My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2777: Demon particle

Outside the school, Battuta, who had just left, took the soldiers of the Hellfire Legion back to the scene again.

"Surround it!" Batuta ordered.

Principal Carragher turned into a dark shadow and appeared on the training ground.

"Master Sirte, this is a school, please don't openly fight here!" Caraj said sternly.

"I am a strategic-level demon general, and I have the priority to fight throughout the territory granted by His Royal Highness the Devil!

An imperial swordsman holding a token of the fallen legion, who once tried to challenge Gared, now comes to Princess Gloria.

How can I sit idly by waiting for such a dangerous alien with unknown origin?

Carragher, I miss you as the most devoted sacrifice, forgive you this presumptuous.

In case something happens to the princess, you can't afford it, get away quickly! "

A raging red flame surge burst from the training ground!

The dark magic on Karaj's body abruptly abruptly, and in anxiety, he quickly withdrew and evaded.

Looking at the Sirte who seemed to control the world, Carragher looked helplessly into the distant corridor ...

Sally Ye looked anxiously at the fearless Sirte, angrily staring at Ye Fan.

"Why don't you listen to me?"

Ye Fan smiled, "You didn't talk to me in this tone before, yes, it seems that I have grown up a lot these years."

"I ..." Sally Ye was anxious.

Just then, Sirte ordered again.

"Batuta, expand the magic barrier cube! No worms are allowed out of the school!"

"Yes! Lord Sirte!"

The Hellfire Legion that surrounded the school quickly pulled out a large number of magic crystals.

These crystals turn into beams of light, creating a transparent energy barrier in the sky.

It looks like a large cube of glass, enveloping the entire school.

In order to avoid destroying the city on a large scale, the demon regular army often uses this precious magic prop during local battles.

Because the magic barrier cube absorbs the primordial force from all directions, and constantly strengthens and repairs it, it is difficult to break through the general sky.

Of course, the strategic strong can break the cube forcibly by using the rules of the plane, but if they fall into battle, they will have no time to break through.

The magic barrier cube thus greatly reduces the damage to the city.

"Master Sirte! Do you want to disregard the students here?" Carragher exasperated.

"Recruiting the trash school of mixed lowly demons, ruined reconstruction!

As for the students ... hum, only those who can survive are worth living! "Sultel sneered.

As the temperature continued to rise, the school building became unbearable, and fires appeared in many places.

Teachers have been doing their best to protect these students, and a pair of eyes were panic-stricken.

However, no one dared to stand up with Sirte theory.

Respect the strong, not to mention the first of the four strategies.

"Are you looking for me?"

A figure appeared more than ten meters away in front of Sirte, and it was Ye Fan.

Sally Ye watched Ye Fan ran straight to it, and stretched out her hand, but hesitated to take it back.

"You are the Leng Xing? That guy, Sassim, I knew it had a problem, and he took you, such a vague person, into Tartalos ..."

"You shouldn't have come here to escape from Garid's death. You're lucky, this time ... you can't escape!"

Surtel's voice did not fall, he had split with an axe towards Ye Fan!

Bring a tomahawk, a lava-like arc of fire, to draw a perfect match, dazzling!

Triple breakup! Sword intention disintegrates!

Ye Fan dodged a horizontal moment, took out a flying sword, and slanted his backhand.

Yan destroys the embers!

A sword draws out, and a delicate beam of black gold cuts into the strong arms of Sirte's stout flame.

The flame was cut off briefly and reshaped in an instant.

It is indeed the first of the four major strategies.

Suulter instantly enlarged his body again, and the steady stream of fire belonged to the primitive force and was gathered by it.

Like a hill, a blaze or palm, photographed towards Ye Fan!

Feeling the terrible high temperature coming from his face, Ye Fan did not dare to resist.

He was about to dodge, but realized that Sulter grinned with a weird smile.


Below the earth, a rolling lava wave erupted suddenly!

A huge lava fireball surrounded Ye Fan!

"Hiding, can you run away?"

The red gold was fiery red, and the large fireballs flowing with magma made the temperature around the world extremely high.

Ye Fan felt that his body had to be evaporated, and he never felt that purgatory was so real!

Dragon blood battle armor body, good water!

The dark liquid sword envelops Ye Fan, covering the continuous flames.

However, a scene that surprised Ye Fan appeared!

The liquid sword intention turned out to show signs of burning!

The black fire began to beat, and the sword was quickly becoming hot, like boiling water!

As the sword was evaporated, the temperature around Ye Fan became higher and higher.

Sooner or later, under such circumstances, Sultel became more and more powerful!

Ye Fan hesitated, and did not choose to fight back, but chose to bear silently.

"Everything can be 'burned' in front of General Ben!"

"With this strength, it is also worthy to challenge the Demon King? Sure enough ... you are just a spy on the enemy!

"If not, how could Garried let you go easily?"

Sultel laughed, took a giant axe, and chopped wildly towards Ye Fan again!

The axe fell, and it was shocking!

Everyone outside, only heard the horror of the furnace!

Batuta sneered again and again.

Brother and sister corpses cry with headache.

Even if it is an emperor-level sword, if Xiuwei and the realm are not enough, it is not an opponent of Sirte.

The demons know that this swordsman is already waiting to die.


A dark, demon power like the abyss erupted from the school corridor!

With her silver hair dancing, Sally Ye stepped into the school training ground.

The energy transformed by the dark particles released by the whole body has caused all the demons present to have a kind of fear and awe from the soul!

"Surtel! Stop now!" Sally Yeh's eyes reddened, chilling.

In the furnace, Surtel was clearly astonished.

"Demon particles ?!"

It quickly quit, the furnace collapsed and countless magma fell.

Ye Fan was breathing heavily at this moment, sweating back, holding his sword to support him.

"Surtel, meet Princess Gloria!"

Giant of the Flame Element, slowly kneeling on one knee.

Hundreds of demons at the scene, when they heard this, woke up like a dream!

Everyone immediately followed their knees and shouted "Meet the princess".

The teachers and students in the school, except for Carragher, were all shocked.

The noble abyss witch of the kingdom, Her Royal Highness Princess, is beside them, in the presence of an ordinary teacher? !!

Ye Fan looked up and grinned, "Sally Yeh ... I knew it was you ..."

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