My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2966: Human touch

The Arcadia is different from Kyushu.

It is not a whole world, but a collective term for large and small, hundreds of small worlds.

From a distance, it looks like countless colorful gems, but in fact the shape and composition are different.

Some are pure liquid worlds, some are deserts, some are gaseous, and some are giant settlements of plants.

Different worlds have different resources and races.

The emergence of the five traditional temples unites these worlds with teleportation arrays to attract believers and spread faith.

After not knowing how many epochs have changed, here has a unique Austrian civilization.

In fact, in Ye Fan's opinion, the Austrian magical domain should have been integrated with Kyushu.

However, there may be some changes. These hundreds of small worlds have split from Kyushu.

Therefore, these two worlds are dominated by human beings, but different civilizations have emerged.

Together with Doom, Ye Fan entered the most recent world in the Arcadia and Kyushu.

It is said to be recent, but it actually flew for more than a day.

Although Ye Fan can transfer with sword intention, but he and the end are still planning to use the teleportation array to go.

At first, he was not completely at ease with the end, and secondly, he also wanted to know the basic situation of the Arcane Divine Realm.

After falling into a long strip of sandbar world, I immediately heard a welcome message in the broadcasting equipment ...

"Welcome to the Arcadia, calling the world under the temple, Bicester.

There are 300 million humans in Bicester and 1.7 billion in Warcraft, with the famous Ten Thousand Beast Park and a wonderful show of Warcraft.

This state prohibits Warcraft hunting and Warcraft trading.

The direct transmission lines opened by the Bicester Temple of Transmitter are ... "

Ye Fan heard that various languages ​​were spoken in the broadcaster, repeating constantly.

"Warcraft is actually a monster, and it is called differently in the Arcane Divine Realm," said Doomsday.

"Is this Warcraft show beautiful?" Ye Fan asked.

"Do you like that?" Doom was puzzled.

"My daughter likes to watch it. If it is interesting, I will take her to travel here next time," Ye Fan smiled.

"I haven't seen it, I'm not interested", and shook his head at the end.

The two crossed the lively city and came to the Temple of Teleportation.

On the huge flooded stone screen outside, the transmission line and time point are constantly beating.

Ye Fan felt like she was at the airport and was watching her flight.

"The teleportation of the Arcane Divine Realm is much more professional than the clan alliance," Ye Fan stunned.

"This is determined by lifespan," explained Doomsday: "The mage's lifespan is far less than that of clan cultivators.

Most residents of Arcadia have to find ways to save time.

Therefore, the teleportation array is very important, it is related to whether they can go where they want with limited vitality. "

Ye Fan suddenly, yes, the clan can fly slowly without worrying about life.

"The teleportation array of the Arcane Divine Realm is the main source of finance for several temples.

This is also respect for the Dharma God, a huge reward for the plane-level mages. "

As he spoke, he went to the window and bought four tickets.

Seeing this, Ye Fan strangely said, "Why buy four?"

"The Iron Armor City, where the mechanical temple is located, has no direct route.

Need to go to the "Silver Star Valley" under the jurisdiction to go around.

Don't worry, I bought the fastest ticket, and it should be enough to rush in the past half a day, "said Doomsday.

Ye Fan Renjun couldn't help but "mean to" turn the plane "..."

"If you don't have a teleportation array, go to the Iron Armor City and fly for decades."

Doom sighed: "To tell the truth, the distance determines, this human alliance is not solid."

"I read some books about the Taishi plane and said that the Taishi plane still has no idea where the limit is.

The farthest of these known civilizations is already hundreds of billions of light-years away.

Even the major demons and the Protoss Kingdom are too lazy to build a teleportation array in the past.

Because the space jumps back and forth, the energy consumed is not worth the loss.

In fact, I envy those worlds that are very far away from us, there ... maybe not so many bad things. "

"You don't understand the civilizations that are farthest.

Perhaps when you get there, you will find that they also have a lot of trouble there.

It ’s just too far, we simply do n’t know what state they are in, ”the end said lightly.

Ye Fan nodded, "You are right ... So, escaping will not solve the problem.

The one who kills must kill, the one who fights must fight ... "

The end came to a huge, colorful flower.

Take the two cups next to them and put them in front of the two tentacles of the flower.

The flower immediately injected two glasses of fragrant liquid.

At the end of the day, he gave Ye Fan a cup of wine.

