My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2499: Heart beat

Ye Fanying looked at the woman, and her mind was not enough.

"We have always believed that 3D is length, width and height, and 4D is more than one timeline.

To put it bluntly, no matter whether it is three-dimensional, four-dimensional or more five-dimensional or six-dimensional upwards, those mathematical models and physics speculations are just what we think.

Assume that from the beginning, three-dimensional, four-dimensional, does not refer to the 'axis' of these strips, but the 'energy'! ?

Or is the word 'dimension' in the etheric civilization representative of the energy that makes up the world? ”

Chu Yunyao took a stroke and a simulation image appeared in the holographic image.

"You see, the Taiji world, only the aura energy produced by the flood.

The world of Taisu has a chaotic energy.

To the beginning of the plane, there is an extra source of energy.

If...the world of the plain plane loses the power of chaos, what is the difference between it and the Taiji world?

Although the Tai Chi world has relatively little energy, it can at least not be destroyed on a regular basis. ”

Ye Fan’s eyes were sluggish for a while. “You mean... the 'dividing dimension’ that the etheric civilization said is to let the power of chaos disappear?”

"You can understand this," Chu Yunya nodded.

"How can we let the power of chaos disappear?" Ye Fan wondered.

Chu Yunyao pointed out the original black hole: "The key, still here, the reason why the power of chaos appears, is because of the original black hole.

If the original black hole is destroyed, the power of chaos will no longer move closer to the center of the world, and naturally it will flow toward other primitive black holes.

However, this means that the world will be the same as the Tai Chi world.

Only aura can exist in the future, and the existence of chaotic voids can no longer be perceived.

Because of the loss of the original black hole, the power of chaos will not regenerate.

Of course, the practitioners want to enter the Taishi plane through the original black hole, and also go to other worlds.

In fact... According to the calculation of the etheric civilization, once the original black hole was destroyed, the world that was originally in the prime position would naturally be downgraded to the Taiji world.

All the rules will also change, such as the too prime plane, there will be no penalty for the sky, and the Taiji world will.

They think that this is the 'energy plane law', losing energy and being irreversibly degrading.

Perhaps because the etheric civilization does not pay much attention to cultivation and loves science, they are not very concerned about downgrading.

Unfortunately, they have not been able to create enough powerful equipment to destroy the original black hole. ”

"You mean... destroy the original black hole, this wild world will become our original earth?" Ye Fan felt incredible.

Chu Yunyao sighed. "I just told you about the two schemes of etheric civilization. They didn't practice themselves. It was just a guess."

However, you have not figured out any way anyway, maybe you can use it as a reference."

Ye Fan blinked for a moment, suddenly thought of something, and asked: "Little Yaoyao, you see other civilizations from the database...

Is there a life similar to our floods and civilizations, with the life of the Taishou plane, to guard the black hole? ”

"This... I didn't pay attention, what happened?" Chu Yunyao felt strange.

Ye Fan walked back and forth a few steps. "I met the guys on the Ark. The civilization they lived in did not seem to have encountered such a situation."

The original black hole was not occupied, and it was not heard that the Taiyuan plane sent people to look down, and urged the practitioners to smash the black hole.

I am thinking that the city of innocence has always protected the secrets of the original black hole. Why?

Purely because of the devil in the beginning of the plane, do you want more masters?

If that is the case, there is no need to make it so mysterious, so that the outside world will no longer know the existence of the original black hole. ”

When Chu Yunyao made a move, he immediately understood the meaning of the man. "You mean... the demon may be in the 'protection' of the original black hole?"

Ye Fan nodded. "If...the ether can think of destroying the original black hole to save the world, then the people who are in the wild are not allowed to think of this method."

Then take a bold step. If it is a demon discovery, someone tries to destroy the original black hole and break their ‘conscription’ channel.

Just because they were jealous, they deliberately sent a demon down and wanted to control the original black hole. ”

"It is indeed possible, but the premise is... Someone really threatened the existence of the original black hole," Chu Yunya murmured.

As soon as I finished speaking, the two suddenly looked up and looked at each other, obviously thinking of something!

"The city owner... appeared only after Ji Xuanzhen. If this is not a coincidence... then..."

