My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1328: parents


"Exactly," the prophet nodded. "Another odd number is Sally's side of Lucifer. Sally's mother comes from an alien face.

The abyss witch is a life that should not exist in this world. Therefore, her blood, I can not use the prophecy of this world to calculate.

But for now, the most important thing is Ye Fan. I don't know why, some kind of power that transcends this plane has changed his life.

And the existence of Ye Fan, his attitude is the key to whether we can win the battle in the end of the kingship..."

The Masters were silent, and their eyes looked thoughtfully at Nie Wuyue.

Nie Wuyue is sitting on a needle felt, although she is still not very clear about what Ye Sai has done in the past few months, but she knows that Ye Fan has now become the "uncertain factor" in the eyes of Doomsday, in a sense Said, this is "obstruction"!

"Death... You are the daughter of my adoption, I believe that you are loyal to me, this time your son's business, I want to hear your opinion?" Doomsday.

Nie Wuyue stood up and stood up on one knee. He said: "Fa Wang, Ye Fan was abandoned by Ye, and grew up overseas. He did not like the clan. He did not reason to sell his life for the clan.

Please give me some time, give me a chance, let me go with him to untie the knot of the year, I believe he will not be against you! ”

"Oh... do you have confidence?" asked the Last King.

"Yes!" Nie Wuyue smashed the tunnel.

One of the last days of the King of the Kings gently tapped a few times on the armrest of the seat, saying: "That's good... I will give your mother and child a chance, if I want to launch a general attack, if he is still an 'extra number'...

Then... even if there is a risk of touching the odds, I have only erased this difference from the world..."

Nie Wuyue’s body trembled, swallowed his throat, and bowed his head: “Xie Fawang Kai En...”


Kunlun, Yeh.

Located in an independent courtyard, Ye Longyuan sat cross-legged on a futon, leaning against a large tree, leaning against the black knives.

The footsteps were introduced, and Ye Longteng’s figure appeared in the courtyard.

"Brother, how do you still have a leisure time to meditate here?! Big things!!" Ye Longteng is the color.

Ye Longyuan slowly opened his eyes. "Is the other clan coming to the door, or is the last day the king has a movement?"

"Nothing! The Phoenix girl of the Phoenix clan was born! And it is on the purgatory island of Ye Fan! It is a little girl named Du Yuner!

Damn...I didn’t mention Xiao Xiner before, I didn’t notice the special thing about the girl...” Ye Longteng annoyed.

"A hundred years of phoenix birds, a thousand years of phoenix..." Ye Longyuan chuckled a little. "It seems that the Phoenix clan really has to be unstoppable..."

"Big brother, how do you still laugh? We report in the inside of the Phoenix clan, their ancestors Xiaorou has already ordered the death to bring the phoenix back to the clan.

Moreover, they also found Du Yun's birth mother, and forced the people in the family who hated their mother and daughter in the same year to suppress it!

Nowadays, in order to welcome the Phoenix girl, they have already planned to send people to Purgatory Island and explain these things with Du Yuner... When the child misses his mother, Ye Fan will certainly not stop.

Once the Phoenix girl appears at the same time, the Phoenix clan will inevitably open the mysterious sect of the phoenix tree. If the phoenix female phoenix is ​​coming out of the secret, then...what are we vying with? ”

After listening to Ye Longyuan, he said faintly: "How about that, it is difficult, can you stop them from welcoming the Phoenix girl? Or blocking them from opening the secret?"

"Big brother, what are you saying? Although the soldiers will block the water to cover the soil, but we must also be prepared!" Ye Longteng said: "I have already said goodbye to Ji Yutang, and I will rush to a purgatory as soon as possible. island.

We must do a good job with Ye Fan. Even if he refuses to come back in a short time, he must let him know that he is a member of our Shenlong family, the heir of our Yeh! !

Want to stop the threat of other clans to us, the biggest reliance we have now is the big brother, your eldest son! ! ”

Ye Longyuan frowned and his face sank. "As long as I am at Ye Family, I will not let the boy come back!"

"You..." Ye Long was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood. He couldn't help but anger: "Brother! What the magic barrier is you?"

You still don't understand the situation of our Yeh! ? Don't talk about other clan, even Ji's completely sees us as waste! !

We can still have this place to stay now, not because of you and my two brothers, nor because of Chunhua's ancestors, but because... because of the sails in the Purgatory Island! !

They are worried, afraid that Ye Fan will come with us, and finally get rid of Ye Fan, only to give us a few thin faces... Do you really think that they are afraid that their father will come back?

Father is gone! Go away forever! Abandoning our two waste sons here, he has long been absent from this world! ! ”

Ye Longteng screamed exhaustedly, with a hint of crystal in his eyes, a hint of helplessness and bitterness.

Although the Valkyrie is a high-ranking presence, their brothers knew from an early age that their fathers could not be like ordinary fathers. They talked to them and often accompanied them.

However, I did not expect that Wushen would leave so suddenly, not even say goodbye to them...

This feeling of being abandoned by his father, even if it is the 40-year-old Ye Longteng, will be sour and sour...

Ye Longyuan got up and looked at the brother's shoulder in a complicated complexion. His eyes were mild. "Nothing, brother... Yeh, no father, no easy fall."

"Ha..." Ye Longteng laughed and asked: "Why don't you fall? Rely on me? Or rely on your big brother? We don't even get out of the dust world, what can we do today?"

Ye Longyuan said awkwardly: "The second child, you are too much to look down on our leaf family, we Ye, not everyone can trample on it."

Ye Longteng angered and laughed. "Big brother, I really can't stand you... Ye Longyuan, who was born in the past, is amazing, but it is better than Ji Hantian."

But since you have been entangled with that woman, how can you fall to the point where it is now? !

Even if your cultivation is stagnation for so many years, there is no progress, I also recognize, after all, cultivation has a chance to see...

But how do you think your brain is so stupid! ? When are you going to be naive? ?

Is it because Ye Fan was born to the woman, and you can ignore the glory of the entire Shenlong for your poor self-respect! ? ”

A question like a cannon, like a flood, vented.

After saying that, Ye Longteng realized that he was out of his way and was too disrespectful to his elder brother. He was sorry: "Sir... I am sorry, the pressure is too great recently... I... I respect you very much..."

Ye Longyuan was not angry, but looked at his only younger brother. He smiled and smiled. It seemed to be helpless and somewhat emotional.

"It seems... let me work hard... I can't change, my father's game..."

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