My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2126: Not saying this


The three women on the shore saw this scene and couldn’t help but look at it. After all, it was rare to see Xiao Xiner being so "repressed."

Although Ye Fan also wants to be more intimate with women, she also knows that the time is precious, but it is important to do something right.

After Xiao Xiner was kissed and dressed, Ye Fan took the woman ashore and said: "Well, you don't laugh, if you don't want to talk about cultivation now, don't even want to run."

Come, Ning, you should show me first, you should be comprehending some artistic conception? ”

Although I haven't seen Ning Zi Mo's shot, but with the experience, Ye Fan still feels something, even if it is not a sword, it should be another kind of artistic conception.

Ning Zi Mo smiled, "husband you found out."

Not much to say, Ning Zi Mo's hand wave, I saw dozens of white gold light, like a countless flying firefly, flying around her high speed!

Ye Fan took a closer look, turned out to be dozens of flying knives? !

These flying knives do not have a shank, leaving a thin double-edged willow blade to cut the weight to a minimum and the lethality is greatly enhanced!

"Husband, how is this, this is my 'streaming knife'", Ning Zi Mo asked.

"Is it a flying knife? I haven't seen it yet..." Ye Fan said with sincerity: "Ninger, is this flying knife built by you?"

Ning Zi Mo shook his head. "I was asked by Yunyao to use it. It used a super alloy because the metal is not light enough and the toughness is not enough to reach my ideal level.

I used to go to Lushan, and I learned the swordsmanship like you, and I used my flying knife.

But I am not as good as you. At present, I can only control up to 981 flying knives.

The higher the cultivation, the more I found out that your husband is so powerful, and the tens of thousands of flying swords can be controlled, it is amazing. ”

Ye Fan smiled and said: "No, your flying knife, no need to compare with my sword."

Although you have a small number, but your precision is higher, and more flexible, the resistance is small and fast, this is the advantage of your flying knife.

Come and attack me and make your best! ”

Ning Zi has responded with a voice, and she is not worried about hurting men. After all, the gap between the two is too great.

After the woman’s Tian Wang was fully transported, all the flying knives were like a white gold flame, and they were smashing in the air.

At the same time, the high-speed mutual friction between the flying knives, even the generation of ion current, a violent electric snake, so that Ning Zi Mo the whole person is wrapped in electric light!

"Scattered, broken lightning!"

Ning Zi Mo Mou Yi moves, 81 pieces of flying blades, with a white gold current beam, suddenly accelerated! Instantly hit the front of Ye Fan!

Ye Fan did not dare to neglect, and had already disintegrated twice in the early days, and made the ultimate sword meaning, and raised the power of the unparalleled swordsmanship to at least the power of the realm of the Emperor.

Feeling a tyrannical impact, Ye Fan runs the sword and uses counter-attack techniques to quickly resolve these knives.

But I did not expect that the current brought by the knife was actually let Ye Fan feel a little numbness in the body? !

This is also the strong body of Ye Fan. If you change to other weaker monks, I am afraid I will suffer a big loss!

After the flying knives circled around the body of Ye Fan for dozens of laps, Ye Fan countered them in the air!

Ning Zi Mo a beckoning, the flying knife returned to her side, the woman knows that the man is deliberately throwing the knife to the sky, if it is against the enemy, it is directly counterattack back.

"Sure enough, my strongest trick, in front of my husband, is also the same as the children's family." Ning Zi groaned.

Ye Fan smiled and said: "Ninger, your flying knife has never shot me, don't care too much."

Ning Zi Mo a glimpse, remembered that in the purple leaf tea house that year, how can he shoot with a flying knife?

After several times, I was so angry that I wanted to smash the table. I also asked Ye Fan how many years to practice. He could shoot him... For a few decades, I couldn’t help but smile.

"However, don't be discouraged, your knife, the upside is particularly large.

