My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2355: Outstanding

The most horrifying thing is that these chaotic forces are all borrowed from the void in the foggy night.

His own consumption does not need too much, that is to say...

Give him time, he can release it many times!

"It's over! The Imperial City is gone... This foggy night is to burn jade!?"

"Damn... this is the power of chaos. The general Sacred Heart can't be blessed. How can this stop?!"

"There is no time! How many people can save as much as possible!!"

The scene was in chaos, and the ancestral ancestors began to think about how to quickly evacuate important descendants.

"Su Forgiveness, the Imperial City is going to be ruined! Countless people will die today! You are still sitting on this throne!" The Night King laughed.

When the "Xingye Remains" was successfully displayed, the night star would feel that it had mastered the initiative!

After this move, the Imperial City is not born!

And Su Forget, Ye Fan is also good, want to block such a move, are crazy people say dreams!

The key is that if they want to stop... it will be a painful price!

Su Forgot to sink into the water, let alone him, no one on the scene, have never seen such an abnormal sword!

It’s not so much the sword, it’s better to say that it’s the most horrible “craft” of the flood!

What is the destruction of the land? This is! !

"Night star watching! Fog night moon!! You are so poisonous!!" Su Shian was angrily angry.

Su Forg is a cool look, watching the power of chaos falling from the sky, as if it is the end of the world!

"Ye Fanxiong!!" Su Forgot suddenly turned back and looked at the leaf sail on the ground. His eyes burned and asked: "One minute! One minute!! Can you keep the imperial city people!"

Ye Fan looked up and looked at Su’s eager and incomparable eyes, and his heart moved.

Ye Fan thought a little, then Zheng nodded, "Yes!"

Su forgot to hear, showing a smile and a smile, "Oh! Then give Ye brother a minute!!"

All the ancestors present were paralyzed!

what! ? What is this Su forgetting? ?

Even if Ye Fan is a wild priest, it is impossible for others to stop this super-wide chaos force!

Also save the people of the entire Imperial City! ? Not to mention the people, can save one tenth of the nobility, have been thankful!

Su Shi'an and others realized what they were doing and quickly began to persuade Su to forget: "Your Majesty! Can't!!"

"Your Majesty! Don't be stupid!! You must be yourself!!"

"Even if he is a high priest! It can't change anything!!"

"Don't take the night view star and the foggy night! They are deliberately wanting to leave you self-destructive!!"

On the stand of Shenlong's stand, Ren Tiankuo also frowned. "One minute... is this kid really sure?"

Other ancestors are also somewhat worried. Although they know that Ye Fan is very strong, the problem is that the individual is stronger and can resolve the chaos of the entire Imperial City within a minute! ?

Not waiting for everyone to think about it, Su Forgot has already taken the lead!

Su forgot to look up, looking at the chaotic comet in the sky, his arms open, and the waters of the dragons have reached the limit!

"The ice is three feet thick, the cold of the day!!!"

The power of the cold, like the rushing Taotao River, rushing into the sky!

At a very fast speed, it spreads rapidly over the entire Imperial City!

"They can instantly release such a huge amount of power in the cold!? This is the repair... It is really the first person after the great Emperor Yuan Yuan!!"

All the strong people on the scene were amazed, and the key Su forgets to release such a vast expanse of power and control.

Those monks who are withdrawing will not be affected, and it is obviously not an indiscriminate attack.

"No... Even if the power of the cold can temporarily stop the speed of the fall of these chaotic forces, it can be such a short time, even if we are all on, we can't eliminate these chaos!"

"The key is that this gang of thieves is messing up! Your Majesty! Let's stop!!"

The Su family were kept by Su forgive, while they were on guard, and they were discouraged.

But at this time, a horrible sword that made them and everyone else in the room shudder, and suddenly broke out from the scene!

A sword that is rising from the sky and Longyan Guangzhu, accompanied by a dragon that penetrates the sky!

The power of the sword is like an invisible hand of the **** of the gods, and everyone can be overwhelmed!

Countless eyes, at this moment, are locked in the position of Ye Fan!

Clan, every family, civilians, everyone!

Today, they have been stimulated too much and have been surprised too many times!

However, at this moment, they are still again, feeling that the world is crazy! !

The heart is jumping wildly, my eyes are shaking!

"Emperor... Sword!?"

Even some people who are skeptical have been confirmed from other populations at this moment!

"Sword God!? Is this Ye Fan a sword god!?" Su Shian exclaimed.

"Is he not a wild priest?!"

Many people have this layer of doubt in their hearts, but it is another voice.

Sword God, how can you not be a high priest! ?

How can a Pastor High Priest choose a weak person as his successor?

When is the time, why did the king suddenly send the letter to the country? Why did Su forget such a courtesy of "killing the enemy?" Why is Ye Fan so embarrassed...

Everything is everything, everyone understands!

Feel the swordsmanship released by Ye Fan, Su forgets to breathe, grinning and laughing at the Su family: "The high priest can't do...Sword God, can!"

Su Shi'an and others swallowed their throats, although they still felt a little whimsical, but I don't know why, they have some dare not talk too much...

In the foggy night, the moon and the night stargazing, at this time also look dignified.

"His swords are under pressure, much better than just now..." Fog nights and frowns.

"What about that? He can still do his best to stop this comet." The night star sneered and said: "Even if he succeeds, the sword **** and Su forget, you can't fight us anymore!"

The foggy night nodded, and the corner of the mouth rose slightly...

Xiao Huai Su was also obsessed with the shock of the audience, the man in the golden flame column, with a red lips in one hand.

Look at the wind around you, think of the previous girlfriend's sentence "There is no Longquan Emperor, Shenlong's will not have anything", suddenly realized!

On the Phoenix side, Xiao Qing was stunned and remembered the lessons of Ye Fan on the street, and he was afraid after a while!

Both the White Tiger and the Xuan Ming are also very complex...

"Two emperors, it is no wonder that Shenlong this time, do not put the crisis in the eyes, the world's first clan, really proud of the crowd..." Bai Wuji shook his head.

At the Luo family's side, Luo is a pale face, hesitant to rush away.

Baili Dongliu and others are flustered and have no idea how to be good. "This... this person is a sword god!? Damn Tuyue! Why not say it early??"

The Tujiazhong people are also trembled and warned.

Gu Qing, who has already joined the Shenlong's Ye Huangtu couple, and so on, originally intended to leave, but this time the whole person stayed in the same place, like a stone sculpture...

This man, time and time again, has realized how many times she has to give her a shock! ?

Achilles is a faceless color, sitting on a distant open space, the face is unwilling, the lips bite out the blood...

At this moment, Ye Fan has not been affected by the shocking eyes and words in all directions.

Triple disintegration, sword disintegration, limit sword meaning, mad dragon bloody!

In addition to the disintegration of the two swords is not suitable for the current situation, Ye Fan has instantly upgraded his combat power to the state where the Holy Spirit can also kill at will!

On the stands of Shenlong, everyone is very excited. At this moment, the strong pride of the clan makes them dare to face everything.

"Sword God! Do you need us to shoot?" Ji Yuming asked.

In Ye Fan’s pair of scorpions, Jin Yan has already roared out. He looked up and looked at the chaotic comet that was about to fall...

"No need to... There are more people, but it is in the way."

The voice did not fall, Ye Fan instantly disappeared from the place, directly appeared in the air!

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