My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2782: Triple Crown

"Operon, is it so serious?

This Ye Fan has the strength to repel Surtel and is the most trusted person of Gloria.

Isn't he the powerful help that our seventh kingdom needs? "Asmode asked with a smile.

"Yeah, grandpa, Ye Fan Ge Ming knows that our seventh kingdom is the weakest now, but he still came to me. You have already seen his heart. Don't embarrass him," said Sally Ye.

Ye Fan looked at the girl unexpectedly by the side. In front of Asmodeus, Sally Ye was really lively.

He had known Sally Yee for so many years since he was a child. For the first time, he heard her speak in a coquettish tone.

This may be the sense of security that Sally Yeh brought to her relatives and elders.

In the past, Sally Yeh took care of herself and others, and no one could take care of her at all.

Even in front of myself, it also acts more as a family, admirer, and steward.

Now back to Tartaros, she finally has a grandfather who loves her.

Not to mention what the King of Desire looks like on the ground, at least he gave Sally a home warmth.

Unconsciously, Ye Fan also had some favors with Asmode.

This devil seems to be good.

"Oh, Gloria, don't worry, Grandpa didn't say to embarrass him.

Opalon is also concerned about your safety, so he will say these things, and you must understand them, "Asmodem became a peacemaker.

"Her Royal Highness! This is far more than just seeing it now!"

Opalon looked solemnly and said, "This Ye Fan has not resented the Fifth Kingdom as soon as he appeared.

He made a big noise in Tartalos, pushing Surter back, which affected our hearts.

People like him, who don't know how to converge, are full of edgyness, and they want to know that he has an imperial sword.

This will only bring more attention to our Seventh Kingdom.

Her Royal Highness will be harder to hide with him and the danger will increase greatly! "

Ye Fan looked at this guy with some admiration. The truth was one by one, and he was a little embarrassed.

"General Opelon, since you say so, why not look at the problem from a different angle?" Ye Fan smiled.

"What do you mean?" Opalon squinted.

"You say I am sharp and attract a lot of hatred, and the princess is not safe with me.

Then if I attracted hatred for the princess and let all parties pay attention to me, wouldn't she also protect the princess?

It's not that I'm bragging, I have the imperial sword, and I practice to the extreme, enough to be proud of Taishi.

Compared to waiting for an abyss witch to become an adult, it must be my imperial sword, it is easier to grow up in a short time, right?

In other words, wouldn't my presence better cover the princess?

Knowing that I am in the Seventh Kingdom, if you want to assassinate, you are here to assassinate me. "Ye Fan spread his hand.

"Ghost pull! If I can kill you, I can kill the princess now.

Can you make it absolutely separate from the princess? "Operon sneered.

"Brother Ye Fan ... I don't allow you to do this, I can't let you be a shield!" Sally Yezheng said.

Ye Fan smiled bitterly, silly girl, she just refuted Opalon, how could she really be a shield.

What's more, his current strength is not at the level of the demon king, nor can he be at the general strategic level.

Asmodem also seemed a bit difficult to deal with, so he asked Karan aside.

"Guo Shi, what do you think?"

"His Royal Highness, in fact, what Lord Opelon said, and what Mr. Ye said, made sense.

The princess still has a long way to go before becoming an adult. In this long period of time, no mistake should be missed.

The poor monk believes that it is better to take the initiative to attack than to be conservative and passive.

Only before, we have always lacked strategic masters, so we can only be beaten passively.

But now that Mr. Ye has come to help, we are now under pressure from the Platinum Protoss ...

Maybe it's time for us to take the initiative to save the situation.

"It can not only increase the confidence of the people of the kingdom, but also make the princess more secure," Jia Lan said.

"The state teacher makes sense," Asmode nodded.

"The pressure of the Platinum Protoss? What does it mean? The Platinum Protoss has begun against us? Haven't you signed a peace agreement?"

Sally Yeh was clearly unaware.

"In the beginning, it was right for you to negotiate with the princess and sign the agreement with the Palatines of the Platinum Protoss.

Only recently, the Kingdom of Silver began to put pressure on the royal family, thinking that Princess Patricia was suspected of colluding with our Seventh Kingdom and betraying the Protoss.

The Platinum Protoss Emperor Kayland had to imprison Princess Patricia and deprive her of her power.

Now, the Palatineni royal family has been discussing the war on our seventh kingdom in order to appease the emotions of the Silver Kingdom.

After all, the Fifth and Sixth Kingdom's wars against us are continuing. Whatever you think, it is a good opportunity for the Platinum Protoss to attack us, "Jia Lan said.

"Angel is imprisoned ?!" Sally Ye looked uneasy.

Ye Fan froze, "Angel? That Princess Patricia, is Angel?"

"Patricia-Saint-Louis-Angel-Palatinnie is the jewel of Emperor Kayland and the genius of the Platinum Protoss royal family.

It was her mother and her princess, Princess Auris, who fell into a gap in space together after the war, "Jia Landao said.

"Hum, this bitch, just imprisoned her, but unfortunately ... Silver Kingdom should kill her!" Opelon hated.

Ye Fan saw his killing machine, glanced at Opelon, and disappeared.

"The head of the Silver Kingdom, the Gun King Taicang, after all, is one of the 'Three Crowns of the Celestial Clan'.

This time, Tai Cang intervened in person, and Kayland had to give face, so the armistice agreement was bound to be void.

Mr. Ye, if you really want to help our Seventh Kingdom and protect Princess Gloria, can you please come forward to deal with the Platinum Protoss? Jia Lan asked with a smile.

Ye Fan frowned. He had learned from Ye Wuya that the Platinum Protoss was about to make a move, but the situation seemed more complicated than he thought.

As a result, Angel was trapped.

In the second place, the three forces of the Tenjin family seem to be all simple.

"What are the three crowns of the Celestial Tribe? What is the relationship between Silver Kingdom and the Platinum Protoss?" Ye Fan asked.

"Well, don't even know this, dare to come in and intervene without permission?"

Opalon sneered coldly and said, "The gods of the heavens are headed by the platinum gods and the Paladinus royal family.

Although the Platinum Protoss is the most precious bloodline, it is not enough to order all Celestials.

After all, the gods are numerous enough to rival the demons of our seven kingdoms.

Therefore, it is difficult to unify beliefs.

There are now two faiths, military independence, but the United Kingdom that recognizes Palatine's royal status.

The Kingdom of Aragon, who believes in the Buddha, and the Kingdom of Silver, who believes in the God of War.

The Emperor Kailand, the **** monk with one heart, and the gun emperor Taicang are the three crowns of the Celestial tribe.

The gun emperor Taicang, who has an imperial gun intention, is known as 'Invincible Melee' and has never failed in melee!

Although you have an imperial sword, he is a **** of the heavens, not a human like you can imagine! "

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