My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2498: Wrong at the beginning

Chu Yunyao went to a platform in the control room and clicked on a suspended touch panel next to it.

Soon, the underside of the platform glowed and a holographic image appeared.

A lot of images and symbols, I saw that Ye Fan was a little confused.

But Chu Yunyao seems to have been aware of these things. After picking up one of the materials, the holographic image has changed.

In front of Ye Fan, there was a grand map of too much plain face!

"One of the light spots here is actually a world created by the Hongyao stone after the aura.

Different colors represent the difference between the main ingredients.

The world we are in now is filled with a lot of water, and it is blue, so there is a vast ancient sea.

Some worlds are all metal, sandstone, green plants, etc. They are not the same. If civilization is born, nature is also very strange. ”

Ye Fan said: "This is really a coincidence. We are on the earth, and 70% is the ocean."

"Perhaps not coincidence," Chu Yunyao blinked.

"What do you mean?"

Chu Yunyao put his hands in his big pocket and said: "If this is a coincidence, it is too clever.

Those of us, from Taiji to Taisu, have appeared in an environment that is just right for us to survive.

It can be calculated according to the proportion, even if this is only the exploration of the too-prime surface map, it is more than ten times the space of the universe where our previous earth is located.

The etheric 'plane' telescopes allowed them to explore unimaginable distances.

In such a large space, the probability that we all appear in the same world, do you think it is a coincidence that can be done? ”

Ye Fan thought carefully and found it too strange. "Can you say... there is a 'black box operation'?"

"You are very unscientific, but probably about the same." Chu Yunyao thought about it: "I guess there is a special law that will make the life of flying rise in the right world."

Just like gravity, it is a law of objective existence. ”

Ye Fan felt that he had thought of something, and there was a flash of light in his head, but he slipped away.

He grabbed his hair with distress and felt that it was very important, but he couldn’t think of it all at once.

Chu Yunyao continued at this moment: "The center of every world is a different original black hole.

Every original black hole, according to the quality, the world created is also big and small.

Even these worlds have very different shapes.

Some are spheres, some are polygons, some are multi-layer structures, and even islands.

For example, in our current world, it was originally a polygon.

But it has been swallowed up by the vast majority, so there is only a small round area in the middle. ”

Ye Fan heard it one by one, and could not help but interrupt: "But... Xiaoyao Yao, what does this mean to you, the etheric salvation method, what is the relationship?"

Chu Yunyao gave a white man a look, "What are you anxious, listen to me!"

Ye Fan had to shut up.

"What makes me most interesting is that too plain, not every place, is filled with the power of chaos.

Like the Taiji world we were in before, the universe is filled with various dark matter.

Although we have only explored 13.8 billion light years, there is no such thing as a 'wall of separation' that prevents us from exploring.

However, the too prime plane is not the case.

In addition to the power of chaos, in many worlds, in fact, most of the theoretical space exists is invisible! Chu Yunyao's eyes sparkled.

Ye Fan carefully pondered, said: "What do you mean, too much space, most of the space has not been developed?"

This point is basically the same as the information he learned from the devil.

According to the understanding of the Taishi plane, the Taisu plane itself was born "unexpectedly" because of the original black hole. Of course, it was unevenly developed and there was no integrity.

"Yes, only the power of the original black hole can open up a world."

The power of chaos itself is not enough to open up a new world.

This has caused us to know, based on calculations, that there are large areas of unknown areas in some areas, but they are unable to reach them. ”

Chu Yunyao pointed his finger at some areas above the image: "Look... we compare the original black hole to countless wells.

From the beginning of the Taishou plane, some wells are deep, some are very shallow, and some wells are opened again.

However, there are still most areas where there is no well-drilling or unknown world.

In fact, these unknown worlds occupy the vast majority of the prime plane.

The worlds that we have in the original black holes are as small as the pores in the human body. ”

Ye Fan took a breath and was said by Chu Yunyao. He felt that he was too clear on the face.

"I know that you want to ask, the etheric method of salvation."

Chu Yunyao saw the man's urgency, like laughing and laughing: "The wise men of the etheric civilization have developed two kinds of salvation schemes after discovering this way of existence."

"There are two kinds!" Ye Fan was very surprised, these guys are too smart.

Chu Yunya nodded, "The first option, they call it the 'creation plan.'

Isn't there a lot of free space in the Taiyuan plane?

The ether is going to open up those unknown spaces and introduce more and more chaos into those spaces.

It is equivalent to creating a primitive black hole and sucking away the power of chaos.

In this way, the power of chaos will be diluted, greatly delaying the destruction of the world.

It’s a pity... even the smallest original black hole was not copied by the etheric civilization at the time. ”

Ye Fan frowned, this idea is really difficult to do, the original black hole is purely primitive, and the energy contained in it is simply incalculable.

"The second one?"

Chu Yunyao has a strong interest in the Ming dynasty. "This second option is even more interesting. They call it the ‘dimensionality reduction plan’.

The ether thought that if the dimensions of the world of Taisu were lowered, they would be able to avoid the catastrophe of the end. ”

“Dimensional reduction?” Ye Fan frowned: “Xiaoyao Yao, although I am not a physicist, it seems that the dimension is long, wide and tall.

If we are the life of a three-dimensional world, dimensionality reduction is a flat world.

When people are squeezed into a piece of paper, then we will be destroyed. How can we save the world? ”

"If you follow the physics of humans on our planet, or even according to the scientific theories of the Taiji world, you are really right.

The reduction of dimensional strikes will not only cause us to destroy ourselves, but even irreversible, leading to the destruction of the entire universe..."

"But!" Chu Yunyao’s mouth was slightly raised. "That is the scientific theory of our Taiji world. Maybe we were wrong from the beginning..."

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