My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2967: Mechanical civilization

Before leaving the Temple of Teleportation, I saw many strangely shaped "solids", "liquids" and "gases".

Just in front of yourself, floating, floating ...

The colorful substances have no so-called face, hands, feet, or even organs.

Obviously it looks like some "dead", but they are all moving.

Ye Fan has a grotesque feeling ...

It seems that people are at home, the tables and chairs in front of them, computers, kettles, cups ... all of which suddenly control themselves.

And people can't manipulate these items at all, just "heterogeneous" sandwiched between these items.

Ye Fan feels like this at the moment.

He even has an illusion, will the ground he walks on be conscious?

Leaving the teleport temple, Ye Fan found that they were floating in the air.

The teleport temple is a huge silver "cube".

Looking up, the sky is a deep starry sky.

Because there are no nearby stellar objects, the light sources made by several reactors are emitting soft light.

The ground is bottomless, and it is a variety of ore canyons.

In all directions, there are countless suspended substances.

Various polygonal cubes and spheres are all made of various metal minerals.

Countless inorganic substances shuttle between these huge buildings.

Densely packed, it is like various "pipes" of blood vessels, inside which are various fast-moving transport devices.

Some non-flying inorganic materials use this kind of pipeline to achieve the purpose of rapid movement.

No catering, no shopping malls, no entertainment facilities.

In various workshops and factories, the same place as the energy replenishment station can be seen everywhere.

"The architecture here is very special," Ye Fan couldn't help feeling.

"Part of it is architecture, but at least half of it is the body of inorganic races," Doomsday said.

Ye Fan was stunned. Sure enough, as he thought, he might step on a guy?

"Sword God, you can perceive the life around you."

Ye Fan tentatively swept his mind.

"What's going on?" Ye Fan frowned. "Robot?"

Ye Fan found that it seems that many organic living things, such as human beings and Warcraft, are actually not the core at all.

They have no mental fluctuations, no soul, just a layer of skin!

"This is Mosin's law, the 'mechanical heart'.

Mosin's law can destroy primitive spirits, organic tissues, and transform living organisms into inorganic mechanical races.

And, if necessary, Mosin can control these transformed inorganic individuals at any time, "Doomsday said.

"You mean ... these guys were living people before? Are they soulful?" Ye Fan's heart sank.

"Yes, but part of it is not forced.

Instead, he volunteered to serve Mosin and chose to believe in material civilization.

At the cost of abandoning souls and organic life, they exchange for near-infinite life.

Although the soul is gone, but through the unique way of inorganic civilization, you can retain memories and emotions.

For some lives that are terminally ill, or the life of Yangshou is about to become, inorganic matter is another continuation of life. "

Ye Fan couldn't help but have a complicated mood: "There are memories, emotions ... but no body, no soul. In this way, is it really life?"

"It depends on ... how do you define life", Doomsday said.

Ye Fan shook his head. "The way they choose to exist is their freedom.

But launching a war and forcibly changing our world is a different matter. "

Ye Fan said, taking out a small yellow flower.

The spirit is connected with Huang Huayi.

"Hua Fei Hua Elder, can you hear it?" Ye Fan said.

"Yes ..." Hua Feihua's voice came into Ye Fan's mind, "Are you in Iron Armor City?"

"Yes, how is it over there?"

"Guangming Dharma God is already negotiating with Ye Xuanguang, and Dark Dharma God has no counterpart.

On the side of the Arcane Divine Realm, a few magic gods have nothing to do, the situation is normal. "

Ye Fan murmured, everything went smoothly, could they think too much?

In fact, this action, there is no trap?

"If there is an accident, the little yellow flower will wither, you just remember to pay attention", Hua Feihua said.

"That's working."

After Ye Fan cut off the communication, he nodded with Doom and went to the Temple of Machinery.

"Sword God, we have to make a quick decision.

