My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2733: Magic dragon

The day after the wedding, Ye Fan took the women and said goodbye to his family.

Even though they were worried and reluctant, Ye Huangtu and his wife knew that there was nothing they could do. They could only repeatedly tell Ye Fan to bring a letter to the family and report peace.

Because Mu Mumu was too shallow, Su Qingxue asked her to stay in Xuanyuan City, so she can practice with peace of mind and not be involved in danger.

At first Mu Mumu was reluctant, but later found that she had a good chat with Ye Wanqing and agreed.

Ye Fan and others immediately went to the teleportation team with a group of demons such as Icardi.

The Teleportation Array was built at the location of the original City of Innocence, which is understandably located in the center of the flood world.

Today, all around the teleportation array are already the demon king army of the Seventh Kingdom, and monks from the flood plains pay close attention to this place.

"Where are we going?"

As Ye Fan walked towards the black stone pillar in front of him, like a temple, he asked Ikadi next to him.

"Cresto, because it is rich in various crystal mines, and there are a lot of crystal magic, also called 'Crystal Valley', is a fortress that our fallen legion is focusing on.

Lord Sasm is currently stationed there to defend the army of the Fifth Demon King, "Ikadi said.

Once outside the teleportation circle, immediately the fallen angels came to check various messages.

Here are some demons that teleport from other worlds.

They are all people of the Seventh Demon King. Firstly, they need to provide identity information, and secondly, they need to pay the seventh kingdom's currency for transmission.

This way, Ye Fan has discovered that, in fact, not all demons are here to plunder the flood.

Some demons are merchants and even tourists at first sight, very friendly.

"Why, is there anything weird?" Icardi asked the change in Ye Fan's eyes.

"It's okay, just seeing some demons, which is slightly different from what was imagined," Ye Fan said.

"Well, we demons are the higher races of the Taishi plane. Those civilizations that you humans have, we are not even better than demons!" Icardi said proudly.

Ye Fan shrugged and didn't bother to argue with him.

In fact, as Ikadi said, demons are far more civilized than humans.

In the various activities of human civilization, the earlier demons appeared, but they actually developed.

It is only for the low-level humans that they cannot associate demons with higher civilizations.

Hearing heard all kinds of legends and stories, everyone will feel that the devil is fierce and evil, and only knows the bloodthirsty killing.

In order to transfer smoothly, Ye Fan and his party also need to register and apply for "identity documents".

Several people came to a beautiful red building next to it.

"Taltalos Office Hall".

It is said that in every world under the control of the demon king, there will be such office space.

A huge statue of a handsome man, erected in the middle of the hall, is the seventh demon king Asmodem.

"Normally, if you are not a believer, it will take a lot of effort to apply for the Seventh Kingdom Pass.

This time General Ben took you to do it, save a lot of effort, you secretly rejoice, "Icardi said.

Ye Fan chuckled, thinking that the goods would be very helpful.

Because the whole family had to do it, it really took a lot of time to get more than a dozen crystal cards.

Icardi is also a little speechless about Ye Fan's tug home, but the women are pretty good, and he is more lazy to say anything.

At the entrance of the teleportation array, swiping the card, the people went in.

"Sister Yun Yao looks so happy. It's rare to see Sister Yun Yao so excited to travel outside," Shi Lanyu grinned.

Chu Yunyao was really energetic along the way. After all, Devil's various technologies, buildings, and equipment all inspired her.

"Many details of this teleportation array are different from those of the third demon king. It seems that each demon king has his own unique anti-theft technology."

"It seems that when we enter the Taishi plane, we have a lot to learn," Ji Wanqing laughed.

"This is interesting, if only we could get the drawing of the seventh kingdom teleportation array ..." Chu Yunyao aimed at someone.

Ye Fan nodded quickly, "I see. I saw Sally Ye, and I will help you immediately."

Chu Yunyao nodded with satisfaction.

Although it was not the first time for a group of people to teleport, it was the first time for a demon to teleport for them.

Because of this, everyone is not willing to stay in the ring, they must hand in hand and transmit together.

Although it was a bit embarrassing, fortunately, the whole process went smoothly.

When the eyes were dark and bright again, the scenery was completely different.

The colorful and changeable valleys are full of minerals at a glance.

The mountain breeze whistled, and the dust filled the sky.

A large number of spire-like buildings are built around the empty space, which is obviously different from the world that Ye Fan and others have seen before.

Even by simply feeling the taste in the air, you can detect very different components.

"Is this Cresto? It seems pretty deserted," Ning Zimo said.

"Look, there are eight suns in the sky?" Wu Ye cried.

"What the sun ... this is the light source of this world, it must not be the sun," Ling Yuwei said.

"The concentration of primitive power in this world seems to be higher than in Honghuang," Xiao Xiner said.

"After all, it's a fortress-level world. Honghuang is just a small world. People don't really look at the Demon Army," Ye Fan laughed.

Suddenly, a group of fallen angels, such as Ikadi, teleported, but they looked wary.

"Nothing!" Icardi raised his hand and shouted, "All vigilance !!!"

Ye Fan frowned. "What's wrong?"

"It shouldn't be so deserted here. This is Christo's delivery center. In the past, there were a large number of our soldiers guarding it, and a large number of goods and vendors.

Even if there are few people, the demon responsible for the operation of the teleportation team should be there, but now there is not even a ghost, it is definitely an accident! "

Speaking of Ikadi, cold sweats have erupted.

Ye Fan frowned, sending a message to the women, asking them to return to the ring.

The women didn't say much and disappeared quickly.

Until the situation is unknown, they may stay outside, which may only burden Ye Fan.

Icaddy was shocked. "What about your family members?"

"Unsafe, let them avoid it."

"Will you have space spells?" Icardi was confused because he didn't notice any energy fluctuations.

Ye Fan did not explain much, but disintegrated his spiritual power, strengthened his sense of consciousness, and began to perceive in all directions ...

This time, Ye Fan finally discovered the problem!

Radiating here, a hundred miles away, even a large number of demonic army ambush? !!

"Those ... strangely-looking, demon-like dragon beasts, aren't they the army of your seventh kingdom?" Ye Fan asked.

"What ?! Did you find the Demon Dragon?" Iccadian looked pale. "It's over, it's the fifth demon king who has attacked Christo!"

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