My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1374: I admire you


"Oh..." Xiaorou seemed to think of something unhappy, and he whispered. "I don't know this. The man didn't tell me...

Maybe it may or may not be, because I have not yet cultivated to the congenital Taiji, I don’t know what it is like on that."

"That man?" Xiao Wanlou said: "Xiaorou's ancestors, is this the innate five-dollar statement, or someone else telling you? Who is it? Which one of us is the ancestor?"

Xiaorou gave him a look. "It’s not! It’s Ye Wuya, he told me..."

When the words came out, the audience was once again quiet.

It turned out that Wu Shen said! ?

Xiaorou sighed, and there was a bit of a complicated tunnel in his eyes: "Maybe... there are other wider worlds. After all, the big liar, he is no longer in this world..."

"You mean, Ye Wuyao broke through the realm of congenital Taiji and entered the world of higher level?" Xiao Wanlou was surprised.

Xiaorou shook his head. "I don't know, I haven't seen it before, maybe he's still in a corner, but we just can't detect him."

Xiao Xiner wondered, "Once, why do you always say that Wu Shen is a big liar?"

Xiaorou listened, and when he was on the beat, he uttered three words: "Don't want to say."

Everyone listened, and they all looked strange, and there were some guesses in their hearts. It can be seen that Xiaorou seems to be unhappy, and no one dares to talk.

"Cough... Well, let's go back to the seat. Today, Xiaorou's ancestors explained the way of cultivation. We all go back and learn."

Today, we mainly let Yuner recognize the ancestors and return to the ancestors, and she will reunite with her mother. I have to forget this business." Xiao Wanzhong said at this time.

Everyone returned to the seat, Xiaorou also took the phone, ran back to the phoenix chair, and continued to play.

Du Yuner took a deep breath and tightened his hands nervously.

"Xiao Huang, let the mother of Yuner, come out," Xiao Wanlou smiled.

The contemporary owner, also the grandfather of Xiao Xiner and Du Yuner, Xiao Huang, got up from the seat.

He walked solemnly outside the hall, and after a while, took a woman and walked slowly into the temple.

A group of people of the Phoenix clan, when they saw the money coming, the bhikkhuni, who was so elegant and bleak, couldn’t help but feel a bit worried, turned out to be a monk?

"Miao Yun Master!?" Xiao Xiner is a pretty face, his eyes are full of incredible looks.

Xiao Fengshan looked at Miaoyun. First, there were some doubts. He could follow closely. His eyes glanced and his hands clenched.

On the other side, Xiaofeng, who is in the seven veins, saw Miaoyun, but suddenly realized what he was, Huo Ran got up, his face gloomy and pointed: "It turned out to be you!? No wonder I saw you have actually……"

"Feng 岐! Sit down!! It is not possible for you to speak!" The seven uncle Xiao Xiao immediately reprimanded.

Xiao Feng’s eyes were red, biting his teeth, but he still had to sit down.

Miao Yun Master did not care about the eyes of others at this time, she just stared at the middle of the hall, the tall girl in a red dress, tall and tall.

Although Master Miao Yun looked calm and had a faint smile on her face, she glared at the bead's hand, but shivered softly, and the beads fiddled faster and faster.

When Du Yuner saw this female Nie, she did not react at all, but when she saw the pair and her eyes as if they were carved out, the moment of the heart beats unexpectedly!

It’s impossible to speak to the flesh and blood, the feeling of blood and family.

"Yue, this is your mother, Master Miaoyun of Lingyun Temple in Beijing. Before she was born, she was named Du Fu. You are the surname of your mother. Your name is also her."

Xiao Huang shouted aside: "When she kept you in order to keep you, she was separated from you. It was our Xiao family. We couldn’t help your mother and daughter, let you separate for too long..."

Du Fu’s eyes stared at Du Yun’s face without a trace, as if he wanted to imprint his daughter’s look into his heart.

