1978 leaves

After the sails slammed down, he smiled and said: "Xiaoxue, what are you asking about? I told you, I forgot..."

Light snow blinked, said: "Women who can make the husband look at it, it should not be simple, just wait until you know..."

"My princess, how do you always think about that Qinger, shouldn't it be jealous?" Ye Fan said with a narrow smile.

Su Xiaoxue glanced at the man, reached for the jug and poured a glass of wine for Ye Fan. "

I’m still drinking and watching dance, but I’m not so stingy...”

As I said, the women on the stage have begun to change all kinds of tricks.

A group of five people, all in all directions, showing a unique dance, some charming, some playful, some elegant, different styles. Now

Many of these literati and literati have already seen their eyes straight. special

Don't have some poor literati, I don't have the chance to see so many beautiful women on weekdays. Some of them have already seen their faces red.

There are also a lot of women on this stage who are glaring at these literati and taking the initiative to tease. special

Don't be the position where the Su painting fan is seated. The winking eye is even more numerous. Do not

After the painting fan, I was calm and relaxed, smiling and enjoying the dance, as if no one could disturb his mood.

This elegant and easy-going, let some literati on the scene, secretly admire him.

A pair of slightly pitiful, slightly resentful eyes, projected from the dancers, fell to Ye Fan's body.

Ye Fan actually already felt it, but he pretended not to pay attention. After all, Gu Qing was not a fuel-efficient lamp. Ye Fan knew that this woman was loaded!

However, although Gu Qing’s eyes did not cause Ye Fan’s reaction, he let Su Xiaoxue notice.

"Fr....the woman is beautiful, and she is always watching you, is she she is Qing?" Su Xiaoxue asked.

"Is there? I didn't see it, my princess is so beautiful, I can't accommodate other women in my eyes," Ye Fan said seriously. "

The husband will be joking around..." Su Xiaoxue was helpless, but he began to carefully observe Gu Qing.

Finally, after the performance is finished, the dance will stop. Fives

More than a dozen women who participated in the flower contest had taken out a beautiful flower brand on their own body and walked around the stage before they bowed.

When I saw the brand name, Su Liangxue suddenly looked bright and smiled and said: "Sure enough, she is Qinger, husband... This woman seems to remember you."

The sails smiled and said: "Nothing, drinking... drinking..."

The cup, Ye Fan drank it.

This wine, he only drunk yesterday, it is a thousand days drunk, it seems that the Lin Shu poetry will indeed be a good grade, even the use of this expensive wine. "

Big Brother, drunk and drink a little less, wait for you to write poetry, although the wine can help, but can not be greedy," Ye Qingqing reminded.

What poem? All said it is just to join in the fun..." Ye Fan straight hand.

His goal tonight is very clear. After watching the show, he will go away, and then the contest will have nothing to do with him, so he will pass safely.

The leaves were sunny and pouted, and I was unhappy, and I couldn’t help with Ye Fan.

At this time, Zhang Taifu stood up and raised his voice: "You, I am waiting to meet again at the Lin Shu poetry today, I will respect you all the time..."

Hundreds of people in the audience got up, even with Qi Wang, drinking with Zhang Taifu, "Xie Taifu..." Zhang

After paying homage to the wine, there is no more nonsense. Directly: "In all of you, there have been poems that have come several times, and there are also the first time this year.

But the rules of the poetry are clearly written on the invitation, and everyone should be familiar with it.

Old and daring, the first poetry theme tonight, that is... the title of the dance music just now! ”

When this was said, at least half of the people on the scene were in a confused mood.

"Dance music? What song is that?"

Is this topic dance music? ”

Just as everyone guessed, a voice said: "The song just called "Thousands of Love" is the score of the composer Zhang Yi, more than 1,300 years ago.

It is about a woman who misses her love for Lang. Although she is euphemistic, she is really affectionate and very touching...

I think Zhang Taifu’s topic should be ‘men and women’s love’...”

