My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2776: First of four strategic levels

"Oh? What are you looking for, Your Highness?" Carragher asked again.

"I want to tell her ... I miss her ..." Ye Fan unknowingly, his eyes were a little hot.

Sally Ye lowered her head and clasped her hands together.

"Ghost pull! We Princess Gloria, do you still know you? What is your relationship?" Batuta asked.

Ye Fan glanced at it coldly, "I have no obligation to answer your question, but if it is not in her face ... you and your men are dead."

Batuta suddenly stunned, and even the army of the city's main government, retreated a few feet.

Ye Fan stopped talking and took the brother and sister of the corpse demon into the school.

When she came to Sally Ye, Ye Fan looked at the strange face in front of her and smiled.

"Mr. Sally Yeh, listen to these two children. You are the best teacher in the school and you are willing to help them, these mixed-blooded, despised children.

A very important family member of mine is very similar to your temperament. She lives here too. Maybe you know her and maybe you can talk to me? "

"Mr. Sally Yeh, thanks to this Mr. Ye today, otherwise we would be burned to death by Sai An."

The corpse demon brother and sister said excitedly.

Sally Ye reached out and stroked the heads of the two children.

"Go back to your dorm."

Ye Fan frowned, and his voice was strange.

Batuta watched this scene outside, his eyes hesitated for a while, and he quietly led the army away.

The demons at the gate of the school did not lively, so they dispersed.

Principal Carragher coughed after looking at Ye Fan and Sally Ye.

"Mr. Sally Yeh, then I won't bother."

"The principal's help," Sally Ye nodded.

At the scene, only Ye Fan and Sally Ye remained.

After ten minutes of silence, Ye Fan said, "Sally Ye, when are you going to pretend?"

"Mr. Leng, I don't know what you mean, maybe you have some misunderstandings," Sally Ye said.

"Then why don't you talk into my eyes?"

Sally Ye hesitated before raising her head, a pair of blue eyes, looking at Ye Fan.

The color of the eye pupils is also different ...

However, the repressive thing contained in it makes Ye Fan more and more certain, and in front of her is Sally Ye!

"Can you fool me?"

"Mr. Leng, you really recognize the wrong person. If you are looking for Princess Gloria, you should also go to the top of the scarlet color, not here ..." Sally Ye said coldly.

"Don't lie, not to mention the earth. Even if the entire plane is too high, no one knows you better than me.

We all live in the deepest part of each other's heart. We are holding hands from the darkness and growing up together ...

You can't live without me ... I would have died without you ...

You know, I can do everything for you ... "Ye Fan said positively.

Sally Ye clenched her hands and remained silent.

"I don't have to see you, see you, and meet you again, not my purpose.

If you are good, I can see you for ten, one hundred, eleven thousand years.

But you're not good now, you're in danger ... I can't just sit idly by and ignore it.

Do you think you don't recognize me and pretend to have a relationship with me, and I won't come to participate in the Seventh Kingdom?

Sally, you know you can't stop me, why do you deceive yourself? "

"Mr. Cold!"

Sally Ye directly interrupted Ye Fan's words and said indifferently: "You really misunderstood, I am not the person you are looking for.

This is the Seventh Kingdom, the demon world, and you are human. It is dangerous here.

The Batuta you just offended is one of the four strategic magic generals, the leader of the Hellfire Regiment, and the generals of Suterte.

Suterte is the first of the four strategic ranks of the Seventh Kingdom.

It has always been inconsistent with Sassim, and has a deep prejudice against the fallen angels.

You took out the token of the fallen legion, and you said that looking for Princess Gloria was enough to treat you as an enemy.

I advise you to teleport before Suterte arrives.

Even if you are an imperial swordsman, playing against Suterte in Tartalos can be very dangerous.

Because Tartalos's fire is extremely rich in primitive power, it is the favorite battlefield of the fire element demons ... "

"When you tell me this, you care about me, Sally, if you really don't want me to find you, don't want to have any involvement with the past ... you won't continue to use this name!"

"Mr. Leng, you misunderstood, it was just a coincidence."

Sally said, turning around and leaving.

Ye Fan turned around and stopped.

"The principal of yours just now, if I read correctly, it should be a special high-end demon among the demons,‘ sacrifice ’?

Entrust your demon soul completely to the demon king, with absolute loyalty, in exchange for the most devout believer of a lot of faith.

The principal of the sacrifice can ensure absolute loyalty and will not reveal your identity.

That's why you will be a teacher at this school, and you won't worry about being discovered ... "

"Mr. Leng, you think too much", Sally Ye insisted to leave, "I'm going to prepare for class, please don't disturb our teaching ..."

Ye Fan was not in a hurry. He simply followed and walked towards the school.

"Please don't follow me, Suterte will come at any time, Mr. Leng, I warn you that you are really dangerous like this", Sally Ye was a little anxious.

"I'll wait here to see how it can treat me", Ye Fan smiled.

Sally Ye bit her thin lips and looked anxious, but didn't know what to do.

Just then, a burst of high-temperature energy suddenly appeared on the school's training ground.

A huge vortex of flames emerged out of thin air, and the door deep into the sky opened.

A six-to-seven-meter-high fire elemental warlord stepped out of it.

It is like flowing magma, wearing a black ink-like armor of unknown material.

Wearing black armor, only black and red flames were exposed.

Holding a tomahawk, dripping liquid flames continuously, the flames fell to the ground, melting into caves instantly.

All of a sudden, the entire school seemed to be suffering from high-temperature baking, and all the demon teachers and students ran out nervously.

"Is Lord Suterte ?!"

"Batuta really went to invite Lord Suterte. The cold star is worse now!"

"Never mind, didn't the cold star say that he could fight against Garryd?"

"Idiot, he was rescued later, and he was not the devil's opponent ..."

"In Scarlet Purgatory Taltalos, Lord Suterte is not afraid of anyone except His Royal Highness!"

A loud laugh came from the training ground.

"Haha ... where is that emperor swordsman whose last name is cold ?! Get out !!!"

Ye Fan listened to the laughter, shrugged, and smiled at Sally Ye: "It seems ... too late to go?"

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