My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1375: Forbidden land


"More... important thing?" Du Yuner turned back and asked in a desperate way: "What is it?"

Huang Yueshan smiled and took Du Yun's hand and let her walk to the side of the seat. It was the location of the nine veins, next to Xiao Huang and Xiao Fengshan.

"Come, you sit down first, you are the mother of Yun, you can sit down," Huang Yueshan said.

"Xie Laozu", Du Fu hesitated, still sat down.

Xiao Fengshan's gaze next to him looked at Du Fu in a complicated way, but there was no words.

"Xiaorou ancestors, you see it for you... or..." Huang Yueshan asked for Xiaorou above.

Xiaorou played with music and was throwing his hand and said: "You can say it, just say it clearly."

Huang Yueshan smiled helplessly, and this turned around: "Many of you here may have already understood. Since the departure of Wushen, Shenlong is now the weakest time since ancient times.

Since ancient times, the reason why Kunlun Dragon Pulse is occupied by Shenlong is only because of its strength.

As for the strength, the current Shenlong clan is not the opponent of our Phoenix clan.

Since Shenlong has nothing to do with it, it is naturally not qualified to occupy the most favorable place for cultivation and prosperity, because they can no longer afford to protect the dragon's greatest responsibility.

Of course, our clan on the land of China is, after all, the same root. Since ancient times, they have fought side by side to defend against foreign enemies.

In ancient times, there were ancestors who fought against the mysterious and innocent people. Our descendants, naturally, could not chill the hearts of the ancestors.

Today, the doomsday power of the West is still our hidden danger. If we fight for the possession around the dragon's pulse and kill each other, it is very likely that we will be enemies. ”

Speaking of this, Huang Yueshan paused and said: "So, in order to be able to determine the Kunlun Longmai new guardian clan without damaging how many of them, our ancestors decided to go along with other major clans." Clan Assembly'!!

Upon hearing this, the following members of the hundreds of Phoenix clan cores are quite surprised and excited.

"Yueshan ancestors, are you talking about the clan assembly like a hundred years ago," asked an elder.

Huang Yueshan wondered: "Have a clan conference held a hundred years ago?"

Xiao Huang explained: "The last clan conference was held because more than a hundred years ago, other countries invaded our Xiaguo border.

Our major clans discussed whether to send people to intervene in secular wars, and ultimately because they considered that the dynasty at that time was already rotten and did not send people to intervene.

But that time, because it was only a secular thing, I didn’t alarm the ancestors..."

Huang Yueshan nodded. "It turned out to be like this... It is indeed a clan assembly. However, the dynasty changed, the world was in chaos. It has been like this since ancient times. Our clan has experienced so much, and there is no need to participate.

This time, the conference is related to the development of our major clan and the safety of the dragon, so our ancestors will naturally participate.

Anyone who wants to replace the dragon of the dragon can take the initiative to stand up at the conference and speak with integrity. ”

"Haha, to say strength, our Phoenix clan now only needs to avoid a white tiger clan at most.

Other clans are not qualified to fight with us at all. What's more, there are Xiaorou ancestors, who can resist in the world? ”

An elder smiled confidently, and many people also joined in and felt that the winner was in the grip.

Xiao Wanlou said at this time: "You guys, don't want to look down on the heroes of the world. The clan of the big clan is deep, and most of them can't escape the world.

Not to mention anything else, when the ancient gods were established, many people thought that only four clan members would be selected, but what could be the result?

Ye Wuya from Bai Zeshi, Yu Shi, Xuan Bee, found Wei Bufan, Lei Chong and Qingyin three masters, but also from the secular sects, found the Xiaoxiang swordsman and the non-verb monk!

Among the twelve members, the masters of non-four major clans account for nearly half! What is the reason for this? Don't you understand? !

The blood of the four clan is strong even though the foundation is the deepest. The only thing that can be cultivated depends on itself, not on your origin! ”

A group of the following generations listened, suddenly convergence smile, nodded in the right color, listening to the teachings.

Huang Yueshan smiled and said: "There is one more thing, you guys, you may be wrong...

The clan assembly, although the strong is respected, it is not all of us who rely on us to fight.

After all, we will have an old day, the continuation of the clan, relying on the younger generation, so ... who can occupy the favorable position of the dragon, but also who is young, more talented.

Otherwise, Xiaorou's ancestors will no longer be the best in the world, but only on behalf of her, forcing the ancestors to occupy the dragon's place, not enough to let other clan convinced, and will also provoke various kinds of incidents.

After all, the reason why Shenlong has been in Kunlun is because since ancient times, their masters have emerged in an endless stream of talents. It is not just one or two ancestors who support the facade until the endless period of Ye’s time...

Everyone can't help but nod. Indeed, if the ancestors of hundreds of years are so powerful, they will occupy the land of cultivation, which is unfair to young people.

Each clan is not one or two people, from a few hundred to more than 10,000, especially the four clan, and the light of the main family is thousands.

Among them, there are more than a dozen ancestors, up to twenty or thirty, and not all of them are very strong.

The real main force, or the younger generation, is the future of the clan.

It cannot be because of the strength of several ancestors, it represents the strength of the entire clan, which will only result in a shortage of clan talents, and no one else.

Considering the long-term development of the clan, it is really impossible to take the dragon pulse because of the strength of one or two ancestors. It is certainly difficult to convince the public.

"Although the specific clan assembly charter, we have not yet finalized with other clan, but in addition to our group of elderly people, the younger generation must be in the assembly, to compete..."

At this time, Huang Yueshan looked at Du Yuner with a smile. He said: "We are still very confident about the young people in our own family. Now, the children are returning, the younger generation, the Phoenix Qiming.

Xiaorou’s ancestors have decided to wait until the date of the clan assembly is finalized, and then open the ‘indus secret place’ in the forbidden land as soon as possible! ”

When the words came out, the whole audience was amazed, and a group of people were all excited.

"Is it really necessary to open the phoenix secret?"

"Scorpio... It didn't open for thousands of years! It's too much to look forward to..."

"I don't know if it is recorded in the classics, but unfortunately we can't get in..."

Du Yun's face looked blank and saw the burning eyes of those people watching her. He couldn't help but ask: "Why... what is the indus secret?"

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