Although I don't know much about the knife, I think that there is such a performance, and this is how to count the ‘day-level’ flying knife.

When you start now, focus on the cultivation of the sword, and let the power of the sword be interpreted as much as possible..."

Ye Fan immediately began to explain to women seriously, there is no absolute connection between internal cultivation and knife.

The person himself must be integrated with the flying knife as much as possible, instead of simply manipulating the flying knife, so the body cultivation must follow up...

For his lover, Ye Fan naturally imparts experience without reservation.

In fact, Ning Zi Mo and other women have been practicing the simplified version of the crazy dance of Professor Ye Fan, so the constitution has long been stronger than most of the monks.

"My crazy dance, I haven't had time to teach you the full version."

Now that your body is strong enough, the full version should be able to be done several times a day. I will teach you all this time..."

Xiao Xiner has long been waiting for Ye Fan’s full version. I have to teach men to teach. I can’t help but ask: “You have taught us the experience and skills of these pressure boxes, and we are not afraid that we will overtake you. what?"

Ye Fan laughed happily: "The gods and dragons know that the dragons are nine, but how many can wake up to the five-clawed golden dragon?

The Phoenix clan knows that the phoenix dances for nine days, but can there be a few breakthroughs to the red lotus blood?

Even if I write all the scholastics today, I will not worry about everyone.

Besides, you are my woman. If you can rebel someday, you are sitting on my bed, I am happy!

Let me feel the feeling of being protected. I eat soft rice every day. I am too happy to have it! ”

"Hey! You think beautiful!" Xiao Xiner gave a white man a look.

Ning Zi Mo also promoted narrowly: "Yes, still sitting on you... that is not that we move, you don't move? Isn't that we are waiting for you? Which one is you waiting for us..."

"What! Zi Mojie! Not to say this thing!" Xiao Xiner's face was red.

"Oh..." Ning Zimo snorted and found that his concern was wrong.

Nian Rujiao and Ling Yuwei couldn't stand it anymore. How could this topic become so embarrassing at once, they have no experience.

But Ye Fan’s words, although somewhat funny, can be justified by the truth, and women understand it.

The true powerhouse will not care about teaching practice and training experience, because if you are afraid of others, you will not be a real powerhouse.

After a joke, Ye Fan gave Xiao Xiner, Ling Yuwei and Nian Rujia a separate guide.

He is more about proposing suggestions and guiding directions, but how to comprehend them, or women themselves.

The women are already monks in the realm of heaven. In fact, they are all outside, and they all have their own ideas.

After the one-on-one guidance ended, Ye Fan began to seriously teach women the full version of the crazy dance.

In fact, he even thought about passing the disintegration to them.

However, considering that he did not fully understand the essence of disintegration, this method may also cause some dangers, even being targeted by some hateful people, Ye Fan thinks it will be said later.

After the women have learned the crazy dance, they are all tired and panting, sweating and squatting, and they are going to kneel down!

They can hardly imagine that Ye Fan can even be connected for hundreds of times, still in the gravity training room!

It is no wonder that men rely on the body to fight against the realm of heaven! Not at all human!

Ye Fan saw that the loved ones had to take a break. When they remembered that there were important things, they went down the mountain and found the medicine first.

The medicine that is arranging the Huanhua Valley Alchemy Room is the first. It is obviously intended to make a small position here. After all, it can be conveniently taken locally.

The medicine didn't know where to get a huge alchemy furnace that was two people high, and was wiping it with silk cloth there.

Just like a car-loving person, personally washing a car to do maintenance, but also a look of happiness and satisfaction.

Ye Fan saw this scene, how much understand, why this guy can become Dan Sheng, and really love the way of alchemy.

"Sacred God of the Sword, is there something to find a drug? Is it going to Jinguangtian?" The medicine first saw Ye Fan coming over and could not help but ask.

Ye Fan shook his head. "No hurry, I have a rest here today. I want to ask you, can you know that the sky is waning?"

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