My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1979: Uncomfortable


Ye Fan saw that the scene was quiet, and he still stared at himself inexplicably. Some people were not happy. "Why do you look at me like this, isn't it to say that you have finished three cups?"

Zhang Taifu smiled bitterly. "Ye Yi Ma is really a man of temperament. It is worth mentioning that in this round, it is impossible to appreciate the good work of Ye Hao Ma." "

Hey, it’s simply an embroidered pillow, and there’s nothing real.”

"It seems that the poems of the smuggling of the Soviet painting fan are mostly true... on the spot, poetry, immediately collapsed," and some people talked about it. land

Some of the newly acclaimed talents, such as Xin and Baili Qingtian, also cast a disappointment and disdain for Ye Fan. he

Many of them admire Ye Fan before coming, but did not expect Ye Fan to choose to escape?

The talented singer who was originally admired was actually a plagiarist, which made them regretful and angry. Su

The fan of painting is sitting on the Diaoyutai, and his face is leisurely. he

I don’t believe it at all. The waste of Zhenbei Houfu, which had been in the past for so many years, suddenly became a big talent. I

However, if you make a few more, if you can make a big splash at the Linda poetry meeting, the probability is too small. what

In the day, I asked the school in the day, and Ye Fan did not dare to confront him hard. Obviously, there was not enough enthusiasm. "

Big Brother, you can really do it..." Ye Qingqing sees his brother, so he sat down with a wide heart, and could not help but sigh.

It doesn't matter if he sails, he doesn't care about how those people talk about him, and he continues to eat the savory appetizer, saying: "You big brother, I am so different."

Su Xiaoxue smiled and shook his head. "I don't want to be a poet, but don't be drunk. It's great to be drunk."

"Do not worry, it is called a thousand days drunk, I call a thousand cups not drunk..."

Ye Fan skipped over here, and the next talents continued. One

When the first poem was read, everyone stopped talking and stopped making comments and screaming again.

Finally, when it was the turn of the Soviet painting fan, the talents of the audience showed their special expectations.

Su painting fan got up, it was polite to first go with Zhang Taifu, and then he looked up and down, and said with deep affection:

The iron lock Dongping dark city, although who asked the hair boat. cotton

On the poem into the same meal, a drunk is difficult to collect the fairy. smoke

Yu Xiao, Shui Mingxia. There is no chaos in the spring. Do not

Remember to take the tears of Qingmei, that is, the special rain is exposed..."

When the words were over, the scene suddenly sounded good, and the old judges and judges also nodded.

On the outside of the pavilions, the girls in the colorful clouds, dressed in colorful costumes, are even more intoxicated, admiring the Soviet painting fan. "

Ok... good! The works of this Su painting fan are not the same. It is a masterpiece between the world of men and women. "The old master can't help but evaluate. Su

Painting a fan with a humble look, asked Zhang Taifu, "Student is daring, please Taifu evaluation one or two."

"Haha... it’s awesome, the literary algae and emotions are a little embarrassing, but it’s also a good thing.

It was actually done on a temporary basis. It’s rare to paint a fan.” Zhang Taifu commented.

Even Zhang Taifu, the top-ranking figures, are so praised, and the talents on the scene are naturally more and more respected.

"This is called the first talent of the Imperial City. With some people, it is not a level at all!" There are several talents who sneer at each other.

Su painted a fan with a look of arrogant color, suddenly stunned the eye leaf sail, the day in the day asked the school to let him smash a revenge, finally reported!

He can't wait, want to wait for the second round, the third round, and appreciate how Ye Fan will make a fool of himself...

The sail didn’t feel like it at all. He was quietly drinking alone and silently. inverted

It’s not that Ye Fan deliberately dazes to play silly, but listens to those poems. Although it’s not a lot of great old sayings, it’s all about telling the story...

The sail listened and listened, couldn’t help but think of the distant places, my daughter, the women...

All kinds of memories and thoughts were hooked up, which made him feel a little uncomfortable... though

However, after a hundred battles, he can truly awake the age of life, not to thirty years. he

Still a young man, just forced by life, experienced too many things that others can't imagine... Ping

When he can use strong willpower to overcome some negative emotions, don't think too much. but

Really quiet, so drinking, listening to poetry, his heart will also reveal a soft side...

The faint grief of the stocks makes Ye Fan’s emotions seem particularly low...

In one case, in the eyes of others, it was felt that Ye Fan was unhappy because of the stuffing and shame.

Even Su Xiaoxue and Ye Qingqing on the side thought that Ye Fan was not happy. Some self-blame, I knew that I would not let Ye Fan bring them.

In the first round of poetry, there were more than fifty beautiful women on the stage.

This time, it is no longer dancing, but singing. each

A woman holds cymbals, cymbals, liuqin and other instruments in her hands and divides them into ten groups.

The ten groups of women took turns to play, and each of them would accompany themselves and sing a short paragraph.

In this way, each woman's strength has a clear distinction.

When it was Gu Qing’s turn, the woman cuddled and sang: “Who’s Zhu’s water flows... When it’s time to see the flowers in the north and the south...”

The melodious music, accompanied by the euphemistic singing, spread throughout the venue.

Many talented people have shown their admiration, and they are crazy. when

After Gu Qing sang that paragraph, many people are still relishing, very sad...

"It's no wonder that the husband will like this Qinger, and he really sings well, and he has a deep feeling and a long-lasting charm..." Su Xiaoxue commented thoughtfully. leaf

The sails grinned and I was too lazy to explain anything more.

When the five songs were sung, the singers showed the next famous brand and then stepped down again.

This time, I was replaced by Qi Wang and stood up. The voice was loud and clear: "You must understand that the second question is what the second question is. The king will draw the lot directly..."

Indeed, the five songs just all expressed their thoughts on their hometown, so everyone on the scene nodded.

Qi Wang picked up a sign and smiled: "Da Zheng Xuefu, Lu Xin... Haha, this time, starting directly from the first row!

Lu Gongzi, you are known as the first talent of the Dazheng Academy, presumably the first one, it is also very easy..."

"His Royal Highness has a reputation!"

Xin looked confidently and got up. After the ceremony, everyone began to make poems: "The neighborhood is in front of you, and when Wanli wins, he will send the king... No.

The letter of death is turned into a mountain smoke, I don’t know how the wind and the moon are..."

A poem is read out, and once again, many people are very impressed. leaf

The sail stroked his hair and sighed. This kind of homesickness made him very uncomfortable...

Not long after, it was the turn of Ye Fan.

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