My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2734: Robber Goblin

Ye Fan was not alarmed. After all, he had seen all kinds of strong winds and waves, and he had encountered any bad scenes.

"Don't you say that your strategic-level demon will be here? How are all the teleportation arrays lost?"

"Master Thassam is indeed stationed here, but if we fail in the last two days, we naturally have no way of knowing.

I'm afraid everything here happened suddenly, we must contact Lord Thassum as soon as possible! "

Icardi said, taking out a demon's communication tool, a stone that looked like dark crystal.

After entering the power of the demon, a rune flashed.

Obviously, such a tool will not work if you are too far away.

However, if it is in the same world, it should be able to be connected, which is similar to radio communication.

"Master Thassam! I'm Icardi! I'm back to life, how are you doing now?"

"Icardi ... are you back?"

There was a struggling, rather magnetic voice.

"Damn ... Suddenly, there is no way to tell you what happened here.

The Grand Devil of the Fifth Demon Army, with their flying wing army, raided us in a flying dragon boat.

The information we had before was false, and a small world defender betrayed us, providing convenience to Grand Terrace.

The teleportation team lost ground, we are now at the fortress of Wangshan ...

"Sir! How are you doing, my lord?" Icardi asked in a hurry when he heard the cough.

"I'm okay for a while. I was conspired by Glantai and got poisoned by his dragon. It takes a little time to reply ...

Icardi, listen, find a way to start the teleportation team, go back to Tartalos and go to the reinforcements.

Now, with our strength, we can't deal with the Flying Wing Army of Grand Terrace. Hurry up! "Sassum ordered.

"But ... but even if we go back to Tartalos, there is no other force besides the demon guard who guards the top of the scarlet color, and other strategic-level demon generals have military services in them ..."

"This is what His Royal Highness will decide! You just do what I say!"

With a look of pain, Icardi had to agree, "Yes!"

Immediately after the communication was cut off, Ikadi ordered his men to go to the operation platform of the teleportation array and prepare to return to Tartalos.

"Do you really want to go back?" Ye Fan probably understood the situation, and said, "I am really looking for reinforcements, your Master Sassim, can't wait.

The other party was not in a hurry to destroy the teleportation team for two reasons. One was to wait for more people to come from the network. The other was not to worry that you would have other reinforcements.

Presumably your seventh kingdom's military strength is stretched, is it an open secret? "

Ikadi's face flushed. "So what do you want for this general ?! Lord Sassim has a life-saving grace to me, to carry it, and to follow him for 30,000 years. Don't I want to support it ?!

But the other party is Grand Terrace! The brother of the fifth demon King Gared, a magic dragon, a strategic powerhouse!

His flying wing army, in the fifth demon army, can be ranked in the top three!

This time, they were clearly planning for a long time and caught us by surprise!

If it is a normal engagement, we will not even capture the teleportation array and cut off the support channel.

What's more, ... let Grantai poison Lord Sassim!

The other party was prepared. Do you want me to take these dozen soldiers, a small team, to death?

We are now the hope of the fallen legion, and I must go back and ask His Royal Highness for support! "

"You only have a total of four strategic levels. Now that you have injured one, the other three must be more difficult to escape.

You go back to Tartalos. Who do you want to deal with here?

I am afraid that even Asmode, the demon king, came here to deal with this dragon? Ye Fan laughed.

Icardi's eyes were tangled, and obviously he couldn't think of other possibilities.

This is the importance of strategic level. The word "strategy" is particularly prominent at this time.

"I read all of your demons, though not all of them.

But I remember that if the demon king took the action himself, it meant that a demon king admitted that his kingdom was going down.

At that time, out of trust in the Demon King, the power of faith will be greatly reduced, thereby weakening the power of the Demon King and the entire kingdom.

Almost every demon king that has been destroyed begins with a fight in advance.

In other words, if Asmodeus rescues Sassim, the seventh devil may end sooner ... "Ye Fan said calmly.

"So what can I do ?!" Ikadi bowed. "If it is really time to ask His Highness Asmodeus to take a shot, what can be done?"

At this time, a fallen angel handling the console was anxious to report.

"General Icardi! The external teleportation function of the teleportation array was damaged! We need time to repair it!"


Icardi was as dead as a face, and his blond hair was almost white.

"Hehe ... only let people in, but don't let people go out, so close the door to fight the devil", Ye Fan laughed.

"Can you still laugh?" Icardi stared at the empty street and said, "Do you know why, is it so empty here?"

Because the flying wing army is composed of various levels of magic dragons! Those middle-level and low-level demon dragons will not let go of even a little blood, and all the enemies killed will be swallowed up in place!

The demons here have all entered the wings of the Flying Wing Army!

If we can't leave, then ... all have to be eaten! "

Ye Fan grinned, "Why are you so excited, you slowly repair the teleportation team here, I'll go and see, how is your Lord Sassim?"

Ikadi stunned, "What do you mean? You ... are you going to the fortress?"

"Yes, Flying Wing Army, I will look at the countermeasures. You tell me where the fortress is. There are only a few strategic levels that can't be broken any more," Ye Fan sighed.

"Sword God ... Do you know what you are talking about? The other party is ..."

"I'm clear! You don't need to mention it anymore, you have no other choice anyway, do you?"

Ye Fan immediately interrupted the other party's words and warned: "Every time you delay, the more dangerous your Lord Sassim will be."

Icardi's face was cloudy, but there was no other choice but to trust the human lunatic in front of him.

Emperor Sword Meaning ... Although I haven't seen it before, it may be a miracle.

Even ... it's good to drag on for a while.

"The fortress is there ... in the Seventy Devil, but I am afraid ... there is the area where the heaviest soldiers are deployed," Ikadi pointed with a hand, his face solemn.

When I first said this, I suddenly heard the sound of roar and wind coming from all around.

I saw hundreds of flying winged dragons with different colors, looks or weirdness, or slugs, large or small, exuding the power of demons, coming from all directions towards the teleportation array!

"Not good! The Flying Wing Army sees that we will not go out, so we start in advance!"

Ikadi immediately drew his sword and, with a group of fallen angels, spread his wings and planned to meet.

But in the face of such disparate troop strengths, they all know that they are just waiting to die!

"That's‘ Goblin Thief ', right? ”

Ye Fan, with a relaxed face, pointed his fingers at the flying wings of the dragons. The totems were imprinted on them. It was a little devil with a sack on his back, looking rather cunning.

"That's right ... that's the King of Greed, Garid's Mark of the Demon King, Thieves Goblin ..."

"It seems that the palace of the devil king of the greedy king is the 'Dragon Cave'? It is full of various treasures in its collection ... if you have a chance, I really want to see it."

Ye Fan pursed his lips, his eyes full of envy, and at the same time he had floated up.

"Let's continue repairing the teleportation array, these little dragons, I'll take care of ..."

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