My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2356: To the shore

At this moment, the air seems to have solidified, and the time seems to have stopped!

Everything around me, for the people in the Imperial City, has reached a moment of ruin!

Destruction is coming at any time!

The eyes of everyone on the scene, no longer against the enemy, are all staring in the sky, the burning burning of the statue of the sword of the sky!

Any chaos force comet is enough to instantly kill countless people!

How to block? Can you stop it! ? In the countless eyes, the same questions are revealed...

Take a deep breath, and Ye Fan’s heart is like water.

He knows that even if he is faster, he will not be able to destroy all the stars in the Imperial City range in such a short period of time...

It’s not that your sword’s power is not enough, but you don’t have so much time to fly around...

So the only way is...

Ye Fan made a decision in his heart, his mind was moving, the golden liquid sword meaning, from the body of Ye Fan as the center, suddenly rushed to all directions! !

The golden lake began to spread from the Imperial Academy, and it spread to the entire Imperial City at a speed visible to the naked eye! ?

Everyone in the Imperial City has been stunned. They never dreamed that one day, the sky of the Imperial City will be golden! !

The key point is that each of the golden liquid swords is an emperor-level sword that is enough to destroy the holy people! !

"This... this is the sword of the sword god!?"

"The liquid sword idea!? How is it done!?"

The horror of the ancestors of all the ancestors is more than the ancestors of Shenlong!

Even the foggy night, the moon, and the night stargazing, all of them breathe.

The sturdy swords of Shang Shan Ruo Shui, the people who are low on the ground, have already exerted tremendous pressure on their hearts.

Ye Huangtu couples, etc., can only hurry to exercise, only a little comfortable.

Sitting on the ground, arrogant looking up at the leaf sail like a god, full of despair and unwillingness, he tried to stand up, but found his legs tremble...

"Don't shake! Don't shake!!" Ao Han hated and slammed his legs.

Those who participated in the test of the Holy Emperor, the young people, in addition to the small flowers, but also stayed at the scene of the hundred miles of Jin Ge, Huang Yuer, Wuyue Zhenzi and others, are already stunned.

Ye Fan, who is about the same age as them, became a wild priest.

But now, it has already changed and become a sword god! ?

This huge gap makes them feel that the "genius" aura carried by them is bleak and ridiculous!

On the stand of Shenlong's stand, Ye Hongxu said with joy: "It is a sword god, so that the power of chaos that falls will be blocked!"

Ren Tiankuo is frowning: "No... This trick is powerful, but it wants to block the power of these chaos, not solid enough."

When everyone heard it, it was awkward.

"What should I do?" Ji Yuming said differently.

At this moment, I saw Ye Fan and flew out a golden dragon soul!


In the sound of the dragon, Ye Fan’s spiritual power bursts out!

“On the goodness of water...the land of the soil!!!”

Massive spiritual power, along the golden vast lake, madly passed away!

On the golden lake, there was a wave of ripples, followed by a spiral of water on the entire surface of the lake!

In the eyes of everyone's horror, I saw that the liquid swords were intended to be in the spiral, and they were shaped into a golden body that is the same as Ye Fan!

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of "sword gods" appeared on the golden lake over the Imperial City!

"This... how is this possible!? This is a spiritual body!?"

Some ancestors dare not find that these avatars are not pure avatars, but have been integrated into the spirit!

This means that these avatars are not only powerful, but also have a certain "spirituality", not dead!

Even Ren Tiankuo, but also revealed the incredible color, "How much secret does he still hide..."

At this time, Ye Fan’s thoughts and movements, from the ring of the sword god, evoked tens of thousands of flying swords, scattered in all directions.

Every spirit body has a pair of dragon scale sword wings behind it.

For a time, the golden sword of the sky is like a sword army! !

Ye Fan stood on the lake and felt the connection between hundreds of spirits and himself. His heart was relieved...

If you are good at water and you are on the shore of the earth... this move is an advanced trick for goodness.

After he cultivated a large number of sword spirits, he actually thought about it, using sword spirit as a avatar to carry out a wide range of attacks and defenses.

Sword spirit itself is relatively fragile, but if there is a liquid sword meaning of good water, as "armor", it is like a tiger!

However, this trick requires a tremendous amount of mental power to manipulate every sword spirit, which is not so easy to do.

Fortunately, I often control a large number of flying swords because of the sword, so this time I used it smoothly!

In theory, as long as his mental strength is strong enough, the cultivation is high enough, and the goodness of the water and the shore of the soil can be extended infinitely!

Now he has only a few hundred sword spirits, but it is possible to use thousands of hours and tens of thousands of days!

"Chaotic comet is coming!!"

At this moment, the sky is just falling!

The power of the cold has become a huge buffer zone. When these chaotic forces enter, they are forcibly slowed down! !

A stock is enough to destroy all the power of chaos, with the energy of violent flow, it seems to enter the slow motion in the sky!

"Oh!!" Su Forgot because of the tremendous pressure, seven bloodshed, but still insist on holding teeth!

Ye Fan knows that he must solve all this in a short time, and concentrate on manipulating all the sword spirits!

One by one, the sword is divided, just like the Ye Fan deity, relying on the acceleration of the dragon scale sword wing, began to fly quickly over the Imperial City!

"Dawn!" A avatar directly crossed a chaotic comet, directly smashing the comet!

"拂晓辰星!" A avatar will attach a group of liquid swords to the blade, throw it out, and smash a force of chaos!

"Eight Wild Emperor Dragon!" More avatars directly evoke eight liquid dragons, shuttle in the air, destroy the chaotic comets on the path!

"Crashing the sword rain...burning the dragon gun!!"

Ye Fan himself used the largest range of attacks, using the entire lake as an "ammunition depot", and in the opposite direction, bursting into the sky, numerous liquid swords and dragons were shot!

The time, the entire day, has been covered by Ye Fan’s avatar, Ye Fan’s sword!

The power of all the chaos that has fallen is eroded by Ye Fan’s swordless sword!

In the imperial city, all the strong people have seen their eyes sluggish and stunned!

"This... how is this possible!? Is he alone, can command all the swords at the same time!?"

The ancestral ancestors are puzzled, even if they can control the spirit release tactics, it should not be controlled at the same time! ?

In fact, Ye Fan certainly cannot control these sword spirits at the same time. He is multi-purpose and cannot use this metamorphosis.

However, his sword spirit is separated, and each one inherits most of his basic swords, because the sword itself has such an inseparable relationship with these sword spirits.

It is not so much that Ye Fan controls the sword spirit, it is better to say that these swords are the skills that the sword spirit has to master!

The only thing that Ye Fan does is to maintain their existence and to initiate an offensive command with full firepower!

Smashed to the extreme, magnificent as an epic war, completely broke out in the air!

The disorganized golden flying shadows that travel through the sky, such as the golden snake fluttering, are like countless emperor-level swordsmen, who are turning the tide! Fight against the sky! !

The emperor-level sword and the chaotic comet, the horrible shock wave that is stirred up, spreads in the air and resounds through the clouds!

And let everyone suffocate, the scalp is numb...

They all know clearly that at this time in the sky, there is only one person fighting! !

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