Haha... It’s the first talent of the Imperial City. It’s exactly what the fan says.” Zhang Sheng smiled and nodded.

The scene suddenly sounded amazed again, and expressed appreciation for the wide-ranging knowledge of the Su painting fan. Although many people also heard it, the Soviet painting fan dare to say it first, which is a kind of confident performance.

After the title was revealed, a waiter with a hand-held sign went to Zhang Taifu.

Zhang Taifu reached out and took out a name tag and read it out: "Feisha City, Baili Qingtian... Oh, it seems to be the talent of the Baili family. This first question, you will first make a poem!"

In the second row, a man in a black robes stood up and arched his hands. "Hundreds of clear fields, I have seen all the teachers and friends... If you offer ugliness, then you will write a word with Acacia..."

Baili Qingtian was slightly indulged, and immediately said with confidence: "The elders are endless, drink and stagnate in the cold. Before the silence, the cold is not enough. The bed comes to the old son."

He read it, and Ye Danqing and other recorded inks of the audience were quickly recorded. Everyone would write a version, fearing that they would miss the wrong writing. he

We record good poems and send them directly to a group of highly respected literati masters to assess and give each talent a final score. One

The words were chanted, and the scene suddenly applauded, and many people applauded.

When Baili Qingtian was seated, a talented person in front of him stood up again.

"Xiaosheng comes from the Dazheng Academy, surnamed Lu, single name a Xin..."

Many people at the scene made exclamations...

"It turned out to be Lu Xin of the Dazheng Academy? No wonder I can sit in the first row!"

"I heard that it was the first person of the poetry of the Dazheng Academy. It was born in a poor place, otherwise you can compete with the Su painting fan..."

Xin is not humble, but after a little sinking, he began to read poetry..."

They are all run by the ugly Mu, and when the wreckage is seen. When you finally cut the wine, the fisherman’s tears are invincible...”

After the first poem was finished, there was a good sound on the scene. leaf

The sails are drinking, and when they hear these good voices, they are a little embarrassed. It seems to be very general. Where do these people feel better? even

After passing a few people, they reached the position of Ye Fan. pause

Time, the attention of the audience is particularly concentrated, everyone has long been looking forward to the most powerful Ye Hao Ma in the recent days, in the end what level, and want to see. package

Zhang Taifu and Qi Wang are also looking forward with great interest.

Ye Fan is a bit puzzled, "This... how is this still passed to me? Everyone has to do?"

There was a burst of laughter in the scene, and some people shook their heads. "

Ye Hao Ma, are you not looking at the rules of the poetry on the invitation? Zhang Taifu smiled and asked.

Ye Fan shook his head, "No..."

"Big brother... You really didn't see it!? I thought you were optimistic about it." Ye Qingqing quickly whispered to explain to Ye Fan. original

In addition to the first person, the Lin Shu poetry is a lottery decision. The next order is the most famous talent of the year in the first row.

Wait until the first row of wheels is over, then go back to the rear. only

After the child is in turn, there are two choices, either to make the poems quickly, or to punish three cups!

Generally speaking, if you can sit in the first row, you can't even make a poem. Even if the preparation time is shorter than other talents, you will not be fined.

"Ye Yi Ma, the rules are like this, please let everyone appreciate your work..." Zhang Taifu smiled. "

Oh I got it".

Ye Fan nodded, and now he understood. positive

When everyone is looking forward to it, I plan to identify the strength of Ye Fan...

Suddenly, I saw Ye Fan took the glass of Su Liangxue and Ye Qingqing, and then the three glasses were directly filled! "


The cup is drunk in a thousand days, Ye Fan wipes his mouth and enjoys the glimpse of the ground. "Ah... three cups of punishment! I am finished! Next!"

The audience was silent, Su Guangxue and Ye Qingqing had no idea what to say, knowing that Ye Fan didn't want to make poetry, but did not expect to resist this level! ? its

His talent is even more speechless. Rao is a well-informed Zhang Taifu. It is also a little stimulated at this time. He can't say a word for a long time.

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