My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1999: shameless

1999 leaf

The sail was busy pulling the side of the hundred miles of Jin Ge, "Hey! Hey! That guy said that there is money to take, is it true? Is it a big levy?!"

A group of aristocratic children around him couldn't help but look at him, and some of them showed disdain and ridicule. most

Recently, I heard that Ye Fanxing’s medical expenses are extremely high, and the greed is extremely incomparable. Now he sees that he is so persistent in money, and immediately rumors.

Regardless of the family or the clan, in general, the nobles never lack money, and care about the money, it will only look very vulgar. hundred

Li Jinge nodded: "Can you have a fake? Winter hunting first, has always been rewarding.

The advanced monster is even rare, and it can sell a lot of money. It is normal to reward 50,000. ”

"Oh... it seems that it is not good to meet it?" Ye Fan suddenly, after all, the forest is too big. "

It is precisely that the high-level monsters are rarely seen in the vicinity, only in the deep fog area. and

In the dense fog area, the crisis is heavy, not only may encounter some powerful monsters that open the mind, but also have various poisonous fog and suffocation. where

I am afraid that Tianzun will encounter troubles, and I will not dare to go deep and stay for a long time, let alone general monks.

What's more, the number of monsters is far more than the human monks. If you anger the monsters, you may attract other monsters. One

Once the behemoth was besieged, the tragic death of the gods is not in the minority.

Li Jinge frowned: "Ye Yang Ma, do you like money so much? When a man looks at the light, he runs the sand field and builds his career, why should he care about that thing?"

Ye Fan patted the metal armor of this guy with praise. "Not bad, you young man has ambition...that

If you are hunting to a senior monster, remember to give it to me. Anyway, you don't care about money. Let the folks accept it."

..." Barry King Gordon was speechless, and he had seen such a brazen man.

Many aristocratic children around me laughed and shook their heads and sighed in disdain.

"Ye Ma Ma, you are more concerned about it, just your strength, even if you see the senior monster, it is also the life of escape.

This year's winter hunting first, will still be the owner of the county, you guys, you only need to compete for the second is ..."

The night was arrogant and raised his finger in one direction. The four prostitutes immediately carried her and rushed to the forest ahead. see

The night has not moved, and other young talents have also set off quickly and entered from different directions. leaf

The sail suddenly took a picture of his own wildebeest. "Well, also said that I am greedy for money? One by one is running faster than me!?"

At the moment, Ye Fan also found a direction of no one, riding directly into the horse. hundred

Li Jinge’s face was full of emotion, and he followed it up. No

How long did it take for a group of young people to leave, and the other civil and military officials who followed him were not in a hurry, they were accompanied by the Emperor of the Devils to entertain.

Some people also go to the hunting team, and some of them are following the Emperor, and they are going deeper from the positive direction. twilight

On the edge of this piece of forest, a large number of birds began to fly, apparently as the hunting team entered, alarming the birds and beasts.

After a while, the young people have been far away. sea

Dedi and Qi Wang accompanied, at the forefront of the big forces, let the people behind keep a certain distance.

At this time, Qi Wang Shi unfolded an invisible barrier, completely separating the dialogue between the two, and not letting the people behind him hear it. "

Everything is going well? "De Dedi asked the Su Shi around him in a low voice.

Wang smiled. "Your Majesty, the younger brother sent Converse and Twenty Fine, and a long-lived nine-weight belt with twenty plastic spirits. It has already been ambushed ahead of time, and hidden in the air, absolutely foolproof..."

"Oh? Isn't Converse a good man to do it, to deal with the kid, need him to go out?"

"Your Majesty, if the kid still hides his strength, miss this opportunity, but it is difficult to find the next opportunity."

"Well...justified, but don't hurt Baili Jinge, but it is loyal..."

Don’t worry, your courtier has already told Converse, he knows how to do it...”溟

Dedi sighed. "Unfortunately, Ye Hao Ma, if it is the young talent in our chosen people, I must definitely use him to re-use him... But he is born in the dragon that should not be born."

Speaking of it, he is also a son-in-law, and he has cured his nephew, and he has not done anything to endanger the court. He is jealous of him..."

You don't have to blame yourself, you are Ming Jun, in your position, do this... nothing wrong," Qi Wangzheng.

Yan Dedi took a deep breath and reached for the shoulder of Qi Wang. "Xiandi... know..."

Unconsciously, after half an hour.

In the forest, a small group is getting deeper and deeper, and it is getting more and more scattered. each

The exotic flowers and weird trees, in front of Ye Fan, are endless.

Ye Fan did encounter some monsters, but asked the next hundred miles of Jin Ge, and learned that they are only low-level monsters, even the intermediate monsters have no one, and suddenly there is no interest in killing.

The low-level monsters score too little, Ye Fan feels that it is a waste of time, at least the intermediate level is worth the shot. "

It is no wonder that the senior one gives 50,000, which is a needle in a haystack." Ye Fan grinned depressedly.

I blame this follower, otherwise he flies directly to the dense fog area, and the collapse of the sword rain is connected with the next few waves, perfect for work! "

Don't worry, the hunting will be calm," Bailey Jinge looked at the board."

At a young age, talking to an old man, it’s no wonder that I can’t catch Huang’s children...” Ye Fan shook his head.

When Barry King Gotton, his eyes slammed. "Ye want to teach me how to pursue Huang Qier? I am not right, what should I do?"

Ye Fan, "Do you like Huang Weier so much? Where does she attract you?"

"Like! I like big! She is big everywhere! Man and husband, there should be such a blissful confidant!" Baili Jinge answered very seriously.

Ye Fan almost didn't laugh out. He knew that this guy was serious, not a joke, but the reason was too personal! fruit

However, a radish pit, this hundred miles Jin Ge himself is a big man, a woman who likes to be a tall man. "

If you just told me, don’t tell Huang Biaoer, otherwise she has to chase you..."

The sail sighed, then grabbed a bunch of wildflowers on the side of the road and said: "You can send flowers to her, usually warm and cold."

As long as she doesn't get angry and is not angry, you are cheeky. For a long time, she knows that you are sincere, and you may have a chance."

“Send flowers? Will Huang Huaer like flowers?”

“Which woman does not like flowers?”

Then...Would you like poetry? libretto? Ye Hao Ma, you teach me..." Baili Jinge is urgent. Ye

The sails waved, "Huang Weier likes a man, poetry and song, she certainly won't like it much. You actually meet her aesthetic standards and have confidence in myself..."

Baili Jinge sighed: "Yi’s heart is a win in the heart... Win is better than me."

Can the winner be the White Tiger clan, and the clan is not allowed to marry? What are you afraid of? "Ye Fandao.

Baili Jinge’s eyes lit up and he shot his forehead. “Yes! I didn’t think of it!”

Ye Fan shook his head straight, this stupid big is quite cute. its

In the wild world, although the clan is not married, it is mainly to prevent children from being born. Some men and women of different clan have private relationships.

But the woman like Huang Yuer is probably not so casual. "

Thank you, Ye Haoma, I will send flowers to Huang Weier when I go back, I... I don’t want to face! "Barry Jin Ge is eager to try. Ye

The sail almost didn't smile, this guy didn't play a comedy!

At this time, just as Ye Fan intends to continue to approach the interior of the forest, some special movements around him have made his eyes flash a strange color...

Sure enough... Didn’t this winter hunt let him live? Ye Fan sneered in his heart.

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