My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1977: Yours


Ye Haoma, the princess, did not expect that the two will come together, it is this year's Lin Shu poetry will be radiant."

Su painting fan smiled actively and took a gift, but there was no half respect in the eyes.

This small role, hypocritical chill, Ye Fan is too lazy to take care of him.

Just peel off the fruit in your hand, take out a piece of tender flesh inside, and hand it to Su Guangxue. "

Come, Xiaoxue, ah..." Ye Fan looked forward. Big

Ting Guangzhong, Su Xiaoxue was a bit shy, but it was still very suitable to match the mouth of the mouth, and ate it.

"Is it delicious?" Ye Fan asked.

"Well, delicious," Su Guangxue nodded, although he was ashamed, but still sweet in his heart.

"Oh... that's good, I try it myself," Ye Fan laughed.

Su Xiaoxue burst into tears and laughed. "You are taking the test of your husband!"

Everyone on the field saw this scene, and they could not help but be dumbfounded. This

The princess of the Hummer is sensible, and the grace and love of love, but the fan of the first singer of the greetings is fanned out! ? This

A kind of rude, immediately attracted a lot of literati dissatisfaction and contempt. Su

Painting a fan with a smile, but it is not angry, seeing that he did not pay attention to him, after nodding, he turned to chat with other literary literary circles.

This temperament once again made many literati admire nod. It

The day before yesterday, I asked a lot of controversy in the school, but it was already in the ears of many literati. "

I heard that the poems of Ye Xiaoma were plagiarized from the Su painting fan? ”

"There is no conclusive evidence, but it is hard to say... after all, Ye Haoma is unknown..."

I see that there are reasons for this, and there will be no air. ""

That's right... What kind of character is the Soviet painting fan? One of the four masters of Heaven, and the first talent of the Imperial City, will not be fabricated out of thin air..."

"Look at the appearance of Ye Fan’s unparalleled appearance. How can I write a poem with a high level of mood? I think most of the plagiarism is true..."

Some of the remarks, more or less, were introduced into the ears of Ye Fan and others.

"Too angry! This Su painting fan deliberately came to say hello, clearly is deliberately want to pick things!" Ye Qingqing sat aside, a pair of hands and hands holding the skirt, the moon eyebrows close.

Ye Fan does not care, smiled and said: "Where do you generally see these people, don't come over to make a fun tonight, eat, drink, and be happy."

"Big brother, your heart is wide, I can't stand it. I want to change it. I am you, and I will write another great poem tonight! Let these people have nothing to say!"

Looking at the Soviet painting fan, can you temporarily come up with a fake collection of poems! "The leaves are sunny and bulging."

Ye Fan shook his head with a smile, and quickly smashed a piece of fruit and stuffed it into the mouth of his sister. "Come on... eat a piece of fruit to eliminate gas, my little grandmother licks..."

It’s polite to be late, and I’m biting it down. I almost didn’t bite Ye Fan’s finger. It’s like the fruit is a Su painting fan, I can’t wait to kill. positive

At this time, there was a louder commotion in the entrance to the venue.

A group of literati got up and looked excitedly at a middle-aged man and an old man who walked into the venue. "

Look! Zhang Taifu is here! ""

His Royal Highness King is also here! ? ”

"What's the fuss? Zhang Taifu is the emperor! His Royal Highness is the student of Tai Fu at the Emperor's College!"

This Linde poetry will always be personally concerned by the squatting, and the Royal Highness King Qi has come two times before, and there is nothing unusual."

Most of the people in the field have already got up and went to the ceremony. The atmosphere at the venue has become more and more enthusiastic.

"Fu Jun, Qi Huangshu is coming, let's go see a ceremony?" Su light snow pulled the sleeves of Ye Fan. complete

It was actually a royal family member, an elder, or a powerful king of heaven. Su Xiaoxue felt that the alignment of the king could not be slow. leaf

It doesn't matter if the sails are, after all, it is a royal family, so the three people go together to the king.

