My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1241: Small scene


Ye Fan glanced at the big men around him and said, " throw the gun on the ground and get out of the 20 meters!"

A group of big men are hesitant.

"I only count three times, otherwise I will shoot... three...two..."

"Snapshots do!! Do it!!" Concha scared and yelled.

A bunch of big men dropped the rifle and ran to twenty meters.

Ye Fanqi held Kongcha and walked to the side of a M16. He took the rifle and took the rifle to his left hand.

"You...what do you want to do!?" Kongcha saw that Ye Fan had to take a rifle. He couldn't help but anger: "Let me go! Or you don't want to live out!!"

Ye Fan sneered. "If I let you go, would you let us go out alive?"

In the eyes of Kongchao, there was a hint of gloom, but the mouth said: "My Concha swears here, as long as you let me go, I will let you go back to the camp safely!"

Ye Fan is looking forward to Xu Lingshan, "Ling Shan, do you believe in a poisonous oath?"

"The dog's vows are more reliable than his", Xu Lingshan disdain.

Ye Fan nodded, "So... you should know what to do."

Xu Lingshan saw a chill in the eyes of Ye Fan, and could not help but tremble, but then she knew that there was no way out.

Xu Lingshan said nothing, directly holding the gun, facing the group of retreating cockroaches, direct shooting quickly!

"The sudden process!-"

This gang did not expect that Xu Lingshan would dare to shoot first!

They did not respond, and four or five people fell down!

Kongchao facial panic, is about to slam on Ye Fan with his elbow, trying to escape, but Ye Fan first triggered the trigger!


The powerful explosive power of the sand eagle directly explodes the head of Kongcha!

Ye Fan left-handed rifle, right-handed pistol, and even a crazy fire, the four around the cockroaches, all fell in a pool of blood!

Xu Lingshan just solved the person in front and found that she had already fallen ten or twenty behind her!

Ye Fan took the bullet of the empty bullet and quickly picked up two rifles. He carried a hand on his body and took one hand. He said, "Don't worry! Take the gun and bullet! Kill the whole gang! Otherwise we and the people in the camp will die!"

"The whole gang!?" Xu Lingshan was shocked: "Is it not rushing out??"

"It’s not enough to rush out. This place is not convenient to escape, and it will be chased to the camp, dragging others."

"But they are just combatants, there are more than 300 people!"

"What about it, haven't we already killed dozens of them? Kongcha is also dead!" Ye Fanxiao said with a smile: "Although I did not repair it, it did not affect my use of guns to kill people."

Xu Lingshan is hesitating, feeling that this is too crazy, but found that many people have heard the gunshots and ran, and immediately know that there is no time!

"You guy! I am really convinced!"

Xu Lingshan bit her silver teeth and picked up two guns.

"You are not good at me, so you go to the north to lure them to the passage, I go to the roof!" Ye Fan quickly issued the order, and then he ran into a building.

Xu Lingshan was angry for a while, what is "the gun is not good for him"! ?

They are all half-old, and they are all gone, so they are so despised! ? Too angry! !

The key is that she is a girl, she even called a girl to be a "bait"! ?

But she had no choice but to follow the command of Ye Fan, and after running a few shots, she ran to a passage.

The group did not think too much. When they saw a woman provoke them, they immediately rushed in.

At this time, Ye Fan was from the top of the house, and he was at the top of the house, and the rifle was fired!

"Spit and spit!!-"

Ye Fan’s position was very tricky. The gangs didn’t see where Ye Fan was at the first time, and they were shot down by a rifle!

Just as the rest of us looked for the direction of Ye Fan, Ye Fan changed the magazine again. From another angle, it was another shot behind them!

In less than twenty seconds, dozens of cockroaches all fell in the channel!

Ye Fan jumped upstairs and quickly picked up some magazines. Then, facing Xu Lingshan, who was hidden behind the building: "On the roof, there are 600 effective ranges for the M16. We directly ran those who ran over." kill!"

Xu Lingshan is also a well-trained soldier of the Dragon Soul, but some of them can't keep up with Ye Fan's combat rhythm. They can't think about it and can only follow the roof.

At this time, this drug gang was stationed in the ground, and it had become a pot of porridge, and people were running around.

Ye Fan was cold and calm, on the roof, one shot at a time, constantly solving the embarrassment of trying to avenge.

Not only that, but Ye Fan also shouted from time to time: "Confucius is dead! Dividing property!! Kongcha is dead..."

When I heard this news, many people who were attracted by the interests of the company also moved their minds and began to rob the estate in the camp and planned to run!

As a result, the people who ran to death were not much.

Xu Lingshan took a gun for a long time and found that no one had come over. This was a relief.

Looking back, I found that Ye Fan did not know which corpse from which he found a cigar and was cigaring there.

This guy, even have fun to find smoke! ?

Seeing Xu Lingshan's angry eyes looking at herself, Ye Fan grinned. "When the following is not chaotic, we drive a car and go back to the camp."

"Do you have to play this heartbeat!" Xu Lingshan complained.

Ye Fan is innocent and said: "The little scene is just, you listen to my command, nothing."

"You..." Xu Lingshan was stunned and couldn't speak. For Ye Fan, this is indeed a small scene, and I really didn't say anything wrong.

Not long after, the entire drug gang gang, killing each other and vying for property, made it messy.

A large number of workers, when they saw this situation, began to escape.

Ye Fan smoked a cigar leisurely, he was not interested in participating in this chaotic situation, but Xu Lingshan looked around from time to time, afraid of someone attacking.

As the scene gradually subsides, when the camps are getting fewer and fewer, they hear the air in the distance, and there is a helicopter propeller!


The helicopter quickly approached and jumped from above to a man and a woman.

The white man is handsome and handsome, dressed in aristocratic service, and wearing a sword at his waist.

The woman's black leather coat, draped in hair, smoky makeup, full of decadence.

Ye Fan saw these two people, his heart was stunned, and the secret was not good! I still missed one thing! !

"Black Ji, doing a good job, your soul is tracking magic, there is indeed a doorway... This time, going back, there are many rewards," the aristocratic man looked coldly at the building where Ye Fan was.

Black Jiface said with no expression: "It is my pleasure to serve the Prince Frederick..."

"Ha ha ha ha! Well said!"

Frederick pulled out the magic sword at the waist, and the silver-gray magical energy suddenly broke out, transforming a dozen-meter-long lightsaber!

I saw Frederick slamming, and the magic sword was like a silver death wave, directly killing dozens of people who didn't know what was going on!

"Lucifer!! Don't hide!! I am very angry, come to take your dog's life today!!" Frederick stepped, and looked gloomy toward Ye Fan's position.

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