My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2354: Vector

With the brain thinking of the night star watching being restricted, the attention can no longer be concentrated. The spiritual power loses the generals who command them, loses the source of power, and disperses like the tide!

The entire dim world began to accelerate and shrink, and the sky returned to light again!

Everyone looked at the night view star face distortion, extremely torturous look, are scared!

Freeze people's thinking? ! The use of the power of the cold to this extent is indeed not an energy that can be summarized by the simple "cold"!

The energy of the chosen person is generally not the idea of ​​the sword and the intention of the knife.

In a sense, the cold of the day is a kind of "artistic concept" of "the power of the cold"!

"Night star watching, with your technique, you have a chance to escape.

But I also know that waiting for this day, you have been waiting too long, so you will not go.

Your dark moon has no phase, it is really powerful, but it is here.

In the performance of the Darkmoon City, the Great Evangelism will not be forgotten, but if you become a king, you will not be merciful."

Su forgets to say that it is equal to the death penalty.

Just as Su Forgot to completely destroy the night star, a white delicate and quirky flying sword wrapped in a blue sword and Huaguang, from the other side to the forgotten burst!

Su forgot his eyebrows. He seems to feel the power of this sword. He must defend or evade, and he has to smother the power of the cold.

In the cold state of the day, this sword is also affected, as if it has entered slow motion, and slowly moves forward.

When everyone looked at it carefully, they discovered that this sword turned out to be without a hilt. It was such a single blade of the willow blade. It was snow white and beautiful.

"Fog night king, it seems that you are not coming for peace, but with the night king, for the disaster."

Su forgot to look back and looked at the foggy night in the distance, without any surprise.

In the foggy night, the moon is long and fluttering, and a beautiful color appears on the beautiful face.

"You want to hurt the lover of the widow, how can the widows sit back and ignore?"

When the words came out, the scene fell into a strange silence.

"Love?" Ye Hongxu looked back at several other ancestors, "I didn't get it wrong?"

Xiao Huai-su took a trip and grabbed the wind and clear arms. "Hey... this **** foggy night... is it..."

The wind is clear and clutching the hands of girlfriends, but also a tangled color.

Many ancestors and elders, many of them have strange expressions, and the atmosphere is subtle.

The night view star relied on this time, and the opportunity finally launched a shadow transmission, which appeared directly in the fog night.

He was so fond of watching the foggy night around him, "Yueyue, thanks to you..."

"We don't have to say this kind of thing between us." The foggy night is a shallow smile.

At the moment of life and death, the two no longer conceal their relationship and boldly revealed it.

Ye Fan fell because he had known it for a long time and didn't feel like it.

This is also the freedom of others, does not affect the foggy night, the moon is an excellent swordsman, the night star is an excellent warlock.

"Since you are deep in love, you don't mind, you two together!" Su forgot to smile.

The night star star flashed and said: "His Royal Highness is really confident. If this is the case, then we will be welcome! Haoyue! Hands-on!"

In the foggy night, the moon will meet, and after directly calling back the flying sword, you will fly high on the sky!

"Star mark sword meaning... star field left marks!!"

The sessile flying sword flew directly from the sleeves of the foggy night, and rushed to the sky!

A strong sword, followed by this flying sword, together with a rapid rise!

Su Forgot to feel a little bad at this time, chasing the body, raising his hand to play a record of the blue cold!

You can prepare for the night star watching, and send it to the foggy night, and the power of the shadows is coming out!

"Shadow Abyss!"

A huge shadow portal, like a black sky in the sky!

Even the power of the cold in the cold of the day, the power is even better, and the power of these shadows is frozen.

But there is still a lot of power in the cold, swallowed by this black abyss, transmitted to other places!

"Not good! The night star watching is delaying, it must be a big move in the foggy night!"

"We are going to support our majesty! To play more, we should have helped!"

Suzu’s ancestors couldn’t help it at this time, and it’s going to be shot.

The two ancestors of the Tujia and Baili family immediately stopped.

"Su Shi'an! That Su forgets that we can't deal with it, you may not!" Tu Shengu sneered.

"A bunch of chaotic thieves! We Sujia fight with you!"

At the time, Su Jia and the other two were actually starting a chaos!

Perhaps it is because there is a main body of Su Forget, although the Su family is small, but it has not fallen for a while.

But when the scene was in chaos, it was not long before, on the sky, there was a burst of "rumbling" sound!

It’s like thunder, it’s like a flood, and it’s like a meteor breaking through the sky...

Followed by, a pressure that makes the whole city feel fear, suddenly falling from the sky! !

"This is... the power of chaos!?" Someone immediately found the problem.

The sky of the wild world is boundless, no one knows what is outside.

But there is no doubt that when it reaches a sufficient height, it will enter the thick force of chaos.

The power of these chaos, once the concentration reaches a peak, the monk can not bear.

Legend has it that only those who have suffered the chaos of God and can enter the higher plane can freely move through the power of chaos.

"How is it possible? The power of chaos is falling?!"

Everyone suddenly discovered that the numerous "stars" that have passed through the clouds and have been falling down are actually the power of chaos in the sky! ?

The inexhaustible amount of chaos that covers the entire imperial city, and even dozens of miles, is accelerating toward the imperial city at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"Oh! This... so many chaotic forces, can't the whole city be blown up?!

This is the power of chaos that the Holy Land can resist. The people below the Holy Land are all dead! ! Buchahar exclaimed.

Ye Fan frowned, he finally understood what, "Vector... The meaning of the sword in the fog night... is the control vector?!"

"Vector? What?" Buchahar confused.

Ye Fan looked at the foggy night in the sky to recover the flying sword, and his heart was somewhat amazed.

Do not say anything else, this foggy night, can actually think of using the characteristics of his sword, directly from the boundless chaotic void, through vector control, forcibly guide the power of chaos in the movement, falling to the earth, it is really brilliant !

This means that the foggy night can be used with relatively little consumption, but with the power of chaos!

Any sacred monk on the scene, even if Ye Fan, can't do it like him, releasing a horrible super-wide chaos force in a short time!

There may not be any city in the whole flood, and it is forbidden to have such a sword in the foggy night!

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