Otherwise, wait for other dharma gods to come to support, even if you can withdraw from the whole body, you may not kill Mosin. "

Doomsday said: "Remember what I told you, Mosin has no soul.

But its consciousness exists in a 'neutron nucleus', which is equivalent to Mosin's brain, the primal spirit.

I cannot measure the specific hardness of the neutron core.

It was a neutron star that survived after a supernova exploded.

After the transformation of its mechanical heart law, a consciousness storage device is made. "

"Meaning ... The mass of that thing is equivalent to a huge star?"

"Yes, and there is the blessing of the law of planes.

If it is not your emperor-level sword intention, general power, it may really not be able to destroy it.

This is also the reason why I am looking for you to cooperate. The absolute priority of the rule of the emperor is needed to have the opportunity to do it. "

Ye Fan took a deep breath, and he felt that he was jumping fast.

This battle is different from the past, this time, he is facing an alternative strong.

No mention of cultivation practice, no mention of skill, is more of a kind of "science" and "cultivation" peak confrontation.

Two completely different civilizations, the ultimate contest between spear and shield.

However, since it is an unavoidable battle, Ye Fan also believes that things are artificial.

"Here it is, the mechanical temple is ahead."

In fact, not to mention the end, Ye Fan has also noticed, because the front is so shocking.

It is a "mechanical tower" made of tens of thousands of meters and countless metal parts!

Countless huge gears make the various rooms of this Tongtian mechanical tower constantly move.

All kinds of light, rays, and incomprehensible crystal screens make this mechanical building beautiful.

A breath of perfect combination of industry and digital is coming.

However, Ye Fan was even more astonished that there were several huge pipes on the side of this mechanical tower.

In these pipes, some **** and turbid things are constantly being discharged.

Ye Fan's eyes were sharp, and after seeing something clearly, her face immediately changed!

"these are……"

The end of the day without expression, said: "It is organic, that is, human beings and other living bodies.

Mosin promised to use Arcadia, not to find materials from Arcadia.

So it purchases a large number of creatures from human traffickers and monster traffickers in other worlds for its mechanical heart research.

After it is transformed, it will discharge these organic residues ... directly to the treatment plant.

Turn into fertilizer, feed, and feed other organic life forms for recycling.

What it wants is to continually create organic life with soul, and then continually destroy ... for it to continue to study. "

Ye Fan took a breath, and this guy looked at organic life as if a human carpenter looked at wood, purely as a material, not as a soul.

"Our Ethereum star, your earth, in its eyes ... just like these experimental materials, no difference", the words of the end are cold and cold.

Ye Fan's face is dignified, no wonder the end is called a war mad ...

Looking around again, I saw a large number of hand-held weapons, all of which were made of metal.

Seeing these mechanical armies, Ye Fan knew that the "Gundam" and "Transformers" in the original science fiction works were too idealistic.

The real killing machine doesn't need any modeling at all.

They are all thick metal shields, and what is exposed is either the muzzle or various metal blades.

In Ye Fan's view, it was all a killing machine.

"These are the elite of the mechanical heart, all created by Mosin himself, purely for fighting.

Although dealing with them is not difficult for us.

But the wasted time will give Mosin a chance to escape, "Doomsday said.

Ye Fan naturally understood, "Where is Mosin? I can't feel the Yuanshen wave ..."

"It doesn't usually go anywhere else. It's all in the laboratory at the bottom of the temple. If you want to go down, you have to pierce through seven layers of superalloy.

They are the hardest alloys in the plane, and the general primitive power cannot be penetrated at all. "

There was an investigation at the end of the day, and he said with great confidence.

Ye Fan's eyes were as bright as electricity, and he took it out too early.

"No matter where it is, this guy must die today!"

The **** sword held in his hand and immediately attracted a lot of elite attention of the mechanical heart.

Hundreds of red rays swept towards Ye Fan!

The alarm of the mechanical temple is sounded directly!

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