My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2197: Galouro


In the next second, I only heard a screaming roar, I saw a body nearly three meters, the whole body muscles are like steel sculptures, and the burly giants bursting with blue flames, stand proudly!

Although the body of the giant Han is already very majestic, in the face of the deep sea monster, in fact, it is the same as the ants!

Even so, the giant Han actually forced the top tentacles of the mountain to stand up by the strength of the flesh! ! ?


The giant Han shouted, his eyes, even the nose and mouth, from the inside out, releasing the blue flame!

Even if his face is full of muscles, it looks like a lot of old town, no longer the round baby face, but still can recognize, this is Gillen! !

I saw Gillen bent his knees slightly, then his legs went to the ground and the ground suddenly collapsed into a deep pit!

Gillen borrowed his strength and pushed his hands to push the tentacles away!

The tentacles landed, and the ground made a heavy noise...

A group of monks, including the elders, have been stunned, what is the power of perversion! ?

The tentacles of this deep sea monster, although not as heavy as the mountains, are definitely comparable to the weight of a mountain.

This Gillen is equal to being able to push a mountain away! ?

Ye Fan in the distance saw this scene, showing his eyes and a smile on his mouth...

"The Holy Land?! This...what is this?"

A group of sea monsters, such as black scales, are dumbfounded. They think that this is just a madman who is not desperate. Who wants this person’s strength to be so amazing! ?

Gillen didn't stop here, he used a little force at his feet, and his body flew hundreds of meters high!

The superb air-making ability allows him to spread his wings like an eagle in the air.

I saw Gillen’s majestic arm stretched toward the ocean...

Deep in the ocean, there was a raging sound of breaking water, a red glow, breaking the waves!

Like a flying fire meteor, it fell into the hands of Gillen!

It is a golden giant axe with a flame that burns with flames and a bird pattern!

The axe alone is more than two meters wide, and the thickest position is nearly half a meter.

The long handle of the giant axe is more than four meters, and it is as thick as a pillar!

Even if Gillen's body is like a little giant's body, it looks a little small before this huge axe!

When Gillen held the giant axe in both hands, the red flame above the giant axe turned into a blazing blaze!

On the pattern of a **** bird on the axe, a pair of scorpions of the **** bird flashed a golden brilliance, as if it were alive!

"This... is this... acknowledging the Lord's sacred object, the giant axe 'Gallouro'!?"

The black scale saw this soldier, suddenly thought of something, and stunned and exclaimed: "You are the king of Buchahar!? How come you are here!?"

A group of monk warriors, such as the elders, have already come to their senses, because the monks have lived in the wild for a long time, and they know more about the wild culture.

"It's really a giant axe of Jialou Luo...Jilun is the current king!" The elders also felt incredible.

Gillen did not seem to hear their words at all. At this time, he only had anger at the deep sea monster!

I saw him holding a huge axe in his hands, his body bent back in the air, and then the waist and abdomen muscles burst explosively!

The giant axe fell! !

"Oh la la!!"

Like a thunder, a cyan flame giant bird, flying out from the axe, brought a sharp flame curtain of blue flames, cut into the deep sea giant demon body longitudinally!

The sea monsters at the top of the deep sea monsters, but when they are touched by the cyan brilliance, they are directly destroyed into countless pieces!

On the behemoth's body, the cracked black-black gap cracked like a crack in the gully, black blood in various sour liquids, constantly emerging!

Like the sound of a landslide, the deep sea monster is tilted backwards, split into two halves, and falls back into the sea!

"Do not!--"

The black scales are angry and can't believe that the deep sea monster will be taken away directly by Gillen an axe! ?

The monks are excited and the cheers are deafening!

After Gillen finished the axe, the cyan flame on his body quickly dissipated. His hand was loose and the axe fell from the sky.

Others also fell vertically, and the body in the air continued to shrink and became the original size.

When Gillen was caught by the Skull Warrior, he had already returned to the normal state, covered in sweat, and snorted and gasped.

"It's so tired... oh... help Tuo Tuo revenge... Revenge..."

Although it seems to be half-dead, Gillen’s face is full of a satisfying smile, as if he only avenged the squirrels, the rest does not matter.

"Great elders... What is going on here? Kyrgyzstan...There will be nothing under His Royal Highness?"

The warriors are concerned that Gillen at this time is already their benefactor.

The elders shook their heads and smiled: "Recognizing the sacred object, the special attribute of the giant axe, is the power that can instantly release the whole body...

His Royal Highness should be a killer, too expensive, so tired...

However, it is really necessary to deal with the explosive power of the deep sea monster, which is extremely regenerative. ”

A figure wrapped in a thunder falls from the sky!

The golden spear in the black scales beats the violent lightning, and the eyes are murderous!

"Buchahar can help you kill the deep sea monster, but he is now difficult to protect himself!

My black scales are going to guard your family today, and the current savage kings are all killed!

Today, it is destined to be the day of my black scales and the Kraken family! ! ”

The elders saw the situation, and quickly took a group of monks and elites, blocking them in front of Gyllen, one by one showing the resolute color of fearless death.

The black scales are filled with the power of chaos, and the pressure of the realm of the Eucharist suddenly covers the audience, making a group of monks face a big change!

The original battle, the black scale has not yet made the full force! ?

When the millennium was issued, the black scales were going to wave the spears to kill the monks, and the pressure that made everyone on the scene feel the shudder of the soul, suddenly shrouded the audience!

The sea magic army in the surrounding areas of the Yi people, and even in the three seas, all shuddered!

If we say that the pressure of the King of the Kings is like a mountain on their chests, then this pressure will simply crush them into bones!

This sharp and unparalleled forest cold breath, piercing the soul of everyone's soul! !

Sword meaning! ! This is the sword power! ?

"This... how is this possible!?" The black scale looked panicked and stunned and turned to look to the side, the direction a man came in...

A group of monks, such as the elders, have also turned their necks stiffly, looking incredibly at the guests who have not seen them for some time...

"Hey!" Tang Yuan’s black eyes were shining, and he jumped and jumped over.

Holding a dumpling, Ye Fan licked the little guy's furry ears, and his mouth was slightly raised. "This time I didn't run away, I really went back to the patron saint..."


Tang Yuan’s head is high, as if to say that there is nothing to escape!


On the other side, the black scale swallowed the throat, the hand with the spear, and the trembling...

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