My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1714: Old man


Xu Lingshan's face is red, and of course she is embarrassed to say that when Ye Fan went to Beijing to talk to the swordman and others, she didn't leave at her residence all night...

"Yunyao sister, what do you want! Ye Fan is also very busy. He also observes everywhere. There are no mutant monsters and the like, and he is looking for the base camp of the people everywhere, but he has not found it."

"Is it? According to my understanding of him, after this war, he will usually find a woman to relax..." Chu Yunyao grinned.

"," Xu Lingshan pretended to shake her head naturally.

"Well," Chu Yunyao is too lazy to ask, "Looking for a heavenly base? How can it be so simple, this day people dare to play like this, they are not afraid of finding it... What about today? Where is he? I have something to look for. he".

Xu Lingshan looked innocent. "I am not Su Zong. How can I be so clear? Everyone has been busy all these days. The whole world is in a mess. It takes some time to stabilize... or do you call him?"

Said, Xu Lingshan took out a satellite phone.

Chu Yunyao did not say much, took the phone, dialed out...


The other side of the ocean, located in the coastal town of Xilan, is a beautiful place with beautiful scenery.

There are only a thousand inhabitants in the town. Even these days, the alien invaders in the world, the mutated genes, have not made the life here, how much has changed, nothing more than a little more talk after the meal. .

A church by the sea is the place where residents live most often, and a local elementary school is founded by the church.

There are a total of forty children in the school, and teachers are church staff and local residents.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the school was put out of class, and the children took the only one bus and waved goodbye to the teachers.

The teachers are older, and several of them are already white, and the only female teacher who looks like a 30-year-old has a brown-red hair and looks like a mixed European and Asian style.

After politely saying goodbye to several elder colleagues, the female teacher took a bag of textbooks and walked back along the gravel road by the sea.

She wore earplugs on one ear and listened to music. One ear listened to the sound of the waves, watching the seabirds fly, and sang songs in a good mood.

At this moment, in front of the path, a hair is a little messy, a white man in a plaid shirt and glasses is coming face to face.

The two looked at each other and looked at each other, and they stopped slowly.

The female teacher slowly took off the earplugs. She didn't know why. The strange man in front of her gave her a kind of "long-lasting" feeling.

"You...Hello," the female teacher noticed that the man was staring at her, and he looked very fascinated. He had some shy red clouds on his face and asked, "Do you have anything?"

The glasses man came back and suppressed his heart, screaming stiffly and excitedly: "I...we are we...who have you seen it?"

The female teacher smiled and squinted: "Sir, the way you talk is very old."

The glasses man scratched his hair, "Yes... is it..."

"I haven't seen you before, are you a tourist?" the female teacher asked curiously.

"No... No, I just moved here today, there is... a little lost," said the spectacled man.

"Oh, where are you going?"

"Supermarket, I want to buy something," said the spectacled man.

The female teacher thought for a moment and said, "I am also going to buy food, or else... I will take you there?"

"Yes... is it!? That's great!!" The glasses man walked up to the female teacher and took the initiative to say: "I am very glad to meet you, my name is Gane!"

The female teacher also smiled and shook hands with him, "Samantha...the chemistry teacher of the church here."

"Is it? I... I am also a teacher, I am here to teach, I am teaching biology!" The glasses man was excited.

"So smart, we are colleagues now, I am very glad to meet you," Samantha smiled sweetly.

Plus nodded, "I am also... I... I just saw you, I really felt where I have seen..."

"Actually... I also feel this way, but because I have suffered injuries in my brain before, some things can't be remembered.

Sorry, maybe we have just seen it," Samantha said with a smile.

There is no such thing as a tunnel: "It doesn't matter, people always forget something. Just be happy, memory is only the past, and the future is more important."

Samantha smiled in agreement: "Yeah, I just started here, I still feel lonely, but after I contacted the children, I found that life is quite simple, don't think too much.

The residents here are very friendly, the church priest nun is very good to me, you will also like it here."

"I think it will be... After all, I saw you," and Ganey looked at the woman with some obsession.

Samantha embarrassed her hair and blushes over her face. "Mr. Gary, you don't look at every woman, are you staring at it?"

"Ah?" Plus, he was busy screaming. "No, no! No... I... I just think... you are so beautiful!"

But when I finished, Gane felt too abrupt, and his face was anxious, and he did not know how to explain it incoherently.

Samantha couldn’t help but smile. "Okay, this topic ends here. Let’s go to the supermarket..."

"Well, okay..." Garner smiled and nodded.

The two walked side by side toward the direction of the supermarket. While walking and chatting, Samantha exhaled and laughed from time to time, and gradually went away...

It is two or three hundred meters away from the door of a small cafe.

Ye Fan wore sunglasses and sipped coffee while looking at the back of the two men, with a smile on his lips.

Opposite Ye Fan, Ai Er, wearing a round-faced country-style sunhat, drank a milkshake and looked at it.

These days, after the Ganesha gave all the things he knew, Ye Fan did not kill him, but chose to give him a chance to survive.

So, Ye Fan contacted Ai Er and asked her where she was, and when Ai Er knew the situation, she and Ye Fan, together with the elephant head, came here to find the female teacher who settled in the town.

"Salina is right, forget, sometimes it's not a bad thing..." Ai Er shouted.

Ye Fan turned back and looked at the girl with a distressed look. He naturally knew what Ai Er said.

"Ai children, I am in your period of false memory, is not hateful to the extreme ah? Or ...... you try to beat my meal? Perhaps a bit better," Ye Fan offered.

Ai Er drank a milkshake and raised his dagger. He looked at the man with a smile: "I want you to use it, it is useless... If you really do those things, I have a false memory, then I have to Decompose you little by little..."

Ye Fan shuddered and smiled: "Oh... that's still ok..."

At this moment, Ye Fan’s phone rang.

He took a look and found that it was Chu Yunyao and he picked it up.

"Little Yaoyao, what happened?"

"What are you doing?" Chu Yunyao asked over there.

Ye Fan said it briefly.

"Muscle, you have to do the work of the old man?" Chu Yunyao disdain.

Ye Fan can't smile. "Which month is not old, don't you think that this kind of human warmth will be a comfort when you see too many sad days? Still have hope for the future... ..."

"I am not interested in your boring emotions. I only tell you one thing. The gravity training room is good. Come back and test me! I am in a hurry!"

After Chu Yunyao finished, he hanged the phone directly.

"I...hey? Hey! I...what should I go to test?" Ye Fan put down the phone in a depressed mood.

The opposite Ai Er looked at the man in a sly manner. "This Miss Chu, it is quite powerful. The sword gods who are so feared all over the world have no temper at her."

Ye Fan coughed and coughed, and sipped his coffee. He said, "Don't misunderstand. In fact, she is still very afraid of me. It is estimated that she is in front of an outsider. She wants to face... um... that's it."

Ai Er "snapped" and smiled, looking at Ye Fan with a fascinating look, under the faint sunshine, the beauty was not square.

Ye Fan looked at the girl's smile, feeling like spring rain and dew, nourishing the heart, can't help but be fascinated...

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