When Liao Elder heard it, he said: "Where is the violation?"

"This Tianchi sword is about the sword. He used his feet and his hands in these two games. He didn't even talk about the sword!" Qi Bin shouted.

Not waiting for what Liao Elder said, Ye Fan laughed and said: "Waste is waste, even this stupid remark can be said?

This young master is dealing with you, and you don’t need to use it at all.

Besides, the elder Liao has already said the rules. In which rule, he said that he is not allowed to beat his opponent with his fists? ”

Liao Elder nodded, "The protest is invalid, the victory of the cold star, no problem."

When Qi Bin was on the face, he was red and red, and his eyes were red with his leaves.

Ye Fan is lazy and cares a lot. If it is not necessary, he will not use a sword.

The reason why he solved the battle in this way is also well thought out.

In the ancient fairy world, he may encounter danger at any time and hide his true strength in order to better protect himself.

Even if he does not disintegrate, the body that has been tempered, the ancient tactics of returning to the original, the incomparable combat experience, and the ancient swordsmanship, can already be abused.

Even if it is cultivated by the ground, Ye Fan can only use the skill to win if he avoids the opponent's attack and does not give the opponent a chance to fight back.

It is nothing more than the true element of the monks of the earth, the power is stronger, and it is easier to be hurt by their true elements without disintegration.

To put it bluntly, in the eyes of Ye Fan, although this group of people has strong enough weapons, they have no skills to use.

He is like a warrior with a hundred wars, holding a gun and facing a group of new recruits who have no practical experience.

Although the weapons used by everyone are as strong, Ye Fan can use the speed, skill, and other methods to hit each other. The other side has the same weapon, but how can it not hurt Ye Fan.

Therefore, at this time, Ye Fan, although it is completely possible to solve these forty disciples in an instant, he can't do that.

Because once it is too strong, it is easy to attract the head and the elders, and even the suspicions of the ancestors.

Ye Fan still wants to control it within a slightly reasonable range. As long as he can win, he will almost get it.

After Song Quyang, who was in a coma, was lifted away, Qi Bin, who had long been unable to hold back, finally flew up to the ring.

"Waste, just now Song Shidi is a big idea, this time you can't think of using the vulgar and despicable means to win!"

Qi Bin said, directly transporting the real yuan, and waving a few swords to Ye Fan!

"Tunying Jianqi!"

The black and blue swords of the road are chilly with the silky bones. Once they are touched, they will chill into the body, causing the body to be stiff and unable to move!

With the insights from the previous car, Qi Bin also knows that Ye Fan's movement speed is fast, so he not only protects his body, but also attacks on a large scale, so that Ye Fan has the opportunity to approach him!

The district is built with nine weights, as long as it is hit by a sword, it will not be able to eat!

For a time, the platform was full of coldness, and the ice blue sword was scattered, so it was dazzling!

Ye Fan continued to dodge in the ring, avoiding the sword of this road, even if he disintegrated, such a powerful sword, can not just use the body to pick up, not to mention that he did not disintegrate.

Fortunately, this Qibin did not comprehend the sword, so the pattern is not too complicated, and the power is limited to his cultivation.

Everyone saw Ye Fan failed to solve the battle quickly, and “tired and rushed to hide” and thought that Qi Bin had taken the upper hand and finally felt that everything was normal!

"I don't want to be a brother! I will take this waste out of breath when I go up!"

"Haha, this time, how can he swindle, just now the two brothers are careless!"

"This is his real strength, the original shape is revealed!"

"But don't you say that he can hide really fast, haha, I am afraid that I have been practicing for so many years, how can I escape? Haha..."

On the other side of the Tianchi, the head and the elders also squinted and wondered if they had watched this cold star.

The cold jade couple was tense again, and they could not bear to look at it, for fear that his son was suddenly injured.

Nian Rujiao stared at the skirt and stared intently, but the chill on the stage was more and more, and Ye Fan moved fast, she was almost invisible.

"Waste! Can you just hold your head like this!! Haha! You are like this, just move your hands and feet!!" Qi Bin proudly laughed.

At this time, Ye Fan found that he could not find a good angle to approach. It seems that such a state cannot be won, and it is necessary to upgrade the combat power.

"This young master just wants to see, you are so loud, there are a few pounds in the end, now it seems... you are like this..."

Ye Fan said with a sigh of relief, the iron bamboo sword in his hand waved, and there was a cold light flowing around it.

The method he used at this time was the cold light of the cold door. At the same time, he quietly condensed the power of the heavens and the earth and raised the power of the sword to the realm of Didan.