"Children... Mom is useless. It was difficult to protect myself. I can only hide and hide... Do you hate me?"

Du Yuner had no idea what to say. An impulse from instinct made her go straight up and hugged Du Fu.

"Mom..." Du Yuner cried so much that she didn't know how many dreams she dreamed. If her mother is still in the world, what will happen to her mother and daughter, will she be embarrassed and afraid?

However, when she saw Du Fu, she found that it was as if the two had never been separated. She could naturally call this "mother."

This is a woman who can't hate and can't hate. Du Yuner thinks that this is what her dream mother looks like. Now, she really appears.

Du Fu heard this "mother", tears could not stop, hugged her daughter, and smiled happily. "Hey...Your, my mother is here, my mother always wanted to see you, and finally waited until this day... ..."

Many people at the scene expressed their feelings. The pictures of this mother and daughter members are warm and heart-warming.

There are also some people who look awkward, but now, nothing is more important than leaving the Phoenix to stay in the family.

Du Fu is the key to let Du Yun's mind settle. They must be cautious about this woman who should have been executed.

"Father...what is going on in the end," Xiao Fengshan asked in a low voice.

Xiao Huang sighed and said: "You mean Miao Yun Master's face... It was arranged by me. I had surgery for her and changed her appearance."

"Then why are you... Sending Xiner to Lingyun Temple, are you deliberate, let Xiner worship under her door?"

Xiao Fengshan looked at Xiao Xiner, who was already crying, and said: "Do you know that this hurts people?? You think this way, Xiner will not hate her, will gladly accept their mother and daughter?! You are cheating. she was!!"

Xiao Huang said: "You only said that half of the right, Xin children from a small personality is solitary and stubborn, temper.

And her mother is gone, no one can communicate with her and be the mentor of her life.

We men, talking to a little girl, have difficulty accessing the thoughts in her heart.

You also know that when Master Miao Yun was a special agent in Dragon Soul, she possessed the skills, her intelligence, and her psychological knowledge, which are the top of the Dragon Soul and are also very needed by Xin Er.

What is even more commendable is that she did not pass on the hatred of you to Xiner. It is indeed true. She really helps Xinshi and regards Xiner as the general teaching of her biological daughter.

That's right... I hope that one day, when the truth is clear, Xiner can not hate Miao Yun Master and mother and daughter, but... Xiner can have today, isn't it the Miaoyun Master, the result of careful guidance? ”

Xiao Fengshan's face was solidified and he couldn't speak.

"Hey, hey, hehe..." Xiao Fengqi oppositely applauded and applauded. "Homeowner, you are really strategizing, you can think really well... I admire and admire!"

My sister who was sick and alive and dead, if she knows below, her daughter has been under Du Fu, she is a disciple, and I don’t know if I would thank you for your father..."

Xiao Huang said with apologetic: "Feng Yu, I know that your seven veins will definitely hate my decision. But... I am a family owner and have my consideration.

When the ancestors were absent, if they were present, they would inevitably choose to keep Yuner. Although things are not glorious, the children are innocent, and she is also a child who may awaken the blood of the Phoenix girl..."

"Grandpa!" Xiao Xiner cried at this moment: "How can you do this to me!? I have been with her mother for the most hated people for more than ten years! How can you be so cruel!?"

Du Fu wiped his tears at this moment, softly said: "Xin Er, you listen to me explain..."

"I don't listen! I don't listen! You are a sinister woman, and I have been playing in front of me for so many years!"

Seeing that I respect you as a teacher, are you very proud of your heart and feel that my mother is ridiculous! ? I... I don't want to see you again! ! ”

Said, Xiao Xiner has wiped her tears and ran out of the Jiuyi Temple.


Du Yuner shouted, she knew that after the ins and outs, she also understood the bitterness of Xiao Xiner, and was anxious to chase, but was dragged by Huang Yueshan.

"Don't chase, let Xiner calm and calm," Huang Yueshan smiled. "Your children, we have more important things to tell you."

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