My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1713: Most worried about


The third day after the war.

Near the volcanic belt of the ocean, there is some stench on the sea.

Hundreds of ships from all over the world, including scientific research ships, frigates, fishing boats, supply ships, etc., all kinds of ships, through order, work here in an orderly manner.

The source of these stinks is a large number of dead marine life at sea, and the work of these vessels is to deal with these sea creatures, while collecting samples for research.

Many people thought that these liquids would create a large number of monsters and pose a huge threat to human beings.

But in fact, although there are many grotesque creatures, there are no big monsters in the imagination.

Even so, it has caused great attention from all parties. After all, it has not been discovered, and it does not mean that it does not.

At the scene, all the researchers and the army and staff who assisted in the defense were wearing isolation suits, gas masks, and the most insured measures, for fear of any virus.

One of the large scientific research vessels in Xiaguo, a helicopter, is ready to take off.

A female scientist took off the gas mask and took off her isolation suit while walking.

A few assistants who followed, looked terrified.

"Miss Chu! Don't take it off! After you leave, disinfect and then take off. What if you have an accident?"

"Don't scare yourself, for three days, haven't you figured out? The impact of the variant gene on humans needs to reach a sufficient concentration, and how can the gusty winds infect!"

Chu Yunyao quickly walked onto the helicopter, and then several of the assistants from all over the country said: "All the samples here, after the collection, the data is sent to me.

I am going to open an international seminar for two days this afternoon. I have to go to the infected land of the grasslands and rainforests. I have no time to come. You better not let me down."

A group of assistants responded nervously and watched Chu Yunya fly away by helicopter.

On the helicopter, another female soldier with a shoulder-length black hair and a star on the shoulder, it is hard to believe that this woman is so young, there is such a level.

"Yunyao sister, you are now the hope of all mankind, you must protect your body, you see that you scared the group of assistants," the female soldier shouted.

Chu Yunyao took off her pair of brand-name flat shoes that had not been taken off for three days, and then directly threw them into the sea. She barefooted her feet and made her feel relaxed.

"A group of international elites with the titles of Massachusetts and Oxford will not be able to adapt to the same as stupid pigs. They must be taught and scared to death."

Chu Yunyao swears indifferently, and looks at the female soldiers around him, saying: "How come you? Isn’t Xu Mingyu contacting me?"

"My dad thinks that working with you is very stressful. After all, he is a generation gap. I don't know how to communicate with you.

So let me come. After all, I am responsible for contacting the swordman. I should be more suitable than my dad." Xu Lingshan blinked.

"Oh..." Chu Yunyao will know. "You are now on both sides of the military and the swordsman. It is indeed more appropriate."

After this incident, the importance of Chu Yunyao was recognized by the countries of the world.

Xia Guo naturally gave the highest priority to the female scientist at the national treasure level. No matter where Chu Yunyao goes, he must be strictly protected.

This heavy responsibility, the military naturally has to shoulder, but the strength of the military is not enough to cope with, so the swordman must intervene.

In order to take care of the military's face, Xu Lingshan, a woman who is trusted on both sides, has become a key figure.

Plus, Xu Lingshan and Chu Yunyao, and Ye Fan's relationship is basically "family", it is no more appropriate.

At this time, Chu Yunyao had two helicopter gunships before and after the helicopters, and they were guarded. They were also masters of swordsmen.

In case, just in case, Chu Yunyao also carries an emergency device that is connected with the void, and can use the fastest way to tell the specific direction to the void to achieve the purpose of escape.

When Xu Lingshan heard Chu Yunyao’s words, she shook her head helplessly. “I was forced too. I originally wanted to practice quietly.

There are so many things to do now, everyone is so busy, I can't just be alone."

"You are a waste of time in cultivation, anyway, your talent, how can you not achieve high achievement," Chu Yunyao said.

"Hey! Yunyao sister, you are too direct! Very hurtful!" Xu Lingshan cried.

Chu Yunyao shrugged, picked up a bottle of water prepared for her, drank half a bottle and said: "Since the international seminar is going to open, does that mean that the world has already revealed the things of heaven and earth?"

Referring to the business, Xu Lingshan converges with a smile and nods. "Yes, countries have already announced the existence of foreign civilization invading this world."

The biochemical laboratory including the Dragon Valley has also published a large amount of information. The federal side already knows that only the clones are killed, and everything is done by the gods.

Su has been specifically monitoring and testing clones that are still alive. If they are not malicious, they will not be dealt with. After all, they play their respective roles in different families.

But if they are found to be used by the heavenly people, then they will take measures... Although they are all clones, they are also life. I think it is time to give them a chance.

At present, the crimes of Ye Fan and the Master and the Ancient Warrior have been washed away. Everyone has already believed that the 'Evolutionist Plan' is a dangerous scam, but the problem is..."

"The problem is that there will still be a lot of people who yearn for the power that does not belong to them," Chu Yunyao said.

Xu Lingshan nodded. "Yes, but this is no way, as most people believe in God, but there are always people who believe in Satan."

Some secret societies have emerged around the world. A small number of people are worshipping this heavenly person. It is also inappropriate to suppress violence. ”

"It doesn't matter, anyway, the rumors of aliens have been circulated for so long, at least not like in the movie, we have no backhand power. At present, the situation can still be controlled," Chu Yunyao said.

Xu Lingshan looked out of the window, the biological corpse scattered in the sea, said: "There is no such thing as a mutant monster, but it is a matter of luck."

Chu Yunyao is Emei, saying: "No... this is exactly what makes me most worried."

"Why?" Xu Lingshan wondered.

"We have found that there are many large marine organisms that have mutated, such as sharks with claws, whales with teeth, and hard-skinned squid...

This shows that the stock does have some special mutations on the creatures, and the fact that these creatures do not survive does not mean that all are dead.

Among them are some mutant creatures that can't cause harm to humans, and some must be aggressive to humans.

At present, there are certainly many mutant creatures that we unexpectedly live in, in the ocean, in the forest, on the grasslands, in the caves, and even in the sky...

We didn't find them. There are two possibilities. One is that we didn't find them. Second, they intentionally hid us! ”

Chu Yunyao looked at Xu Lingshan intricately. He said: "Do you know that the most terrible variation is not the change of shape, but the evolution of wisdom."

Xu Lingshan slammed into a chill, and she was glad that she did not see the joy of the monster, and suddenly disappeared.

"Don't be too nervous, just when humans return to Jurassic, they will see dinosaurs everywhere, so we have weapons now." Chu Yunyao flashed a hint of excitement in his eyes. "In my opinion, the world has become more Interesting."

Xu Lingshan silently shook her head, said: "No wonder my dad can't communicate with you..."

Chu Yunyao asked: "Yes, where did Ye Fan die? I have been busy for three days, but others? Didn't find you to sleep?"

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