My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1546: An idea


The black monk is also premature, knowing that Ye Fan may catch up, even prepared in advance, the reflexive is a green law open!

After the invisible sword was inhaled, it was reflected back to Ye Fan!

Ye Fan is blocked by a sword, and the sword is catching up!

The hasty blow didn't work, and Ye Fan had long expected it. If he used the level of sword energy of Xiao Xiaochen, he might not be able to absorb the rebound.

However, the other party can change direction at any time. Under such circumstances, Ye Fan cannot be sure that Xiao Xiaochen can hit each other.

You must close the distance, and you will kill if you hit it!

On the speed, Ye Fan is confident that his swordsmanship will definitely be faster than the other side!


a few minutes ago.

On a street in the city of Hanlu, the Yuxi Taoist people, with their vision and the disciples of the night, are inquiring about some news.

I don't want to, but I heard the other direction from the city, and there was a loud noise!

"Not good! It is the fairy lord fighting!!"

"Everyone is flying!!"

A group of mortal people saw the situation and quickly ran away and did not dare to approach the fighting area.

In the ancient fairy world, there are countless mortals who have died in the battle of monks, which is why the population has not been much.

And some monks are far from watching, not sure, no one dares to rush to join in the fun, after all, the situation is unknown.

The jade Taoist people carefully looked at it and found that there were more than a dozen rushing vines there, but they suddenly changed. "The grass and the soul soldiers, the sky vines!! The big day green light curse!?"

The sensation is stunned: "The Great Sun Curse? Uncle Shi, isn't it only the plastic realm that can be used for my ancestors?"

"Which elder of our Eastern Emperor is here?! Who is going to fight with it!?" exclaimed tomorrow night.

The jade Taoist people frowned and said: "No matter which elder, there must be a strong enemy, you need to use such a killing trick. I will go and have a look. You two are not too close. protect yourself!"


When the two disciples arched their hands and looked up again, the jade Taoist people had already flew out of the 100 meters!


In midair, Ye Fan Yu Jian flies, while summoning thousands of flying swords, ready to limit the scope of each other's activities.

The black monk who fled in front, noticed that Ye Fan kept pulling close and gnashing his teeth.

"A good cold star... This sword is so good... is it a heavenly sword?!"

The black monk was chanting in his heart, and he believed that he had lived thousands of years old, but he had never seen such a changeable sword, and his power was so strong that he was mad.

Seeing to be caught up, the black monk refused to expose his appearance, and released a group of green and green Yuanguang Guanghua, directly smashed the top, and the black cloak also fell!

A man with a grayish face and a rather fierce face reveals the true face!

"Too B, hurricane wing!!"

In an instant, the green-green real element behind him turned out to be a pair of huge light wings, like the wings of a giant eagle, and the wind was raging, and the speed of his flight suddenly increased! !

Not only that, the violent airflow, but also the pursuit of the leaf sail behind, become more difficult!

When Ye Fan saw that the other party had broken his clothes, he knew that he had to play for life. Whoever wants to be a rebellious war, but to escape! ?

After all, it is a monk who has finally cultivated to the realm of plastic spirit, and sees life as more important than anything else!

Seeing that he could not catch up with the other party, Ye Fan was also anxious. If he was run by him, his identity as a cold star would not be mixed.

And the next time this guy is playing yin, it is even harder to deal with the words of Ruojiao!

accelerate! Must speed up!

Ye Fan saw the brilliance of the light behind the other side, and suddenly remembered that he still had a sword, and he had not shown it yet!

When I thought about it, Ye Fan immediately put thousands of flying swords together and gathered behind him!

"Unparalleled swordsmanship, dragon scale sword wings!!"

Flying swords at the speed of electro-optic flint, on both sides behind Ye Fan, neatly and intensively put together, the "clam" of metal collision sounds constantly, turned into layers like a scale-like superposition.

At the same time, the wings of two flying swords with seven meters wide are formed behind Ye Fan!

This move was learned by Ye Fan based on the inspiration he had when he fought with Sally.

The demon's magic wing allows Sally to fly fast, and it can be attacked and defended, which is more effective than both hands.

At the beginning, Ye Fan envisioned whether he could use swords to form two sword wings. The sword can also be attacked and defended. After integrating into the unparalleled sword, the power will increase greatly!

However, in the state of disintegration, even if Ye Fan controls the sword and sword, it is enough, but it is very difficult to gather so many swords together and use them as wings.

It is as if the young bird has wings but does not have enough power to fly.

However, now that he is disintegrating, the sword is full of energy, and finally he can successfully display this trick!

Under the sky, the sword wings flashed with dazzling Jinhui, and the halo was like a mirror of two metal faces!

Ye Fan urged the sword, the two wings violently, bringing two sharp hurricanes!


The sound of breaking the air, it seems that there is a giant sword, to tear the sky in general!

The old man in black who thought he could escape, heard the sharp voice behind him, and the horror swords that were constantly approaching, and he was already scared!

"This... is this the legendary...the emperor-level sword!"

The old man did not dare to think about it before, but at this time, the inner fear has already made him have to face this shocking reality!

Seeing that the speed is not dominant, the old man turned sharply and his hands quickly printed.

"Taiyi Qinglong吟!!"

Ten percent of the real spirits of the real spirits surged, full of six green and thick green dragons, roaring and screaming toward Ye Fan!

Ye Fan does not sneak at all, the body flies sharply, the dragon scale sword wing is like a blade storm, the volley will directly smash these six green dragons!

The unparalleled sword in the double disintegration state has already crushed the real elements of the spirit level!

The blue light is broken, the old man in black suddenly discovers that Ye Fan is already in front of him! ?

"Don't kill me!!" The old man was frightened and begging, full of despair!

He knew that this cold star was so horrible, and he promised to kill him! ?

Can Ye Fan time is tight, whichever he said, the golden light flashed past, and a sword cut the other's head! !

The blood is flying, the body is falling from the sky!

Just when Ye Fan’s heart was slightly loose, I felt that my identity was safe and confidential, but I found that there was another spirit monk from the Eastern Emperor Sect, who was approaching! ?

"Jade Taoist?"

Ye Fan frowned, and sure enough, he and the old man played for too long.

This is awful. When he sees his own state, he will inevitably associate with the death of Mingrui, and the old man who killed himself is mostly the top master of the Eastern Emperor.

As soon as I look at it, I have too many things to explain. The jade is so careful that I will doubt a lot of things...

Killed the jade? It’s not impossible... but Yu Yu didn’t chase himself, killing himself innocently, really good...

Ye Fan’s thoughts flashed, and suddenly an idea came out. Under the urgency, I couldn’t care too much. I did it first!

A large number of flying swords wrap around the body of Ye Fan, covering the entire body of Ye Fan.

When the flying swords were scattered, the cold stars were gone.

In a black suit, Bei Xuan sent a black martyr, and stood cold in the air.

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