My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2783: Undefeated

"So powerful? Unbeaten melee?"

Ye Fan's eyes brightened. This guy's play seemed to be very interesting to fight with him.

He likes melee hand-to-hand combat, which is much more vivid than playing with those strange mages.

"Well, you can still laugh now because you haven't seen Tai Cang's strength at all.

In the three crowns, on absolute strength, he even overcame the Emperor Kayland.

Otherwise, Kayland would not pay much attention to Taicang's meaning, even imprisoning Princess Patricia, "Opalon sneered.

"So, how does Taicang compare with several demon kings?" Ye Fan asked casually.

"Presumptuous! How dare you ask such a question in the presence of His Royal Highness?" Opalon was furious.

"The emperor is not in a hurry ..." Ye Fan rolled his eyes.

"What are you talking about?" Opalon couldn't understand the meaning of this sentence either, faintly scolding him.

"Oh ..." Asmodem smiled and waved his hand. "It's okay, chat, don't get in the way."

Asmode glanced at Ye Fan.

"Mr. Ye, Taicang ... The King has not played against him, but he once fought against Jelos and was undefeated."

In this sentence, Asmodeus was a little more dignified and serious.

"Second Demon King, Jelos of the Evil Protoss?" Ye Fan asked.

"The entire Taishi plane, no matter which country's demons, respect the name of the demon king, maintains its uniqueness, and naturally there will be no second Jelos.

However, Jelos was good at water battles. The confrontation occurred at the border between the Second Kingdom and Silver Kingdom. Jelos did not exert his full strength.

But ... it is enough to be able to tie with Gerlos, "Jia Lan added.

Ye Fan thought for a moment, and said, "You are hope, I will resist the gods?"

"Exactly," Jia Lan smiled. "With Mr. Ye's strength, as long as the Celestials do not shoot the three crowns, the other strategic gods will not be your opponents.

And if the three crowns are shot, it is equivalent to a demon-level battle, which is not an easy decision for the gods.

After all, a mistake in any of the three crowns will shuffle the Tenjins. "

"In fact, in the three crowns, the monk never took the initiative.

In order to suppress Taicang, Kailand would not take the lead.

The only possible shot is Taicang, but he should not be willing to be actively fired by Kayland.

So ... In fact, as long as you need to block other gods, you can dispel the war thoughts of the gods, "Asmodem laughed.

Ye Fan walked back and forth a few steps, then immediately shook his head and refused.

"I'm not going".

Asmoden showed a surprise, and Jia Lan frowned.

Sally Ye was relieved, but reassured.

"Haha, Your Royal Highness, you see it, this is the hypocrisy of human beings! What else is there to help His Royal Highness? It is simply a timid cowardly coward!"

Ye Fanyi laughed: "I just think that this plan is not good enough."

"Oh?" Asmodem asked with interest, "Ye Fan, why do you say that?"

"In the presence of the gods, any demon kingdom is their enemy.

Nothing is weaker than the Seventh Kingdom right now, so they must take advantage of it.

Even if I now block the opponent's strategic-level gods, this crisis cannot really be eliminated.

Moreover, even if I go to block the gods, you really have three strategic levels when you really lead a war.

To face the fifth and sixth kingdoms at the same time is to wait for death.

So ... the priority is not to block the gods.

It is ... to block the offensive of the fifth and sixth kingdoms, "Ye Fan analyzed.

"Well, it's nice to say, could those two kingdoms still listen to your persuasion?

You yourself have just incurred Garry, and you are now causing trouble to our Seventh Kingdom! "Opalon coldly.

Ye Fan was too lazy to care about this guy and turned to Asmodem.

"I won't go to Tenjin. I'm going to find the sixth demon king. Which teleportation team can pass?"

"Are you going to Wormhole ?!" Opalon was startled.

Asmodeus and Jialan looked strange.

Sally Ye Qiao blushed, "Brother Ye Fan! What the **** are you thinking about? Are you going to find Gretney ?!"

Ye Fan nodded, "Yes, I plan to talk to the Sixth Demon King."

"What to talk about?" Asmodem asked.

Ye Fan smiled, "I ask you, suppose that once the seventh kingdom is destroyed, then ... who is the second kingdom to be attacked?"

A few demons stunned, Sally said, "It's the sixth turn."

"Yes, in fact, for Gleitney, attacking the Seventh Kingdom was not really peace of mind.

On the contrary, if its brain is normal, there should be a lot of concerns.

If it does not attack the seventh kingdom with the fifth kingdom, it will lose the opportunity to compete for resources.

It did not dare to allow Gared to annex the Seventh Kingdom, so it was necessary to divide up the world of the Seventh Kingdom together.

However, once the seventh kingdom is gone, the sixth kingdom will face a more powerful fifth kingdom.

The gods will also turn their targets towards them ... so, Gretney, is actually very disturbed. "

Asmodem and Jialan nodded, thoughtfully.

Opalon frowned. "Even so, why should the Sixth Kingdom stop attacking us?

We Princess Gloria are the Witch of the Abyss, and all demon kings will dread.

Once the princess is an adult, the sixth devil is the first to die. How can it let us go? "

"Of course this will not be so easy. Otherwise, why should I face Gretney in person and go to the wormhole?

When I see it, I will naturally use my way to make Gretney believe me ", Ye Fan said.

"The ancient mother Gretney, the sixth demon king, and her wormhole is not the largest of the seven demon kings, nor is it the strongest territory.

But ... Wormhole is definitely one of the most terrifying and terrifying territories.

The strategic-level monster will pass, and there is no record of surviving, known as the tombs of sentient beings.

Are you sure ... you're looking for Gretney? "Asmodem repeatedly confirmed.

"Because you say so, I still have to see it," Ye Fan said.

"I don't know if I live or die," Opalon laughed, as if he had foreseen Ye Fan's death.

Sally Ye quickly discouraged: "Brother Ye Fan, don't go there. The wormhole is too dangerous. Even if you want to negotiate with Gretney, you can also use other methods to send a message.

Moreover, the war between the demon kings cannot be stopped by a few words, which is bound to happen. "

"If you rely on subpoenas, it's even less likely to convince Gladney.

Although war is unavoidable for the time being, it is also going to go in the direction we want.

Now that the Seventh Kingdom is under siege on three sides, passive defense is useless and must be proactive.

The Sixth Kingdom is the most suitable breakthrough point ... "Ye Fan laughed.

"Guo, what do you think?" Asmodem asked Xiang Lan.

Ye Fan's face was speechless. Is this Asmodeus nothing to suggest? Ask the National Teacher everything?

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