My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1545: How is this still playing?


After all, Ye Fan has already dealt with several people in the Eastern Emperor. It is not difficult to find out that this person used the Emperor Huangzong’s "East Emperor Taiyi Jing".

However, the trick that the goalkeeper absorbed and released his sword made Ye Fan think of the "shifting flowers and woods" used by the Black Emperor when he fought with him.

However, relatively speaking, the black-and-white used by the Black Emperor is simpler and more rude than the man's spells. It is not so delicate and has a wider coverage.

It is quite possible that the movement of the surface world is a simplified version of this spell.

The black man whispered: "Is it still found... but it doesn't matter, you have no chance to say it anyway..."

Ye Fan frowned. "What are you doing to kill me?"

Ye Fan is very strange. It is reasonable to say that the Eastern Emperor Sect has not yet grasped the evidence that he is the murderer. How can he send such a master to assassinate him?

Moreover, in theory, the Eastern Emperor Sect will not be afraid of the cold door, why should it be concealed, so secretly assassination?

Nowadays, the Hanguangmen and Fenglinhai wars may follow the appearance of the sacred objects at any time, but the cold light gates will not dare to provoke the East Emperor.

Then, the biggest possibility is that this person, although from the Eastern Emperor, is not a Zongmen assignment, but privately kills him! ?

What kind of reason is it, will make a spiritual monk, willing to be an assassin! ?

"Who will die, why do you know too much?"

The black man didn't want to explain more. He lifted his hand directly, and a green and green element was like a drop of nectar that nourished the earth, and fell down...

After the green real element infiltrated into the ground, the earth around it suddenly appeared to sway!


The stones on the ground are shattered, and a large number of huge vines lingering in the green and green, like a dozen of giant snakes, screaming out!

Ye Fan was instantly wrapped in these vines, and he dared not ask for it. He quickly called out thousands of flying swords!

“Hey? What is this?”

The black man saw the flying sword that Ye Fan immediately summoned, and it was another glimpse.

"This is not a cold sword. You are a cold star?"

Some practice methods and spells in the ancient fairy spirits are indeed stronger than the surface world in seeking longevity, but there are also some battle-based tricks that are far less than the surface world.

The Yushu faction of the Lushan School was the powerful sword repair after the War of Heaven and Man, and it was left behind by actual combat.

Lingjia is also one of the Shenlong clan. Therefore, the sword training practiced by Ye Fan is probably the sword repair in the clan and the dispersal, and the strongest swordsmanship after the Dacheng.

Compared to the Han Guangmen, it can only be used as a master, and the ancient swordsmanship of a few swords at most, the swordsmanship of Ye Fan, naturally knows how many times!

At this time, Ye Fan was also ignorant of his identity and was only quick to decide.

This cold dew city can be more than two of their monks. If other monks come around and see him, this "cold young master" is using these tricks, and will certainly pass to the cold door.

In particular, there are also a few people of the East Emperor Sect of the Jade Taoist. If they are seen by them, it is even harder to explain.

Ye Fan’s imperial swords are displayed, and thousands of flying swords scream toward these vines!


Intensive percussion sounds, swords and cyan real elements constantly confront each other, stirring and fluctuating.

Sharp and unparalleled swordsmanship, encountering these vines, but it is under strong obstacles, the flexible vines are drawn a hole, but it is constant.

At the same time, the earth constantly infused with the green aura, repairing these vines, while a large blade, also appeared on the black and green rattan!

Ye Fan saw that his flying swords had all been bounced back, and he realized that the unparalleled swordsmanship in a disintegrated state could not be countered by the true spirits cultivated by the spirits.

"Oh, although the old man is curious about what secrets you have, the old man can't play with you..."

The black man’s hands stretched out his sleeves and quickly printed, and several green squads simultaneously hit the dozens of towering giant trees like vines!

"Grass and spirits, big day green light curse!"

I saw these dozens of vines, and quickly bloomed a blossoming golden giant flower!

In the flower, the blue-and-white light converges rapidly, as if from the surrounding light source and the earth's nutrients, constantly extracting energy!

not good!

Ye Fan felt that this round of offensive was strong, and I am afraid that it was too late to break through the vines and rushed out. The front of the spirit monk had a full blow, and he must not be taken lightly!

"Dual disintegration! Refraction sword shield!!"

Ye Fan’s body cells violently increased energy in a moment, and the release of the double disintegration made his unparalleled swordsmanship suddenly rise to a new height!

Thousands of flying swords and eyeballs gathered around his body to form a full range of armor!

At the same time, in all kinds of vines, hundreds of golden flowers burst into hundreds of dazzling blue-and-white glare! !

Like hundreds of laser cannons, facing the sword-sword fortress of Ye Fan, set fire to launch! !


A blazing white light rises in the city of Hanlu!

The raging hurricane, the devastating shock wave, directly razed dozens of houses around! !

If there are more than a dozen vines blocking the side, the ruined city is definitely more than that!

The smoke and dust dissipated, and the black monk saw the sight in front of him, and suddenly lost his voice: "You are not dead!? How is this possible??"

Flying swords spread out from Ye Fan's body, Ye Fan calmed his face, burning gold flames in his eyes, reaching out, a flying sword that was not inferior to the cold moon, fell into his hands.

At the same time, there are several flying swords that surround the body of Ye Fan.

In order to avoid the flying swords too eye-catching, Ye Fan will take back the excess flying swords.

The black monk's face is hidden under the hood, but at this time the fear in his voice is already obvious...

"What is this trick!! Even if the Dandan in the realm of Jie Dan can not be unscathed! You...what is it?"

He used his own 10% cultivation, and released a devastating trick. Even if he couldn’t kill, he wouldn’t hurt even the wound. How can he fight? !

Ye Fan didn't want to say anything more. The violent explosion just now, the powerful real pressure, must have brought a lot of monks.

He wants to kill this guy as soon as possible, then get out of it, lest it be discovered.

The foot of the foot slammed, the leaf fan under the double disintegration, the figure is as fast as a thunder, has already rushed to the black monk!

"Sen Luo Jian Dance!"

Ye Fan continually swayed the three swords and scared the black monks into defeat.

With the sword intentional long-range attack, afraid of being absorbed by him, but he has no way to make that spell!

After Ye Fan’s three swords were evaded by him, he grabbed another delicate sword along his hand and a spur, accurately piercing the heart of this person!

The whole movement is flowing, and it is all in one go!

Just as soon as one pierced, Ye Fan found that something was wrong! ?

The "black man" in front of him turned into a piece of withered wood and fell to the ground! ?

It’s such a strange odd door spell! ?

Ye Fan is really a ghost. This group of monks in the ancient fairy spirits, after all, is trying to find a way to live longer. There are still many ways to escape! !

However, this can only block this, Ye Fan looked up and locked the real breath, I saw that this guy has vacated, the back of the black cloak flutters in the wind, want to escape!

Ye Fan's foot squats, the figure turns into a golden beam, and it slams up, and a sword smashes, and a sword is going to go!

This person must die! He knows too much!

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