My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1327: Curse


Like a black steel-like dragon scale, it is like a dragon-horned dragon claw with a metal sword, a dragon tooth with a sharp edge, and a huge dragon wing that is constantly approaching and covering the sky...

When the black dragon crossed the guardian array and landed outside the Temple of Heaven, all the wizards had already breathed and solidified!

And in these few seconds, the black dragon was blurred, as if it were an illusion, it became a figure!

A man wearing a platinum-colored, black gold dragon totem robes came out of the temple.

He wore a mage hood and a face was blocked in the shadows.

Clearly so close, there is a misty thing, so that everyone present can not see his appearance!

"See the king!"

The words of the prophet broke the silence in the hall.

Under the throne, all the members suddenly woke up and fell down on one knee.

The Doomsday King walked through the crowd and raised his hand slightly. "Get up..."

Looking at the figure that is not tall, passing through the crowd, but let each mage feel the pressure of a superior, can not look straight.

When the people waited for the king to sit on the throne, they sat down, until this time, they gradually calmed down their mood...

The prophet smiled and said: "Falun, your ‘Nedhog’s body,’ is already in full swing, and it’s really gratifying.”

Most of the other mages who were present were fascinated by the fact that the black dragon form of the Last Day Fawang was one of the only three cursed magics in the Tenjin Magic Training Society, Ned Hogg's body!

Magic also has a strong and weak level. The more powerful the magic, the harder it is to practice.

Time-space spells such as prophetic, time, space, etc., are the most typical and extremely difficult, and the talents, opportunities, and hardships required are extremely demanding.

However, time magic, space magic, is not invincible, magic is strong, but also by the wizard's magic to determine the strength and weakness.

It can only be said that in the case of the same repair, advanced magic will generally dominate.

However, there is one type of magic, the exception is!

That is, cursing magic!

Forbidden magic, as long as it is released, it will crush all the magic below the curse, no matter how much the gap is repaired, it is crushed!

To put it bluntly, the wizard who released the curse, even if it was too low, was just a magic apprentice. He released less than a second and directly consumed excessive death.

Then, at least the second of his release of the curse, any other mage will not be his opponent!

It can be said that this spell itself has been above all magicians. The curse has long surpassed the basic category of magic and is a suppression of a higher level of power.

However, the Master who learned to curse the magic has recorded the shackles since ancient times, and counts one hand.

Of course, what you can learn is not really a small magic apprentice. It must be a very advanced mage.

Moreover, the entire Tianshen Magic Training Association has only three cursed magics, one of which is Nieder Hog's body.

Legend Nidehog is the founder of the seminar. He met a ferocious black dragon. After being tamed by the founders, he fought against the ancestors of the Eastern clan and was finally killed on the battlefield.

However, the black dragon's body and dragon soul were not wasted. The body was used to cast this huge castle. Many positions of the castle have the body of the dragon, which supports the magic array.

The Dragon Soul is sealed up and handed over to the princes of the past.

Because Black Dragon contributed a lot to the seminar, the robe of the King of France is a black dragon totem.

Once you have learned the Nedhog method, you can integrate the dragon soul into the body and use the magic elements to condense into a black dragon form.

Although it is a bit worse than the real Nedhogby, after all, the dragon's physical fitness is extremely abnormal.

However, even a black dragon in a magical form is not as powerful as human beings can imagine.

The Masters present, apparently, apart from the prophets, did not know that the Doomsday King had been practicing Nedhog’s body.

The three major curses, each of which is extremely dangerous magic, if not fully grasped, the general king of the ages did not dare to try.

They are also the first to see the emergence of the curse, can not help but have a lot of thoughts inside, feeling very incomparable.

At the end of the day, the king of the king sank for a while, leaning against the handrail of the throne, and faintly said: "Nedhog is the body of the law, the king is only the basic mastery, can't talk about the fire..."

"Is it... but it is very easy to control, and it’s already very good," the prophet smiled.

The Masters in the House are not even more stunned. They are so horrible. Is it only preliminary?

The Doomsday King continued: "Today, the king summons you over, you should know... what is the reason."

The following Raytheon laughed and said: "Fa Wang, now the leaves are gone, you have become a Nedhog body, the ancient gods are not your opponent, we are the time to fight with the Xia Guo clan, win Has the Hongshi Stone Mine been?"

The last day, the king of law, chuckled, "Hungry Stone... Of course, our goal, to complete the mission that God has given us, is now the best opportunity.

The strength of the clan, in the past few hundred years, is all in the world, and now he has left the world, whether it is to go to other planes, or to leave the planet, in short, the clan must be empty.

Only... The clan has a large number of people. Even if the ancient gods were not our opponents, there are still a lot of other ancestors and scattered, and the strength is not weak.

What we want is a steady victory. If you miss the opportunity, the next time you don't know when to wait, so... you can't be too hasty. ”

"When the king of law makes sense, the more seemingly simple fighting, the less able to care about it," Oleg grinned. "According to intelligence, the clan of Xiaguo is now almost busy fighting each other, trying to incite the dragon. The status of the clan... We can wait for them to spend a while, and then it is not too late."

Wang Wangxiao smiled and said: "I see ... not as good as we want to find a way to give them some fire, to cause a civil war, when the ancestors die ten or twenty, they don't have to talk to us at all. Fighting."

Several of the people in the temple who like to talk, have chatted.

When the Doomsday King heard them say for a while, he said, "The Prophet... What did you see?"

The voice of the King of Fa, although not big, has instantly overshadowed everyone.

Everyone looked at the prophets, and the old man was blind, as if he had revealed the mysterious brilliance of the silk.

"Since Ye Wuyao left, I have already used the prophecy to calculate no less than one hundred... In this battle, our last kingship will gain absolute dominance, but... there are two odd numbers that have been affecting the final battle. ......"

"Oh?" Although the face of the Doomsday King was awkward, everyone felt that his eyes looked at the death of Nie Wuyue. "The prophet said... One of the different numbers is Lucifer, Ye Fan... ”

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