My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2196: Green fire


The violent shaking, the falling gravel, even if it does not loosen the prohibition of this cave prison, it also has an impact.

Ye Fan opened his eyes, even if he used the dragon scorpion, a pair of scorpions still exudes a golden glow!

When the mind is moving, a sense of consciousness spreads out. The original cave feels a strong spiritual ban, and it is now ineffective.

Ye Fan’s knowledge of the penetrating banned, covering the entire Yi people tribe, and even the surrounding waters!

Ye Fan sat in the hole, but the situation outside was unobstructed!


His spiritual strength, like never before, is like a sea!

But Ye Fan didn't bother to feel happy about it. He couldn't help but rush to the cave!

The spiritual ban imposed by the Yi people was originally the wall of the copper wall.

But now, just like the rotten wood, it is directly forced to be crushed by Ye Fan!

Ye Fan grabbed the little gold that was squatting outside the cave and looked at some of the cockroaches. He said, "You are a snake! It's like this outside! Why don't you call me!?"

Xiaojin is very wronged, "Master... I am calling you, you have not responded, I am worried that I will disturb you to practice, afraid that you will go into the fire or something...

Master, I am thinking about it for you wholeheartedly! It’s okay to die a few monks, you can’t have an accident...

By the way, is the master better? Is it all right? ”

Ye Fan really can't refute this guy, after all, it's all for his good.

The key, this is also related to his immersion in the fun of "infinite plastic spirit."

This cultivation is so interesting that it can't stop!

"Hey, the mouth is slippery, I don't know who to learn with!" Ye Fan said with a slap in the face.

Xiao Jin once again stunned the man, and he groaned without a sigh.

Ye Fan was a flash, and the figure had disappeared from Xiao Jin.

Xiaojin squinted his head and looked at the cave with a little doubt. He flew over and tried to enter directly.


An invisible force will shake Xiaojin directly!

Xiaojin turned his head in surprise and looked at the direction in which Ye Fan left...

Not far away, the deep sea monster has completely gone ashore!

More than a dozen tentacles are like a dozen criss-crossing mountains, rolling up and down, the beach and the tribes of the tribe, invading the ground!

Although most of the monks who have been repaired are flying into the air to avoid these devastating tentacles, there are still some dodge, which are directly crushed!

The Sea Magic Army has already returned to the sea at this time. They have no need to participate in the war. In the face of the deep sea monsters, they will only hinder their feet.

The black scales stood in midair and looked at a group of stunned sluts. He smiled and said: "Press up! One does not stay!"

A group of Siren Masters received instructions, playing a unique melody, long and varied sound waves, so that the deep sea monsters began to target the scorpion attack.

"The deep sea monsters have low intelligence, but they are not afraid of spiritual attacks! They are hard as iron! The resilience is super strong, the broken arm can be born, and the broken shell can be more!

The only way to kill it is to destroy its core viscera, which is effective only from the oral attack on its abdomen! ”

General Hu Jin turned to the elders: "The elders, you bring people to attract the giant demon, I take people to find opportunities, rush to it!"

"Go! All the savvy spells are dragging this monster with the old man!!"

The elders took the lead, and a group of monks used to display the spells of the tribes, the ice arrows, the ice spears, the water dragons, the wind blades, and greeted the deep sea monsters!

But these spells, even if they are the power of chaos of the great elders, can't leave any obvious traces on the body of the deep sea monster!

The strong defense of the deep sea monsters makes the people feel desperate!

The tiger cub took seven or eight monks and elites and sprinted for a while, trying to cross the gap of a tentacle and enter the abdomen position of the giant demon.

But when they first reached the tentacles, they saw the tentacles suddenly pressed down!

"Not good! It's a trap!!"

When the elders saw it, they were so scared that they were pale.

The black scales in the air are laughing and laughing. "Stupid monks, do you think that our domesticated deep sea monsters are still so inferior? With the command of our Krakens, the deep sea monsters will be flawless!"

"Quick withdrawal!!"

The tiger cries shouted loudly, and several monks were extremely responsive and very quick to respond.

But I didn't expect that the giant demon touched the hand, and the countless holes like the suction cups were sprayed with a lot of black liquid!

These black, with a stinking liquid, like a dense black rainstorm, fell on a group of monks such as tiger cubs.


The savage people are screaming and screaming. The black liquid is very corrosive and toxic, causing them to be bruised and bruised, and their faces are black and fall to the ground and spit black blood...

Seeing this scene, the rest of the monks are completely panicked, these horrible monsters, how close they are! ?

At this time, a figure fell on a broken shell house, it is Ye Fan!

Ye Fan saw this situation, annoyed, he was still late!

Just when he wanted to shoot, he suddenly saw that a figure that confused him was running over...

Ye Fan frowned, the running man, wearing big leather pants, the white man, is the Gillen-Gerule!

At this time, Gillen had no smile on his face, and his eyebrows were close to each other, his eyes raging.

A group of monks, such as the elders, saw him running up and squatting.

In particular, some deaf women, because they have clearly seen Gillen escape, how come back?

"Gillen! It's dangerous here! You run!" The elders shouted.

These days, Gillen also brought them friendliness and joy in the tribe.

Everyone actually likes this talking crazy, obsessed with small animals, the so-called biologists.

Even though this product is thinking about slipping into the temple every day, I want to touch the patron, but it is not annoying.

This barbarian young man, unconsciously, actually left a good impression on the tribe of the monks, and naturally no one wants to see him die.

Kyrgyz is not going to retreat. He pointed to the deep sea monster, which is a anger: "You! This is your monster! You killed the Tuo Tuo!! You killed the extension!"

This time, I listened to a group of Krakens. Who is this guy? Who is Tuo Tuo?

Instead, Ye Fan and some monks reacted. Gillen turned out to be a groundhog family. Come here to seek justice.

The black scale frowned. "Noisy, kill him first!"

The Siren Masters played the snails, and the deep sea monsters had a pair of **** scorpions, a giant tentacle, and pressed against Gillen!


Some shouts came from the monks, and some of the spells were lost, but they could not stop the attack of this tentacle!


In the blink of an eye, Gyllen has been covered by tentacles! I can't see half a person again!

A group of monks, such as the elders, couldn’t bear to look at it. Anyone can see that Gillen’s heart is kind, otherwise he will not come to risk his life to protest because of a group of dry rats.

Good people are crushed like this, and of course they can't bear it.

Ye Fan was blind, and he just didn't plan to help Gillen.

When I saw Gillen before, Ye Fan had been seriously injured, the Yuanshen was damaged, and the mental strength was weak, but she did not notice anything.

But this time, Ye Fan found this product a little weird...

suddenly! A raging pressure, with a breath of vitality and vitality, spread from the position where Gillian disappeared!


A cyan flame-like energy, like countless green grasses, is drawn from under the tentacles of the deep sea monster!

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