My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2125: An important thing


A small town where the monks gathered in Dongtianfudi, because there are a large number of monks selling cultivating materials, there are many monks gathering and drinking, so it is bustling and very lively.

In one of the most famous restaurants in the area, the leaders of the four major clan, after the end of the evangelistic meeting, made an appointment to have a drink and exchange their experiences.

Although the four clans were in a competitive relationship, since the establishment of the Great Era dynasty, the clan has fallen a lot.

"Small drop! What are you thinking about?? You are a disciple of the sword god, you still refuse!"

Do you know what a golden opportunity this is! ? "Ji Changjun is very puzzled all the way, and I can't help but continue to learn."

On the side of Ren Zhuo quite envy: "Yes, the emperor-level swordsmanship, the eternal encounter, the sword **** is already the power of the power of the earthquake, it is already a big man!"

This Shenjian sect, it will not take long, it will be a sect of countless swords to go to the name.

You don't take this opportunity to stand under the sword god, but the loss of the big! ”

"Hey, little girl is a little girl, I don't know how to be awkward," he said, ridiculed the sentence, it is difficult to hide.

Not only did the Shenlong family not understand, but the other geniuses in the restaurant, the geniuses of the major clan, were also very puzzled.

"Hey, little girl, you said that you have someone who wants to worship, who is that person? Is it better than the sword god?" Huang Xiaoer asked questions that everyone was very curious about.

The flower fell slightly and the red face, both hands clenched the hem of the skirt, shook his head and said, "I promised, don't say that identity...

In fact, I don't really know what strength he is, but... but that one is very good to me, and I have to abide by my promise."

Everyone looks at each other, this girl is too fooled, right? !

Everyone doesn't know if the flowers are small and simple, or that she is stupid.

"The small drop sword is not bad, and the person who can make her want to apprentice should not be too bad."

Besides, the lord of the sword **** still gave the opportunity to the small drop, and later can still worship the Shenjian Zong, really yell at me," said a white tiger's genius.

Everyone nodded and looked at the flowers with great admiration.

The flower is small, it is a worry, ask Ji Changzhen: "Auntie, how is this leaf horse, he will not really have an accident?"

"You still think about the kid?! He hasn't kept up with it for so long, it's estimated that there are fewer fierce." Ji Changyu sighed.

"Ye Ma Ma? Ye Fan? What happened to him?" Huang Yuer and others asked, after all, Ye Fan is also a classmate of Xuanyuan College.

Ji Changchun shook his head and briefly said the twists and turns on the road. "I don't know if he is lost, or if he is not at all... I can only wait to go back and hope that he is turning back."

The flowers fell to the distant sky, and the eyes were full of worry...

A thousand miles away, too virtual peak.

A long flagpole was raised, and the "Hell Swordman" flag on the black-and-golden line was raised to the top and fluttered in the wind.

"I didn't expect that such a flag was almost forgotten in the storage bag, and there was a day to be used." Nian Rujia looked at the flag and smiled.

"Yeah, when the punishment is fine, so many magic weapons and spirits are gone. These clothes, flags, and everything else are dispensable, but they are left behind," Ling Yuwei said with emotion.

Ye Fan said: "Which is not a dispensable thing, clothes are not worn, are you naked? As for this flag, it is a little fire of the stars, and it will be inserted all over the floodland in the future!"

"French, then let's go to Jin Guangtian to receive the Qinxin Pavilion of Qinqin?" asked Ruojiao.

Ye Fan waved his hand. "No hurry, no one dares to grab my site for the time being. Even if someone really wants to rob, we are already late."

I can't stay too long in Dongtianfu because I don't know that I am still alive.

In case I went back late, Light Snow thought I was dead. She is now weak and I am afraid she can't stand it.

So I have to get back as soon as possible, otherwise it will be easy to make a big deal. ”

The four women listened and understood.

In fact, their feelings with Su Liangxue are even deeper than Ye Fan.

After all, the girls have been together for decades and have fought together to fight the alien civilization.

Su Qingxue was to protect everyone and sacrificed himself.

The emotions between women have long surpassed life and death.

Therefore, they are also worried about the condition of Su Xiaoxue, there will be nothing wrong with it.

"That... Nafu, are you going now? Are we going with you?" Although Nian Rujia knows that Ye Fan is leaving, he is not willing.

Ye Fan smiled and said: "For the time being, you are still not convenient to follow me. Shenjian Zong, in fact, depends on you to help me build it.

My main concern is to treat the light snow and find the light rain. Shen Shenzong, I can only serve as the head and shock the outsiders.

As for the construction of the sect, recruiting disciples, daily management and development, you need to rely on your abilities.

Anyway, Gillian and Ninger have management experience, Wei Wei, you will have a strange door, and arrange all kinds of big battles. I believe that it is not difficult for you to establish a martial art."

"Hey! Me!! Nothing to do?!" Xiao Xin was so angry that she blinked her hands and put her hands on her hips.

Ye Fan laughed happily. "What are you eager for? You are responsible for the core of the martial art, the cultivation and fighting skills of the doorman! After all, your strength is still the strongest, isn't it?"

When Xiao Xiner heard it, this was a slap in the face. "Well, then I will be responsible for the cultivation of the doorman. I just found out that some are actually good."

The four women have experienced countless wars of various sizes. With decades of precipitation, in fact, they do not need to say more about Ye Fan. They also have gullies in their hearts and painted a blueprint for Shenjian.

Ye Fan saw that they immediately began to discuss the development of some martial art, and stopped obstructing: "Wait a minute, what do you do after these sects, you will wait for me to decide, then discuss each other."

Now, time is tight, I have to do another important thing with you..."

Four women listened to it, except for Ning Zi Mo, the three of them were all faint red.

"Hey, you know that you didn't press our heart on the top of the peak..." Ling Yuwei bit his lip.

Xiao Xiner turned around. "I... I won't do it with you! I will choose a room I like first!"

Ye Fan reached out and licked the woman's wrist, pulling Xiao Xiner into her arms and holding the woman's water snake waist.

Xiao Xiner exclaimed, her complexion was red, her eyes were closed, and her eyelashes trembled.

"Xin Er, although you are very powerful, but I am also a sword god, pointing you to the cultivation of things, but not?" Ye Fan evil laughed.

“Ah?” Xiao Xiner opened his eyes and “repair...cultivate?”

Ye Fan nodded and glared at not letting himself laugh out. "Yeah, I want to see what level of specific cultivation you have, and help you sort out before you leave."

Try to improve faster, you become stronger, I am more assured.

What happened, what do you think I am going to do? Why is the face so red? ”

Xiao Xiner clenched her silver teeth, and Mei Lili suddenly became shy and turned into an anger. "Dead Ye Fan... The old lady fights with you!!"

A group of Fengyan "Teng" picked up and directly wrapped Ye Fan into it!

"Hey! Hey!! Fire the husband!!"

The other three women saw Ye Fan being burned, but they did not stop. After all, the man’s remarks were too "squeaky".

Ye Fan did not dare to use the sword to block, for fear of hurting a woman, simply holding Xiao Xiner directly, flying into the hot spring pool not far from the top!

"噗通!" Splashes!

Xiao Xiner was held in the water and screamed, and Feng Yan disappeared.

"Oh! What are you doing?? I am wet!!"

Xiao Xiner became a Phoenix phoenix and complained angrily.

But before she could say more, Ye Fan directly pressed her back of the head and kissed it!

"Hey!-" Xiao Xiner is very sweet.

In the warm spring water, the two are close together, but the body is very cold, and the touch is particularly exciting.

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