My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2001: Assassination


The masked man reacted very quickly, seeing Ye Fan in front of himself, and his right hand flashed a red light, and the **** were like sharp edges, straight to the heart of Ye Fan!

He is also a myth, and melee is exactly what he wants! can

Unfortunately, he did not know that Ye Fan in front of him is not able to fight for melee!

Before he met Ye Fan, Ye Fan had taken the lead in grabbing his right wrist!

A huge force that can’t be completely confronted, uploaded from Ye Fan’s finger...”


Bone crush break!

"Ah!-" The long-haired man is screaming and screaming! Take

He has been rehabilitated for a long time, and he can’t help but hold the grip of a man’s hand! ? This

Still people? ? Monsters are not like this! !

At the same time, the remaining black knife knives have already flown to the back of Ye Fan and smothered him! leaf

Sail does not look at it, summoning more than a dozen flying swords, and directly drawing more than a dozen golden lights in midair! "

Hey! ......" Wan

For example, if more than a dozen blasts pass, the killers of the famous plastic spirits can resist the unparalleled swordsmanship in the disintegrated state, and they are directly pierced through the head and fall down! "

Sword meaning! ? "The long-haired man was shocked and his body kept shuddering. "No... impossible... this pressure... is it... emperor... emperor..."

The sails are much lazy to say anything, directly a hand knife, crushed the guy's throat, and broke the spine!

Sending a long habitat and a bunch of shrimps and crabs will kill him. Although it can be understood, it is too challenging...

In less than half a minute, except for the one who was wrapped in the hundred miles of Jin Ge, the entire team of killers, has been killed! leaf

The sail took off the mask of the long-haired commander, and the face of a strange middle-aged man did not know.

Searched, from his storage ring, he found a token of identity..."

Prepare for the army, thousands of households, Converse..." Ye Fan’s eyes flashed a chill. This

The guy is the master of Qi Wang, and these are the people sent by Qi Wang. It is impossible for Qi Wang to kill him without any reason. Only the Emperor has instructions.

No wonder he was suddenly asked to participate in the winter hunting, although he had long guessed what arrangements were made, but this "big gift" was too much. "

Laozi saved your sent someone to kill Laozi...I am also a son-in-law, and my heart is black..."

The sail took a deep breath, the most ruthless emperor's family, he was thoroughly experienced.

Just because you have revealed the genius side, you are going to kill it directly?

"You are ruthless, then don't blame Laozi for being unrighteous..."

Although the sails are not the ones who must report, but the Emperor of the Sui has moved to kill the heart, it is a disaster to stay sooner or later.

This time just a few hundred miles away from the Imperial City, simply do not do two times...

As for Su Xiaoxue... He can't think too much. He can't always keep him because he is a man. Let him keep sending people to assassinate himself? leaf

After thinking about the sails, the face changed and changed into a cold star, and then changed clothes.

Confirm that there is nothing missing, Ye Fan directly from the sword, flying to the direction of the large forces where the Emperor of Germany. half

On the way, Ye Fan saw that Baili Jinge was still entangled by the black knife, and directly pulled out a sword light!

Baili Jinge is fighting fiercely. Suddenly, there is a pressure on the sky, let him and the other killer act for it! With

After that, I saw a sharp and unrivalled force, descending from the sky, and the opposite knifeman snorted and utterly killed!

"Who?!" Baili Jinge looked up, but did not see any figure.

After a little doubt, he suddenly remembered Ye Fan, hesitated, he still bite his teeth, running deep, and screaming "Ye Ma Ma" while running.

What he didn't know was that Ye Haoma had already passed through a large foggy forest and returned to the sky above the big forces! Qi

Wang and Zhai Dedi are talking and laughing, talking about a monster that has just been hunt, but suddenly feel the top of the head, the pressure of a scorpion is suddenly shrouded! "

not good! Be careful! ! ”

Qi Wang first discovered that something was wrong, and there was a blue glow. The pressure of the king’s realm broke out, and the ice-blue mist-like energy lingered around the body!

As soon as he looked up, a pair of faint blue eyes revealed a shocking color! "

This... this is! ? ”

I saw a strange man, behind a pair of wings formed by countless swords, surrounded by golden flames, holding a dark sword, falling from the sky! !

"The emperor is running!!" Qi Wang almost shouted screaming! sea

Dedi also felt numbness in his scalp, his eyes flashing an incredible color of horror. "How could it be... this is the imperial sword!"

According to historical records, only the imperial-level swordsmanship will appear like this kind of king-like pressure and breath. This mysterious feeling is something that no other sword can have! he

Even if we haven't seen it before, we only need one contact, and we all reacted at once!

Ye Fan knows that Qi Wang owns Tian Wang, so he directly disintegrated and killed him.

If it is not enough, he will consider using the sword to disintegrate... He will not show too much strength, after all, the more the backhand, the safer he is. to

In the blood of the dragon, Ye Fan is completely hidden. After all, it is too easy for them to doubt.

A rapid dive, Ye Fan wielded a black giant sword, and it was a sword to the devil! huge

The sword draws a tens of meters long light sword giant blade, and it is difficult to avoid it if the Emperor has already retreated. Take

The Emperor's Heavenly Respect is absolutely impossible to stop his sword!

"溟渊止水!!" thousand

As soon as he was born, Qi Wang Su Yu jumped to the back of Jude, and both palms pushed toward Jianguang. A sturdy king-level ice cold energy seemed like a cold ice frenzy against the current! leaf

After the sail's sword was collided with it, although it still fell, the speed was obviously slower!

At the moment, the Emperor of the German Emperor smashed the wings of the ice, and blinked a large distance!

As for the other civil and military officials, the garrison army, there is no courage to leave, and it has long since become a bird and beast! leaf

Fan did not think of the talent of this Su family, even his sword will be affected and become dull.

Su Shi met with the German emperor and managed to escape. While he was relieved, his eyes asked sharply: "Who is the lord?! Dare to assassinate the emperor!"

Ye Fan naturally does not have to answer redundantly, and accelerates again directly. With the speed advantage of the dragon scale sword wing, once again catch up with the Emperor! "

Guard driving! ! Guard driving! ! ——"

Jude's face is like paper, he finds himself urging all his strength and can't escape! ? Rear

Qi Wang has come to rescue the wind in the wind, but as a myth, even if it is a king, mobility can not be compared with Ye Fan's sword wing! leaf

This time, the sail is not going to give Su Shi a chance to stop, taking advantage of his speed advantage, directly to the front of the Emperor, and suddenly fell, stopped the way!

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