My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2621: You are afraid

Ye Fan naturally knows that Su Xiaoxue is thinking of the group.

He actually misses his daughter very much, but this transmission is definitely not so easy, otherwise Chu Yunyao will not stop talking.

“Is there a risk?”

Asked Ye Fan.

Chu Yunyao does not deny, "Yes, although the transmission device is indeed with the signal device."

If I am working remotely, and the device is still available, there is no technical problem.

After all, six thousand light years away, I have never had such a long space jump.

That piece of equipment was built when I left Earth and it is very old.

I am very worried about the unexpected transmission of super long distance. ”

"What will happen to the accident?" asked Ning Zi.

"Into the space crack, may never come out", Chu Yun Yao Road.

Everyone was silent for a while.

"I am going to be a little mouse," Ye Fan said with a smile. "Even if you close the space crack, I shouldn't die too much. I can't forcibly break through the layers of space and find a way to contact you."

"No, this is not a question of your death, but once such an accident occurs, you may fall directly thousands of light years, and even further away.

At that time, it will be a question of how long it will take to contact. It is also a problem to see you again." Chu Yunyao is in color.

"I believe you, there should be no problem," Ye Fan said with a smile.

"No!!" Su Xiaoxue interrupted coldly, and the otter contained complicated anger. "I said danger. I don't want my husband to take risks because I want to see my daughter! You can't take this unnecessary. risk!"

Ye Fan was so stunned that he had no choice but to smile.

"Daughter?" Feng Qing snorted in surprise.

Xiao Huai-su is wrong: "Do you have children? Children are on earth? How is it possible?"

"What the **** is going on, aren't you all born in the wild?"

The two women born and raised in the wild are very confused.

"Hey, Susu, in fact, you should be able to guess some, all this, why not still believe it?" Candlelight smiled.

Feng Qingyu and Xiao Huai Su could not help but bite the red lips.

Yes, of course, they also suspected that Ye Fan and Su Qingxue are also ascending, but... there are so many mysteries.

Ye Fan sighed and said: "In fact, I am not very clear about what happened. I will tell you when I understand it myself."

"In fact, there is nothing. If the owner is not the original little brother, it is not the son of Zhenbei Hou.

It’s not the son of Zhenbei Hou, the 澜澜 and Susu, you two, in fact, there is nothing to let go,” the candlelight giggled.

"Cough, candlelight sister, we are discussing serious things."

In the fog, I coughed and screamed.

The candlelight giggled and said that he waved his hand in disappointment.

Feng Qingyu and Xiao Huai Su are flushed and do not know what to think about.

Ye Fan was suddenly interspersed with the topic, making it a bit dry.

However, Su Xiaoxue’s cold eyes were swept away, and he lowered his head again, and the flame was extinguished instantly.

"Maybe... I can try."

Ai Er thought for a while and suddenly said something.

Chu Yunyao stunned, and there was a hint of aura in the scorpion.

"Ai Er, it is too dangerous, even her husband is at risk, you should not be reluctant," Feng Yueying said.

"Yeah, everyone is not afraid of death, but the problem is that it can't be done," Xu Lingshan said.

"Do not".

Chu Yunyao interrupted the dissuasion of the women.

"Ai Er... I can really try."

The women face each other and are quite puzzled.

"What do you mean, Yunyao, is Aier different from us, or is she stronger than Fujun?" asked Rujia.

Chu Yunyao smiled. "Sure enough, I still know myself the most. I almost forgot. Ai Er can become a form of energy through particleization."

In this case, during the transfer process, you can make judgments based on the subtle changes in energy.

Once there is a problem with the space-time tunnel, you can withdraw it in time, and you will not fall into the space crack because of the physical body. ”

“Really? Ai Er can ensure safety?” Ye Fan was pleasantly surprised.

"There is no one hundred percent in the field of science. After all, I am not omnipotent.

However, I can say that there should be more than 90% of the grasp, there will be no problems." Chu Yunyao.

The women were happy at once, and Feng Yueying happily grabbed Ai's hand.

"Ai Er, it’s great to have you! If you can really go back, I might see my brother, my mom!"

