I will put the Dr. Fron," Concha laughed.

Xu Lingshan gritted her teeth and said, "You have to take Dr. Froun, then I have to follow them!"

"Xu team!!" behind Zeng Kai, Liu Ye and other players were surprised, want to discourage.

However, Xu Lingshan waved her hand and said: "Fron has saved everyone here. I can't let him go alone in danger. Zeng Kai, when I am not there, you will replace my captain."

Ye Fan looked helplessly at Xu Lingshan and smiled: "Don't worry so much, I have a few hearts, they are not so easy to hurt me."

Even if he loses his training, Ye Fan’s combat experience still gives him a lot of life-saving means.

Xu Lingshan was very stubborn and said: "I decided, it will not change."

Ye Fan saw it, and knew that blocking was useless, so he nodded.

Kongcha looked at Xu Lingshan with amazement. He grinned and said: "Well, welcome this lady to the car."

Soon, Ye Fan and Xu Lingshan sat in an off-road vehicle, and Ye Fan was responsible for the safety of Gomez on the road.

After half an hour of driving, the team entered a flat area.

Ye Fan looked out of the car and found that there were workers who were refining drugs, manufacturing, and packaging.

A large number of women and children have also been caught here as a coolie.

There are also some supervisors, carrying guns and holding leather whip, urging some tired workers to work hard.

"This gang of **** is simply inhuman. If I were you, I didn't want to save these people when I was killed." Xu Lingshan looked at the outside scene and was straightforward.

Ye Fan smiled and glanced at Gomez, who was still smooth. He said: "Whether it is a friend or an enemy, it is a good person or a bad person. As long as the patient is in front of him, he must do his best to save him. It’s a doctor...”

Xu Lingshan looked at the man and snorted. "They are old men, and they are still handsome. The medical skills are so powerful, and you don't see yourself getting younger."

This is said in the mouth, but Xu Lingshan’s heart has to admit that it is attracted by Ye Fan who said this.

"Hey? That's..." Ye Fan suddenly saw something outside the window and couldn't help but wonder.

Xu Lingshan turned her head and found that Ye Fan was referring to an ancient pyramid covered with moss and green plants.

"That is the pyramid of the Mayan civilization, and the base of Concha is built on the edge of this Mayan ruins," Xu Lingshan said.

"I know that it is the Mayan pyramid, but it stands to reason... there should be no Mayan civilization in this area," Ye Fan said.

"I don't know about this. I heard that a large number of ancient Mayan civilizations have not been investigated because of insufficient funds and the archaeological environment. This pyramid may be missing," Xu Lingshan said.

Ye Fan thought about it, but it is also possible, because in this dangerous area, archaeologists are easily killed.

There are more pyramids in the world that need to be studied. There is no need to make fun of life. Over time, no one has come to the pyramids in this dangerous area.

"This guy is a little bit smart. There is this Mayan pyramid. Government troops and international troops are afraid to bomb this place with too much firepower." Ye Fan nodded.

"Yeah... compared to thousands of years of ancient cultural heritage, a drug gang is really nothing," Xu Lingshan sighed.

When they got off the bus, a group of medical staff wearing white coats brought Gomez into the operating room of the drug gang.

Kongcha is well funded, and the more money you have, the more you are afraid of death, so the medical equipment and doctors here are top-notch, paying them huge sums of money every year.

After looking at his brother's innocence, Kongcha looked back and smiled at Ye Fan: "Yes, Dr. Fallon, I want to thank you for saving my brother."

"The next suture, your doctor should be enough, we are gone", Ye Fandao.

"Slow", Kongcha grinned and said: "My Concha is not a stingy person. If you stay, I will give you five million dollars a year."

Ye Fan, "I am sorry, I have other things to do, and I am willing to take it."

Kongcha's eyes were cold. "Doctor Fron, you are a good doctor, a good doctor, and will save a lot of people's lives.

But if you leave here, you may save the lives of my enemies... So, I don't allow that kind of thing to happen. ”

"Concha! You are going to go out!" Xu Lingshan guarded her in front of Ye Fan.

"This lady, I know that you can play, but it's all my people here, you better not mess, or..."

Kongcha hit a ring finger, and soon, a dozen burly men carrying M16 rifles.

This firepower is enough to instantly turn Ye Fan and Xu Lingshan into meat.

Xu Lingshan was so irritated, but she knew that her fists were hard to beat, but the other side was fierce.

After Ye Fan blinked, he reached out and licked the woman and walked forward. He smiled and said: "I know, anyway, it is all to save people, I will stay."

Kongchahaha laughed. "I really know the time, that's it. Stay here, save people, and make big money, kill two birds!"

Xu Lingshan was anxious, "Ye Fan! What are you doing!? Are you crazy!?"

Ye Fan went forward and slowly approached Kongcha. "However, I hope to discuss it on the remuneration..."

"This is good to say, if you prove that your medical skills are stronger than my chief physician, then I will give you 10 million..."

When Kongcha was smugly talking about it, Ye Fan’s eyes suddenly flashed a trace of coldness!

After the leaf sail approached a certain distance, he yanked out a sand eagle pistol from the waist of Kongcha!

Immediately, Ye Fan single-handedly grabbed the neck of Kongcha, and the pistol withstood the head of Kongcha!

"Don't move!! Move Laozi to collapse your leader!!"

Ye Fan instantly seemed to be a murderous murderous murderer from a kind-hearted doctor, and made everyone in the room chilly!

Repair is gone, but murderous, and will not dissipate!

Ye Fan’s current skills are nothing more than slow speed and low strength. He can deal with Concha, who is also an ordinary person. He is not inferior.

Kongcha’s forehead was cold and sweaty. He felt the leaf sail behind him, and the momentum that was emitted from the body was the same as that of the needle, which made his spine bones cold!

And Ye Fan took the gun, held it, and the action was done in one go. Skillfully, like the thousands of trainings, it was obviously the veteran of the old hands!

A group of drug gangsters watched the boss being held hostage and nervously did not know what to do.

Xu Lingshan's eyes lit up and took advantage of this opportunity. A recent gangster didn't pay attention. She rolled over and rushed to raise her hand and flew a gangster and took an M16 rifle.

Xu Lingshan had a gun, and the gangsters were even more afraid. They didn’t know whether to target Ye Fan or this woman.

After all, it’s a bunch of people. Once the head is controlled, it’s a big mess.

"You...what are you guys!" Kongcha gritted his teeth, but he didn't dare to move.

Ye Fan’s eyes are cold and cold. “You just need to know that I am better at killing people than saving people...”


The hole swallowed the throat and swallowed it. It was his long battle, fierce and incomparable, and then the heart began to tremble.

"You...what do you want..." Kong Chaqiang asked calmly.

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