My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2620: Too far

Ye Fan and Nian Rujiao also had no intention of being obsessed with each other and rushed to the laboratory of Chu Yunyao.

The girls apparently already knew the news and had been waiting here.

Seeing that Ye Fan and Nian Rujiao are late, the atmosphere is somewhat subtle.

But this kind of thing has been seen, everyone is used to it, and they are too lazy to say anything.

Chu Yunyao is not too much nonsense, directly cut into the topic.

"Before telling the earth, let me talk to you about the recent progress."

She released a holographic image, and suddenly, a huge plane model of the universe, almost filled most of the lab.

"This is the construction map of the space we have been collecting by means of radio detection and manual detection by various means."

Chu Yunyao refers to the middle of the middle, a medium-sized planet.

"This is the planet where our ruined mainland is. When we came, the primitive plane controlled by this primitive black hole was already being swallowed up, and it was the last moment of destruction.

After being blocked by the power of chaos, we can't know that the outside world doesn't even know that the flood is just a land on the planet.

Planets like ours, or stars, in this plane, there are countless, still in the process of discovery.

The original force constantly dispels the power of chaos, so it is still unclear where the final boundary is.

And now, we have indeed been incorporated into the Taishou plane.

In the too beginning plane, the state of the star is more complex and diverse, and is no longer a simple sphere.

The reason may be that the Taishou plane is created by humans, and the non-stars themselves are gradually forming.

That is to say, the so-called Hongmeng masters, they created a variety of strange worlds.

From the known stars, you can see a lot of irregular shapes.

Some are flat pieces of land, some are pure liquid stars, and some are layered and stacked.

Through some of the demons that appeared in the wild, the information obtained after the inquisition was.

The area where we are in the beginning of the epoch is a world governed by ‘Taertalos’.

The radiation range, converted into light years, should be about 10,000 light years.

The demon family now generally recognizes seven devils, Tartarus, the seat of the seventh demon king's palace.

This is the last time the demonic knight who helped you, where he came."

Ye Fan immediately asked: "Is there to find Tartarus? Is there any news of Sally?"

Chu Yunyao shrugged. "There is too little intelligence, and Tartarus has not yet found it.

In theory, the super-light-speed detection wave that I used to build with Tai-Tech has been found within 10,000 light-years.

From the passing of the devil's mouth, you can also know the approximate location.

I estimate that it is because of the land of this demon king that it is hidden by special means.

The general means of exploration is that it cannot be found.

As for Sally, the demons have never heard of it.

The abyss witch is indeed the most advanced royal family in the abyss.

But the seventh demon royal family, did not call Sally Ye's female."

Ye Fan regretfully sighed and rejoiced.

"Taltalos is not in charge for the time being. From the devil's mouth, it is basically judged that the flood is not enough for the demons to look into their eyes."

Although it is said that there is a world of life in the Taishou plane, it is very pitiful, and most of them are ridiculous.

However, after all, the plane is too big, and there are still many places where there are lives.

In most of the world, life above is stronger than the wild.

According to those demons, the world of spheres like the wilderness is the most despised.

They just happened to be in the vicinity of this activity, and found the changes here, come and see.

Including the previous conflict with the Obsidian Legion, that is, a miscellaneous demon army in the Taishou plane, which happened to be nearby.

Because these worlds were formed in the later stage, not created by the masters of Hongmeng, but also means that the historical heritage is not enough and the resources are not abundant.

It is said that the palace of the demon king like Tartarus is layered, like a ghostly work of art, appearing in the beginning of the Taishou.

The more magical and complex the structure, the more worthy of attention.

Therefore, the devil of Tartarus, even if he knows that there is civilization here, will not value this side too much.

I really want to come and build a transmission array, and I won’t kill people everywhere like the Obsidian Legion.

After all, for the Seventh Devil, now is his territory, there is no need to persecute the people."

"This is indeed the case. Since Ye Xuuangguang took the chaos of the Obsidian Legion, there is no demon army coming here.

It seems that the weak is also a small and weak advantage, so it will not be sent to the front line to fight," Ling Yuwei laughed.

Chu Yunya nodded, and then the topic turned.

"Okay, now, talk about the emergence of signals on the earth.

I estimate that it is the power of the original force and the power of chaos. Due to the difference in quality, it also directly affects the taiji plane.

The Taiji plane is originally the branch end of some Taisu world, just like the innumerable roots of a tree root.

It turned out that there were some rules such as the punishment of the day, so that Tai Chi and Tai Su were blocked.

However, the Taiji plane is in direct contact with the power of the Taishi plane, and I am afraid it will exceed the original rule limit.

To put it bluntly, from the moment the black hole was destroyed, the Taisu and Taiji planes under the black hole were all in a mess. ”

"Yunyao sister, you will tell us directly, can you go back to the earth, I am in a hurry", when the blue rain pouts.

Candlelight, wind and sorrow, and Xiao Huai Su, are suspicious. They all know that women are ascending.

Can Ye Fan and Su Qingxue, why they are with the ascender, they are more and more surprised.

"From the signals received so far, the approximate orientation can be judged.

The distance... should be outside six thousand light years," Chu Yunyao said.

"What!? Six thousand light years?!"

"Too far too far," the foggy night said: "I can't fly faster than the speed of light."

Chu Yunyao’s face is speechless. “You really want to fly? How is it possible that the advanced demons of others are transmitted by spells or by transmissions.

The abyss demon can appear here, blocking Ye Xuanguang in time, and certainly some people know everything here before, so arranged in advance.

Otherwise, there is no transmission here. He has to come from Tartarus and spend a lot of time. ”

"But we don't know how to transmit spells," Feng Yueying sighed.

Su Qingxue flashed at this moment: "Chu Yunyao, you should have a solution already, don't let us guess."

Chu Yunyao hesitated and said: "Actually... we may not need spell transmission, nor do we need to fly at a speed of light.

Because the signal transmitting device that I left on the earth at the time, since it is still there, maybe... the space hopping device I left, there is still..."

Everyone is a glimpse, and the eyes are full of radiance.

"You mean, you can send it directly back to the earth from here!?" Su Xiaoxue also has a rare face.

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