"I also want to see how Yuning is going, and the girl doesn't know if she is flying to another world. It is really anxious to die." Xiao Xiner looked forward.

Chu Yunyao said helplessly: "Don't think too naive... Although I don't know how the earth is going, if we really go back, it is already a long way to go."

Don't forget, the princess of the Platinum Protoss, how to describe the time difference between the Taishi and Taiji planes.

We first entered the Taishou plane, and the earth entered later, even if the interval did not seem long.

But... I am afraid that the earth has passed tens of thousands of years, and even hundreds of thousands of years.

We have to do the worst mentality, there... There are still no one, it is still unknown. ”

The flame that everyone just excites is extinguished again.

Ye Fan and Su Qingxue looked at each other and saw tension, anxiety and anxiety from the other side's eyes.

Even if there are too many elements and too many Taiji planes, the feat of ascending into Taishi has already been completed.

But when she thought about her daughter, Ye Fan was still tight in her heart.

"In any case, let's start the experiment as soon as possible, and strive to complete the space transfer as soon as possible," Chu Yunyao said.

"Well, I will do my best to cooperate with you," Ai nodded.

The people did not bother Chu Yunyao’s walk, and they dispersed.

Return to the Swords Peak.

Ye Fan came to Su light snow room.

The woman is sitting alone, her eyes are red, and she seems to cry at any time.

Ye Fan sat down next to him and took his wife into his arms.

"Nothing, the group will be fine."

Su Xiaoxue finally could not hold back, tears fell down.

"Husband, parents like us, are they not particularly responsible?

How can I throw away a child for more than ten thousand years... I don’t even know if she lives or not..."

"The group will understand that we are also trying to make her live a good life and have been working hard.

That girl, after all, there are genes for the trick, and there are fat tigers and ink inks to accompany them. Late Qing, my mother is also there, there will be nothing. ”

"Well..." Su Guangxue nodded, but apparently still worried.

Ye Fan’s eyes blinked and bitterly said: “Wife, actually, I know, you have never been with me, don’t care about weddings, don’t care about the form and timing, you just always fear, right?”

Su Xiaoxue’s body trembled and faintly said: “You...had you know?”

"Not at all, I am a person, you and Yunyao are smart, always knowing."

It’s just that in the past two years, I suddenly became idle. I entered your room several times and was excused by you. I slowly realized.

Are you afraid? Once we have children, will it really stage a 'reincarnation'? ”

"Don't you be afraid... If the group is really our child, it is what I brought back from the future...

Well, we may be completely separated once we have children, not far away..."

Su Xiaoxue whispered: "Especially now, I feel that everything has stabilized. It seems that it is time for children.

I was thinking...who would, once in the last life, it was this time, we had children, and then... what happened..."

Ye Fan gently kissed the woman's red lips. "Wife, don't think too much. Let's go find the group first, I won't remind you, wait for you to be mentally prepared, we will regenerate!"

"Well..." Su Xiaoxue wiped his tears. "In fact, I have not treated you badly. You are not lacking a woman to sleep with you."

Ye Fan was busy with a disdain. "How can they compare with you? On beauty, on body, are far from!"

Besides, I can look forward last time, said...that, you know? ”

Su Qingxue reached out and grabbed the man's mouth directly, and said with shame: "I haven't said it! You will lie! The ghost will believe you! See which woman says so!"

Ye Fan is very wronged, and removes the woman's hand. "The world can be learned. I am really sincere to your wife, but no one can compare!"

“Is it?” Su Xiaoxue smiled and asked: “Where... the only bunch of pink diamond necklaces that I wished from Rong’s gift, how about it?”

Ye Fan’s face froze, “”

"I deliberately didn't move, I wanted to see who you gave it, today... I'm gone."

"Haha... haha! Wife, you are really naughty..."

Ye Fan vaguely smiled and stood up, walked out of the room with a long walk.

"Wife, I am going to see the disciples, how is the cultivation, oh... I don't stare well, this little scorpion is lazy!"

As soon as he walked out of the room, Ye Fan ran away as soon as he smoked.

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