My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3085: Prison Dragon

In Kungunil's gun head, a powerful dark energy turned into a thin stream of light, starting from the heart and entering the limbs of Tai Cang! In the end, Tai Cang's whole body was already covered with strange black lines, like black ravines, scars, and shocking! Kairande waited for several gods to feel a shudder in the depths of the soul! This dark force seems to devour everything Zhou Tian! "Your Majesty... this... what is this?"

Liu Sensi's voice shivered.

It was as if the gopher saw the goshawk that was about to fall, and wished to find a cave and dig into it! This is a fear engraved in the instinct, deep in the genes! Obviously, this force has definitely been feared by the ancestors of the Celestial Race since a very ancient time! "Taicang! What do you want to do!?"

Kyland asked this, but he didn't realize that he was already stunned.

Tai Cang slowly raised his head...that was a pair of dark eyes! No feelings, no waves! It is darker than the black hole and even darker than the abyss! The blood-red gunshot of the whole body gradually became stained with ink, and began to absorb all kinds of energy around him.

So much so that the light could not pass around Tai Cang, and his entire body gradually fell into the boundless darkness... "Haha..." Tai Cang's smile was gradually low and hoarse, full of contempt and satire.

"Do you want Katie to die?"

Kailand questioned.

Tai Cang still did not answer.

"Your Majesty, he doesn't seem to be Tai Cang..." Liu Sensi shivered.

"Not Tai Cang?

Who is that? "

Tidor asked immediately.

"That gun is weird! It seems that something came out of the gun!"

At this moment, Tai Cang, caught in the dark, pulled Kun Gunier out of his heart! There is no imaginary picture of splashing blood.

The wound has been ridiculously fast, and healed completely at the moment of pulling out! "Useless little fellow, you have mastered the imperial gun spirit."

"It almost killed himself for a woman."

"But okay, if it weren't for you to lose consciousness, the old man wouldn't have a chance to win..." Tai Cang muttered to himself at this time, but when these words came out, Kailand and other gods were immediately shocked! really! This is not too Cang! But what horror exists in the gun! "You... who are you!?"

Kailand questioned.

"Humph..." Tai Cang sneered: "A few lowly gods, are they worthy of asking the old man's origin?"

"I wait for the ancestors, but it is just the old man's mouth tooth sacrifice!"

"Well, although it is the first meal of the day, it is a little less, but it is better than nothing."

When Kailande heard it, the meaning inside and outside the words was to eat them and humiliate the ancestors of the gods of the gods.

If it is normal, Kailand may choose a strategic retreat.

But the other party is so provocative, he can not easily let go.

What's more, he now controls the overall situation in the paradise, and he is full of faith and full of confidence.

"No matter who you are, humiliate my gods and utter rants, **** it!"

"Tiduo! Liu Sensi! Assist Ben Wang to trap him, Viknes, find his weakness!"

As soon as Kylander's voice fell, the three kings and four kings moved immediately.

The mists of poison rushed towards "Ticang" and surrounded Taicang! However, just after the diseased poison mist passed, it quickly shrank! ?

"How can it be!?"

I saw that Tai Cang took a deep breath and took all the viruses with his nostrils alone! That's enough to make plane-level toxins that don't know how many gods die, and they can't bring any killing! ?

"On this point, it's not enough... It's better to offer it to the old man!"

Tai Cang chuckled, suddenly figured with a gun, and raided directly near Tito's body! It is Tai Cang's "moment" trick! This monk is not a simple seizure, it obviously occupies the dominant consciousness, so you can still use the gun meaning of Tai Cang! Seeing this, Tidor scared his body to spread and wanted to spread away.

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

Tai Cang laughed violently, with one hand, a strong suction, appeared from his hands.

Regardless of how Tido escaped, the gasified body of the virus was forcibly sucked back! "This... what rule is this!?"

Kairande's face changed a lot, and they couldn't understand it. How did this happen?

It is not as simple as the simple plane law, but more like some kind of innate talent, just like the clan talent.

However, this talent has reached the plane level.

at the same time! Ye Fan and Sally Ye were hidden in the dark, and they were shocked to see this scene.

Tai Cang said goodbye to Katie's life and death, and Ye Fan was just worried.

Although, Tai Cang wants to kill Sally, it can only be the enemy.

However, Ye Fan did not have much hope, Taicang was so stunned.

Perhaps the idea is too reckless, but Ye Fan really hopes to fight Taicang, especially after seeing the magical marksmanship.

Therefore, Ye Fan considered that to save Taicang, he had to get Katie out of danger.

Then, the first to use Wushuang Qinglong to kill the three kings Tito is the most direct way.

But just when Ye Fan was going to take action and find a way to save Katie, so that he could break the deadlock, he had such a change?

This Kungunil, such a monster broke out! ?

"No wonder... I just said that the gun seemed to have a problem..." Ye Fan frowned: "This guy from Tai Cang must have also noticed that he is confident, or that he is greedy for power... This evil, how? Can be used easily".

"Wang! I know what that is!"

Sally Ye sees the scene where Tidor is absorbed, her body is excited! "Do you know that thing?"

"Emperor Dragon! That's an Emperor Dragon!"


The same race as the Emperor Demon Dragon? "

Sally Ye nodded vigorously, "That's the "Engulfing" of the dragon of the early days! The purest engulfing talent, known as engulfing everything in the plane, naturally includes the laws of the plane! Because the ancestors have thousands of faces, they have a close relationship with the dragon of the early days. .

Therefore, we have recorded some secrets of the early magic dragon in our Crimson Peak Library.

This powerful race bred at the beginning of the plane does not create anything, and it appears to devour everything.

It can be said that all abilities related to engulfing are derived from the Tailong Magic Dragon... If Hongmeng ruled to create everything, then the Tailong Dragon Family might have devoured and destroyed everything..." Ye Fan swallowed his throat, No wonder that Kungunil has a hint of primordial power... even imprisoned a primordial dragon?

! "King...Let's go now, that's the strongest race in the early days! The ruler of Hongmeng has to retreat from Sanshe! At that time, the dragon emperor, but the revenge of his father, killed the ruler of Hongmeng! Now this dragon, Even if it is not as good as the Emperor Dragon Emperor, it is definitely not too general to deal with!

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