My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2000: two thousand


Hurry to find the monster, but I want to take the first one." Ye Fan pretends that if nothing happens, he urges the sound, and then rides towards the depths of the forest.

"Ye Ma Ma! You wait! Do not want to be too fast, the movement will be big and will run away the monster!" Baili Jinge keeps up from behind, but helplessly shakes his head, thinking that although this Hummer has talent, but the hunting is really not understood. . leaf

Regardless of the sails, he just wants to be as far away as possible from the big forces. As for the hundred miles of Jin Ge, it is best if he can open it.

These people who follow him, although they have hidden the cultivation and breath, but in terms of tracking assassination, Ye Fan is the ancestor level. and

And the perceptual acumen is far superior to the average monk, or can be detected, this is all with killing...

After the road sprinted for more than a dozen miles, it was far away from other people. hundred

Li Jinge frowned: "Ye Yang Ma, this is the monster can not be found, we have to slow down, you will listen to me." leaf

The sail sighed and turned back: "Would that be the case, let's find it separately?"

"There is no way, there is no way left in the dense fog area. If you run out of a powerful monster, you may not be able to cope with it." positive

At this moment, a bush in front, revealing a gray animal head. quiet

The green eyes are like a coyotes, but the elders are sharp-skinned, which is three times larger than the average wolf.

This wolf-shaped monster is staring at Ye Fan, who seems to be hesitant to attack.

"Iron wolf wolf!?" Baili Jinge shines in the eyes, big joy: "Ye Ma Ma! That is a mid-level monster, this kind of demon wolf temper, rarely give up directly to escape, I will help you to take it, when Thank you!"

Not waiting for what Ye Fan said, Baili Jinge has jumped from the mount and took out his own silver rifle! he

Rolling up a khaki-colored energy, the body's blood and blood flowed, the muscles and muscles were all strengthened, and a layer of Yingying's shield formed on his body!

Holding a pistol in one hand, a side-swinging rotation, a long gun in the hand with a storm-like energy, broke out! leaf

The sails flickered, this hundred miles of Jin Ge, should be the master of the heavens. mysterious

The sorcerer is the sacred bones, the qi and blood, the gods, and the internal and external repairs.

Ye Fan thinks that this Xuanshi's cultivation path is a bit like the most traditional ancient warrior, but their ability is born. although

However, it is not as powerful as a warlock, but the body of the Xuanshi is stronger and more flexible.

"Hey!" Long

The gun crossed a long distance and saw the head of the wolf. iron

The demon wolf is very keen. After a twist and avoiding it, it reveals a fangs, a low roar, and uses a flashing arc-shaped running way to rush toward Baili Jinge!

"The animals are just right!"

Li Jin Ge screamed and called, and the long gun that flew out flew back! versus

At the same time, Baili Jinge once again condensed the energy of the yellow sand, and it was a fist to the demon wolf!

"Hey!" The wolf was directly hit by a fist!

After all, it is a monster, the body is stronger than humans, even if it has not yet opened the spiritual cultivation, just punched a fist and just spit blood, then turn around and run away! hundred

Li Jinge saw the timing, the long gun that had just been recalled in his hand, and once again pierced!


A shot directly pierced the back of the demon wolf, killed on the spot!

"Haha! Ye Hao Ma, we are lucky, if other monsters, may run early, just met this is not afraid of death!" Baili Jinge happy, went to intend to close the body of the demon wolf.

But at this moment, a black man flies from the top of the tall tree! One

Let the cold knife slash toward the hundred miles of Jin Ge! "

who! ? "Barry Jin Ge raised his head alertly, while he was busy turning over and avoiding it!

The black-faced masked knives are repaired with a plastic spirit, and they are stronger than the Baili Jinge. If you don’t say anything, go back to Baili Jinge! hundred

Li Jinge recalled the rifle and wrestled with the knife, and immediately issued a "clam" metal chorus! although

However, the repair of the knife is slightly higher, but the hundred miles of gold wins in talent, but it does not fall at all.

If it is the plastic-soul monk on the earth, most of the fights are indiscriminate bombing, but in the wild world, the practitioners still pursue actual combat, knowing how to use the spirit of justice, and will not make too much momentum.

Such melee confrontation seems to be no different from the general ancient warriors, but the two are fiercely confronted with the energy of the plastic spirit! One

The shock wave that spreads out of the road directly shakes the surrounding trees, and the sound of the explosion is like a thunder!

"Ye Ma Ma! Come help me, take this assassin!" Baili Jinge shouted. can

As soon as he shouted, he discovered that there were already two assassins, falling from the trees on both sides and killing them towards Ye Fan! Inspect

I feel that these two people also have a seven-pronged spirit. When Baili Jin Gordon is in a hurry, he can't support Ye Fan at all! "

Ye Hao Ma runs! ! ”

Needless to say, Ye Fan has also been rushing!

When Baili Jinge saw it, he could not help but cry out loudly: "Tune your head! Quickly turn your head!! The direction is wrong!!"

Ye Fan did not go to the outside and the direction of the large forces, but directly to the inside of the forest. hundred

Li Jinge thought that Ye Fan was panicked and the direction was unclear, but he couldn’t help himself, and he couldn’t catch up. leaf

The sails screamed in the wind, and after their horns ran for hundreds of meters, the fighting sounds behind them gradually disappeared.

At this time, the two knives behind him and the other dozen assassins were all surrounded and intend to encircle him. in

In the jungle, the wildebeest can't be fully deployed, and the speed is not as fast as a monk, and it will be caught up. Two

The famous knife stalked from the back, swept away, and swung out the cross knife, and directly planned to cut the leaf sail immediately into three sections!

Ye Fan's face was expressionless, and there was a banter in his eyes. He jumped from the horse and just avoided two knives!

At the same time, Ye Fan quickly stepped between the trees and continued to move deep into the jungle! high

On the top of a tall giant wood, a long-haired man masked the man to see this scene, with a big hand!

For a time, the other dozen black assassins also fell from the trees and began to intercept directly in front!

Eight black-knife knives were stopped in front of Ye Fan, one by one, and the plastic spirits were repaired, and the various halo emerged, and they shot at the same time!

Ye Fan thinks that this distance should be enough. Simply, it will not continue to escape. There is a murder in the eyes...

body! instant

In the meantime, with the body function of Ye Fan greatly improved, the speed suddenly increased!

Under the foot, the footwork is expanded and the figure is a lightning-fast position! Eight

A knife in front of the flower, did not see clearly, found that Ye Fan has disappeared! ? leaf

There was a sword in the sails, which appeared behind these knives, a roundabout, and eight heads flew directly!

Even if it is a disintegration, it is also the strength of the long-lived environment. Together with Ye Fan’s ancient swordsmanship, killing these artificial plastic soul killers is completely cutting vegetables and cutting vegetables! This

Everything happened in the light of the fire, so that the remaining dozens of people were paralyzed, and did not understand what happened!

When I saw blood coming from the necks of those people, a chill came to the hearts of those dozens of people!

What happened? ? This... This is the speed of the monk in the knot! ? The power of the knot period! ? turn off

The key is... the other party's blood is not used! Everyone simply doesn't understand! under

For a second, Ye Fan’s figure seems to have disappeared again! again

Once appeared, Ye Fan has jumped to the top of the giant wood!

In front of him, it is the long-haired masked killer command! Means

In the brown eyes of the officer, there was a horror, and the blood felt cold!

Everything is too sudden, how to win the eye, their group of hunters, turned into prey! ? "

Hide and seek, it's over..." Ye Fan smirked.

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