Free is equivalent to the kind of free filtered water in the airport on the earth before. "

Ye Fan felt a little weird, looking at the liquid in the cup and dazed.

"Why, I'm afraid I poisoned you?" Doom asked.

"It's not ... I just didn't expect that I and you will one day, hurry together, chat together, and drink the drink you handed me," Ye Fan said with emotion.

Doomsday's eyes were complicated, flashed by, and took a sip of flower juice.

"Sword God, do you know why, Satan is so obsessed with hegemony?"

Ye Fan had already finished drinking a whole cup of "Gudong Gudong" and found that this thing was really delicious, so he went and asked for another one.

Studying the giant Aroma flower, whether it was a plant or an animal, shrugging when he heard the end.

"Why else? If you don't advance, you retreat," Ye Fan said.

"There is this reason, but there is another reason, because the geographical location of the First Kingdom is too bad," Doomsday said.

Ye Fan froze, "What do you mean?"

"Actually, the family of fallen angels is not a pure demon. Their ancestors are supreme angels.

It was only later that within the Supreme Heaven, there was a power struggle to compete for the position of ‘God’ at that time.

As a result, the team of Satan's ancestors failed and was exiled to the ‘Lake of Hell’, calling them to self-destruct.

Hellfire Lake is a rough place where demons and gods banish prisoners, scoundrels and expelers together.

The repair is low, even the high temperature inside can't bear, let alone all kinds of powerful Warcraft in the lake of fire.

Basically, only the unacceptable and extremely sinful guys will be thrown there.

I just didn't expect that as the gods and demons being expelled more and more ...

In Hellfire Lake, after weak meat and strong food, many strong people even stood out and transformed.

Satan's ancestors, after being combined with demons, became a powerful species between fallen gods and demons.

Basically, racial strength is second only to abyss demons, evil spirits and some ancient demons.

Although they use the power of the devil, the devil does not really see them, and the Protoss even regard them as heretics. "

Ye Fan couldn't help thinking that Sasm seemed to be looked down upon by Opalon in the Seventh Kingdom.

Turns out ... the fallen angels are so miserable.

"Just ... the fallen angels have become an irreversible force.

Later, they liberated Hellfire Lake and established a kingdom.

To Satan, it has become the first kingdom.

Although it is the first kingdom, the lack of resources in Hellfire Lake has always made them the poorest kingdom.

But it is precisely because of the brutal internal struggle and the dangerous environment of weak meat and strong food that the First Kingdom has the most strategic levels ...

It is generally believed that there are ten strategic levels in the First Kingdom, but ... I guess it should be more than that.

In the depths of Hellfire Lake, how many strong people are there is actually no way to know outside.

Many powerful people, even Warcraft, are actually not subject to Satan.

Because they are the descendants of fierce evil, they are not afraid of death, and they have no reason. "

Ye Fan thought thoughtfully: "It may be that heroes are born in troubled times, and poor living conditions can force more powerful men out."

"Sword God, do you know why I want to tell you this?" Doom asked.

Ye Fan glanced at her, "You want to say that this battle is far harder than I thought."

"Yes," nodded at the end: "It is not terrible to be a country and monarch purely for hegemony and kingship.

But the first kingdom, those strategic levels, those magic generals, are not fighting just for Satan.

They are for the survival and future of themselves and their families.

Their fighting will is not comparable to other kingdoms.

Not to mention ... no one knows their hidden strength because of their geographical location. "

Ye Fan looked at the end playfully, "When did you become so humanized?"

"Human touch?" Doom wonders, "I'm just analyzing the elements of the battle with you."

Ye Fan smiled, "Maybe you can't feel it yourself ...

However, in order to let my daughter grow up smoothly, I will also desperately. "

Doom frowned at Daimei, seeming a little confused, why Ye Fan judged her so.

At this moment, the broadcast had already been heard, and the transmission to Silver Star Valley was about to begin.

"Go, I ca n’t wait to see the inorganic civilization.

What was it, on Earth, almost killed my wife. "

Ye Fan got up and walked towards the teleportation array with the end.

A brief look at the customs and customs of the Austrian God Territory, half a day later, Ye Fan and Doom have appeared in the Iron Armor City.

Both used fake identities, so it was smooth along the way.

Upon entering the Ironclad City, Ye Fan felt the different civilizations here.

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