To deal with this kind of opponent, Ye Fan does not need to make the imperial class's unparalleled swordsmanship, and the emperor-level swordsmanship, I am afraid that if used, it will cause a great uproar.

Therefore, he only needs ordinary swords.

It’s a pity that his internal training is not yet in the land, otherwise it can be released directly. You don’t need to borrow the power of heaven and earth to pretend to be true.

This is exactly the same as the style of fighting that Ye Fan used before he did not understand the unparalleled sword.

Ye Fan’s goal is not to use the repair to overwhelm the opponent. He only needs to have a sword-like sword, which can offset the swordsmanship of the other party, which is enough!

"Oh? You finally have to use the sword? You have done this, use a sword, is there a difference?"

Qi Bin smiled sarcastically, and once again waved a few turbid swords to Ye Fan, like a dozen ice thorns, blocking the puncture from different angles of Ye Fan!

Ye Fan did not dodge again this time, according to a "small cold sword method" in the memory of the cold door, into his own ancient swordsmanship, strolling in general and toward these ice thorns, swinging the sword!


Three sounds are crisp, and the three swords that are on the way are blocked by Ye Fan!

Qi Bin and all the people watching the battle are all eyes closed. Everyone in the cold light door recognizes the swordsmanship of Ye Fan, but the problem is... This is really weird!

"That... that is the Xiaohan sword method? The introduction of the disciples... the lowest level sword method?!"

"It’s a small sword, but... but it seems a bit different, can’t say it...”

"But he built the foundation nine, how can his sword gas block the sword of Qi Bin brother!?"

The disciples were all stunned and could not understand what happened.

They naturally can't think of the introduction of swordsmanship in their eyes. In fact, in Ye Fan's view, it is the core sword of the real cold door.

The Xiaohan sword method is the closest to the swordsmanship source, which is the sword sword that is most similar to the ancient swordsmanship. This kind of swordsmanship is definitely a trick that hundreds of thousands of years ago, when the ancestors fought with the wild beasts and struggled with the heavens.

Although it seems to be rough, but it is back to the truth, so Ye Fan slightly integrated into the details of the ancient swordsmanship, it turned the Xiaohan sword method into an almost flawless sword.

Of course, these kendos are repaired as low-minded people in the cold light. It is impossible to see the swordsmanship of Ye Fan.

Even the heads of the Hanhui and the elders, etc., are all gathered together, carefully observed, did not understand what is going on.

These people, almost all forget the Xiaohan swordsmanship, this is the sword method they have practiced in childhood, who will thousands of years, tens of thousands of years still go to recall and practice this introductory sword?

Qi Bin also smashed the gods at this moment, and waited for the reaction, and found that Ye Fan has been getting closer for a long distance, and it is close at hand!

"not good!"

Qi Bin quickly transported the body of the real body, and at the same time pulled out the iron bamboo sword in his hand, the bamboo sword suddenly brought a sharp blue light!

"Cold light swordsmanship! Go!"

Ye Fan's face is expressionless, and sure enough, the ancient fairy spirits, the combat experience is too bad.

If it is a swordsman on the surface, at this time, the enemy will only have less than ten meters left. It will definitely hold the sword and ensure that the sword is in the hand at the moment. The defense and offense are guaranteed in the first time.

However, this Qibin, even chose to use Yu Jianshu, to try to force him back?

Ye Fan directly shadows a shift, first slow, then seeing the sword in front of him, is a quick change!

Qi Bin controlled Feijian, thinking that he would stab Ye Fan, but found that the speed of Ye Fan suddenly changed, so that he could not catch up!

Ye Fan is just as easy to play as the children.

Qi Bin looked at Ye Fan, and under the Emperor, he did not control the flying sword. While retreating, he shot the sword with his sword pointing at Ye Fan!

However, the power of this sword, Ye Fan refused to ignore the roots, Xiao Han Jianfa waved two swords, and after another rush, a sword has pierced the other's true yuan shield, the sword to the Qibin's throat At!

Qi Bin’s face was blue and green, panicked, his eyes wide open, unbelievable, and he looked at Ye Fan with great enthusiasm.

"How come...this...how is this possible..."

Ye Fan snorted, "Don't admit defeat? Waste? Just your strength, but also let the young master borrow your Hongyao stone to buy Feijian?"

Qi Bin’s face was red and white, completely angry and angry, roaring and turning, and going to fight Ye Fan’s fist!

Ye Fan was lightning-fast, and he squatted directly at the life of Qi Bin! !


Qi Bin’s eyes turned white and fell to the ground, and the pain was screaming there, and the tears flowed out.

Ye Fan shivered and turned, Zhu Jian knocked on his shoulder and shouted again: "Go away, next!"

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