Qi Wang just saw Ye Fan and two people, and there was a hint of playful color in his eyes. Haha smiled: "Light snow is also there, is it a poetry with our grandma?"

"Light snow has seen the uncle, it is precisely, the husband promised to open the eyes with this body," Su light snow Ying Ying and his party.

Qi Wang reached for the old man wearing a gray robes and said: "Light snow, this is Zhang Sheng Zhang Taifu. You

Before the birth, the teacher has left the Holy Emperor College and the court, so you should have never seen him."

Su Xiaoxue followed the ceremony and smiled: "I heard the name of Zhang Taifu and the younger generation."

"Hey, the old one is a free cloud wild crane, the long princess does not have to pay more," Zhang Taifu and Yan Xiaodao said. leaf

The sail is very simple, just so reaching out and saying hello, "Good evening, two."

This move suddenly surprised a group of literary people beside them, and some old literati were even more angry. "

Ye Hao Ma! How can you align the Royal Highness and Zhang Taifu so rude! ? ”

"As a Hummer, I don't even understand the basic etiquette!?"

All of a sudden, the crowds around us attacked!

Qi Wang was helpless, smiled and waved his hand, indicating that everyone was quiet, and said: "You, the goddess of Ye Hao, the emperor of the emperor, have the same power to enter and leave the palace as the king, and the holy worship."

Even in the face of today's holy, there is no need to salute, naturally you don't need to salute the king... you don't have to be surprised..."

A group of literati listened to it, and they were quite unscrupulous. In their view, etiquette is the most basic. How can it be treated casually because of the emperor’s enlightenment?

Zhang Taifu laughed and said: "The original is Ye Hao Ma, the recent poems of Ye Hao Ma, but let the old admire very much... Tonight's poetry, the old man also looks forward to Ye Haoma's new work." "

The old man is going to be disappointed. I don’t really write poetry.

Today, I took the princess and my sister to come and see it. I didn't want to come. I am introverted, oh..." Ye Fan said with a smile.

Hey, I finally admit that I can't write poetry, that is, copy the Soviet fan! ""

It’s so casual for Zhang Taifu, what is said... It’s humiliating! ”

A group of literati gathered together, and they all lost their disdainful eyes. The law did not blame the public. Everyone said it, and there was no worries. Su

At this time, the fan was said to go forward: "You, listen to the fan of painting, and today, it is a poetry association. Everyone is a poetry friend, or don't talk about those things that are so beautiful... I don't think Yehma is deliberate."

Time, everyone again felt that they were talking about the heart of Su painting. Zhang

Tai Fu and Qi Wang did not say anything, but looked at Ye Fan thoughtfully. leaf

The sail was naturally too lazy to care about the guy. He had already brought two women back to the seat.

"Oh, this is a funny person," Zhang Taifu licked his beard and smiled.

"Yeah, this king doesn't know what this kid is thinking about." Qi Wang shook his head and politely reached out: "Teacher, please..."

"Wang Ye please..."

With Qi Wang and Zhang Taifu, sitting on the front row of the stage in the middle of the stage, the Lin Shu poetry, is just the beginning. dance

The pavilions in the three directions of the station, lit up a lot of lights, one musician wearing a beautiful costume, began to play melodious music. tight

Followed by a woman in a sly dress, dressed in a colorful dance dress with a variety of silk satin, from the three directions of the pavilion, the lotus step lightly moved onto the stage. "

Wow... This is the first game of the Caiyunfang Flower Competition, fighting dance! ? It turns out that the girls in Caiyunfang are so long... It seems that they are not particularly good-looking..." Ye Qingqing’s eyes sparkled and she looked at it.

Ye Fan looked at more than fifty women on the stage who were thin and fat, and they couldn’t help but feel that the literati was romantic. Before they started poetry, they began to watch women dance. "

Fu Jun, which is the Qinger girl in your relationship," Su Liangxue is a pair of bright waters like the autumn, and he carefully asked.

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