"Then it must be the top power of that generation, someone trying to destroy the black hole!"

Ji Xuanyuan! ? Chiyou! ?

If anyone has the ability to ruin a black hole, there may be only one of them!

Ye Fan swallowed his throat and snorted, for his own guess, feeling the heart is jumping wildly!

From the theoretical analysis, from the character of the two acting, Ye Fan thinks that Chiyou is more likely.

But it is also inaccurate, and even possible, there are attempts.

"But it, it is speculation to say it."

It’s too early to think about it now, I’m two away from them, and the strength is still far away.

Even if there is such a way, I can't do anything about it.

Xiaoyao Yao, you pay attention to me, is there any other situation in the world, even if it is rumor. ”

Ye Fan went out of the Ark, collected his thoughts, and once again invested in training with others.

Others are in the ring of the sword god, taking turns for more than ten years.

Because Ye Fan has always been with him, he has been practicing in the ring for seven or eight decades.

What makes Ye Fan feel sad is that his inner strength is not very good, and he is barely able to grow up.

It is estimated that after more than a hundred years of cultivation, it will be good to win the day.

Fortunately, his special plastic way, let his plastic spirit to live longer, several times stronger than the average person!

Hundreds of spirits, relying on the blessings of the Promise, all mature, once they reach the level of heaven, the power is even more difficult to estimate!

In fact, Ye Fan's internal strength cultivation, this is also the normal speed, nothing more than his kendo than this, the qualifications are much worse.

Fortunately, Ye Fan has made his kendo and enlightenment more transparent through these times.

Otherwise, in front of the women who are being promoted, they must be a little shameful.

Especially Xiao Xiner, Wuyin Night, Ning Zi Mo and Shi Lan Yu, the breakthrough speed of these four women is just like a rocket.

Their qualifications for cultivation are just right. Nowadays, there are resources and resources, and they are even more unstoppable.

When Xiao Xiner tried hard, it was really a bit of a gift.

From the flame left in the temple of the Emperor, I realized the emperor’s emperor’s artistic conception?

If it can be completely transformed into her own things, then it will be able to comprehend her own "Emperor Fengyan"!

Xiao Xiner is also thoroughly excited. During this time, she has been in constant moments. She is alone in a small corner, constantly studying the temple of the Emperor...

The progress of Su Xiaoxue’s cultivation made Ye Fan a little bit inaccurate.

This woman always likes to hide her strength. There is no word in the book, and no one can see through to what extent Su Xiaoxue has.

However, Ye Fan knows that Su Shixue talent is definitely not worse than her woman. At least the co-worker pearls are all refining, and absolute progress cannot be underestimated.

In the days that followed, Ye Fan took turns and practiced a pass with the people who had not entered the ring of the sword god.

It’s been half a month outside, and it’s been more than a year since the formation.

The ark has finally been repaired and the basic flight is not a problem.

Ye Fan also felt that it was time to return to the Odin Empire.

When I asked Ai Er and Xie Linyuan, I have no time to practice. Second, I have to look at the situation of the flood.

The evil spirits were invaded seriously. He also missed the relatives of the Dazheng, the disciple of Dongtianfudi.

The huge doomsday ark floated out of the water from the bottom of the sea.

Everyone stood in the control room and looked at Chu Yunyao’s operation of a system that he could not understand at all.

"Yunyao! You are too powerful! So high-tech things, have you been repaired?!" Nian Rujiao is very admired.

Snakes roamed in the control room and shook their heads, indicating that they also participated in the repair work, but unfortunately ignored.

"Yunyao sister! How long does it take to fly back to the Odin Empire?" Blue Rain was curious.

"Probably... thirty seconds," Chu Yunyao did not say back.

"What!?" everyone was shocked.

"This ark comes with a 'space jump' device, a cutting-edge technology of the Ether civilization.

Because of this, it is possible to hurry in the vast chaotic void.

The district jumped back from the ancient sea to the Odin empire, and thirty seconds was mainly the start-up time.

But every jump requires a lot of energy and equipment.

I am going to test it first, and then I will fly normally, otherwise it will be too much trouble to maintain."

Chu Yunyao noticed the expression of everyone, quite proud, and he looked forward to pressing a start button...

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