My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1532: Carving insects


Everyone on the edge of the Tianchi can only watch and see Qi Bin, who has not stood up, and is taken off by two disciples.

Qi Bin had a tear in his face, and he was ashamed to die. He screamed at his waste. As a result, he was beaten by the waste in his mouth. He couldn’t lift his head in the door.

This time, the disciples outside the stadium have realized that this waste is not a big deal, it is definitely not by luck!

Although I don't understand why he used the Xiaohan sword method, he didn't understand how he made the body so strong, but everyone did not dare to smash the cold stars!

"Oh... this kid, have you been hiding power before?" As the father's Lengyu, this time after the surprise, has begun to ponder.

Mo Xinzhi’s face shines brightly and said: “I know that our family’s stars are geniuses. How can we say that we will fall and fall, and he must be secretly practicing in the back!”

"The younger brother's swordsmanship is so strange that it is a sword of our cold door, but it seems to be somewhat unusual." Condensed wind eyes are complicated and authentic.

"What are you doing with the tube? Stars were the first day of our cold door. He himself understood some brilliant swordsmanship. Isn't it normal?" Mo Xinzhi said proudly.

At that time, Nian Rujiao stared at her love lang, and her gratification and love in her eyes were already in words.

Waiting for more than a hundred years, I have been dreaming that one day, my beloved man can stand up again.

Unexpectedly, when this moment came, the surprise that the man gave her was far beyond her imagination!

At this time, Ye Fan on the stage was a little upset. Did he find that this group of disciples did not come up?

"Hey! Next! Who is next!"

Ye Fan is in a hurry, there are still many people, so slow, not delaying him to take two thousand stones?

Law enforcement Liao elders are also somewhat dissatisfied, said: "The next one on the sword, which disciple? Come up quickly!"

A group of disciples who signed up for the sword, this time the head is big, look at me, I look at you, no one dares to scream.

Even Qi Bin, who is in the realm of Dan, has lost. Most of them are talented. The outside gates are built with nine weights. Isn’t this the same as sending up the rocks?

The key point is that Ye Fan’s winning method is too easy, no effort at all, no exhaustion at all.

When I think of going up, I will lose two thousand stones. Those who have borrowed stones everywhere and made two thousand stone disciples have already repented!

If Tianchi can get back to the floodstone after the sword is repented, they will turn away now!

Han Yuntao noticed the regrets and uneasiness of these disciples around him, and looked at the relaxed sails on the stage. His face was a little dignified.

"A group of weak and incompetent things, but it is opportunistic, using a little basic swordsmanship, playing a slap in the face, and scaring you into this?"

Han Gang snorted and jumped directly to the platform. He said: "Cold star, just now Qi Bin is just a big idea. You mean this mean guy, hide the real repair, now I will let you see, the figure is the real sword. repair!"

Ye Fan was too lazy to talk, hooked his fingers and gestured to Han Han to hurry.

Han Gang was despised by this kind of anger, and it was even more annoyed. He immediately took the real power, and the iron bamboo sword in his hand condensed a deep blue sword!

Ye Fan blinked, this guy's sword meaning should be the lowest level of human-level sword, but as long as it is sword, it will be more difficult to deal with than the general sword.

It is not just the difference in power, its changing characteristics, but also the characteristics of the sword to repair itself.

“Waste, in front of my ‘Icefall Sword’, your point of worming will be meaningless!”

Han Gang smirked, and the iron bamboo sword in his hand waved, and the sky actually condensed a lot of blue and white swords!

Immediately, the cold sword fell, the blue-and-white ice cold sword, it is like a waterfall, the impact down!


At the foot of Ye Fan, he quickly moved and flashed. The waterfall formed by the sword, after scouring to the ground, spread out and stirred up the ripples of the sword!

It is no wonder that this guy's sword is called "Icefall". It is really a waterfall, the power and coverage are very large, and by the characteristics of the waterfall's high and low drop, the sword is given the impact!

Although it is only a human-level sword, it can't be underestimated!

Ye Fan's foot is under the practice, and the body quickly moves closer to the cold. Just the sword that falls from the sky, if he approaches, he can't hurt him.

But at this moment, Han Gang grinned and said: "Innocent!"

The voice did not fall, and Han Gang waved a sword toward Ye Fan horizontally!


An ice waterfall appeared in a horizontal direction, facing the direction of Ye Fan, directly impacting the past!

Like a huge wave, appearing out of thin air, to swallow the leaf sail!

Obviously, this is a huge ice waterfall that is flat and flat, but it falls with the vertical, and it accelerates with the impact! !

Ye Fan’s head was so excited that he suddenly woke up! I still sneaked at his sword!

This guy's icefall sword is not simply falling from the top down. Through the sword, he can simulate the sword shape of the waterfall from any angle!

In other words, from which angle to release the sword, you can perfectly show the acceleration and impact of the waterfall!

Ye Fan’s face-to-face was hit by this blue-and-white sword!

In the blink of an eye, Ye Fan’s figure has fallen into the shadow of this ice waterfall...

The group of disciples who saw this scene were exclaimed and overjoyed!

This time, this abominable cold family is finally finished! The next sword will not have to continue!

Hanhui's head and a group of elders, frowning and regretting, it seems that the cold star is really just a win-win situation, encountering a strong hard-powered cold, there is no way.

However, they have already looked at the cold stars.



Mo Xinzhi and Nian Rujiao saw that Ye Fan was to be engulfed by the sword. He was already scared and exclaimed. This trick is to eat, and it will not hurt if you die!

Obviously, from the point of view of the strength of the sword, the cold is the venting of the squatting, the meaning of confiscation!

A thousand miles!

Just when everyone thought that Ye Fan had to be defeated, a iron bamboo sword, like a golden mans, was pierced by this ice waterfall, and it was in the throat of the cold!

The ice falls are scattered and the cold is long.

On the platform, Ye Fan’s clothes were stuck with a lot of ice crystals, some of them were broken, but he stood proudly and was not injured at all!

"Hey!!-" There was an exclamation from the side of the Tianchi.

Han Hui’s head and the elders also stretched their necks and couldn’t believe what they saw.

Nian Rujiao looked at the man who stood on the stage like a **** of war, with red lips, and the eyes of joy were full of intoxication.

" is this possible??"

On the stage, Han Gang was stunned and stunned. The hand holding the sword was already shaking!

Ye Fan looked at him blankly, and his heart was also awkward. Fortunately, just a moment ago, through the cover of the sword, he entered a state of disintegration.

Once disintegrated, Ye Fan’s physical fitness surged and improved in all directions, which finally blocked the human-level swordsmanship in the realm of Dan.

However, this is the case, Ye Fan is also a little body bruise, just because of the disintegration relationship, the recovery is very fast, no one noticed.

Nowadays, a disintegration has not changed the body shape, and there are illusions to help cover up the atmosphere. It is convenient for Ye Fan to secretly improve his strength.

"In the end, who is the small insects, who is the waste?" Ye Fan asked slyly.

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