My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3086: Dragon Five is not a sword god

Sally Ye knew the gap between Taichu and Taishi. She also read many records of Tailong Molong, and knew the power of this family.

If it weren't for the early days, the magic dragon was too overbearing, and this group was persecuted by various encirclement and suppression, and almost perished... God knows that the Taishi plane still exists.

Many historical theologians on the Taishi plane even believe that the legendary dragon might be the creator who created everything.

In the beginning, the magic dragon was to prevent the Wutai from constantly expanding, so it was necessary to destroy everything in a certain period of time to achieve the ultimate reincarnation.

That is, the two extremes of creation and annihilation.

All in all, except for the dragon that no one has ever seen, there is no race that can override the primordial magic dragon.

Even if Hongmeng ruled, it wouldn't work...after all, the early Dragon Demon Emperor had already proved this.

Sally Ye was thinking about it, anyway, Kyland, etc., had more than a death, they did not need to be involved in danger anymore.

As soon as these people die, the Seventh Kingdom and Ye Fan can breathe a sigh of relief.

As for the early magic dragon, they are not going to care about who is going to harm.

If you want to, bullying is also going to bully the Protoss, and you will not be embarrassed by the relative demon.

Ye Fan clenched her fists tightly and let go... "Sally Ye, you abandon the flesh and enter my sword **** ring."

"I can't guarantee that if you are outside, can I protect you."

Sally Ye was stunned! " want..." "I know maybe I'm reckless again, but... I'm not reconciled when I leave like this!"

...Ancient God Realm.

Ancient tomb of Titan.

In the woods, by the stream.

Lao Lin hand-held a little boy and taught the children to brandish axe.


A piece of wood was split.

"Have you learned?

To aim, don't hack," Lao Lin touched the child's head.

"Knowing my grandfather," the boy's fleshy face smirked.

"Her husband, come here."

A gentle woman came over and waved well.

Lao Lin asked the child to continue chopping wood, then walked over with a smile.

"What's wrong, Rouer?"

"Cronus just came in and said that Kungunil was stolen and asked if you know if you know this matter," the woman asked.

Lao Lin blinked and smiled: "Stolen, stolen, it is not something of their Titan family, if you lose it, you will lose it."

"That gun is okay, but when you used it, you sealed the traitor Miraboreas, right?

If he hadn't died yet, it would be..." "For so long, he would survive and breathe without any hindrance," Lao Lin shook his head.

"Although it is not an imperial family, it is also of your own kind. Anyway, if you succeed in the Taishi plane, you will kill many people.

At first, you should listen to Yingxue, kill it directly, you have to say what makes it better than death, bury the hidden trouble," said the woman worried.

" soft child, you can rest assured, tell Kronos, I know."

The woman had no choice but to shake her head and went to talk.

After a while, a figure came out of the forest.

The woman was expressionless and said lightly: "It turns out that your seal was too early for this."

"No matter how many layouts, it is just layouts."

"The person who really walks and makes the choice is not us."

Lao Lin took a deep breath and said in a meaningful way: "He actually also knows that although he is in the game, he is the one who really plays chess.

He came to me because he had done countless multiple-choice questions.

To be honest... I was surprised that he survived.

Compared to the more qualified Ji Xuanyuan and Chiyou, I am more looking forward to what surprises him, his "relatively mediocre" kid, will make. "

……"I understand".

Sally Ye's eyes showed a frustration and understanding.

Also, if it really runs like this, it doesn't look like the king in her mind.

Whether it's out of "sympathy" for Tai Cang, "outstanding spirit", or "pity", doesn't matter! When Ye Fan makes many choices, he often doesn't know why.

Maybe you will feel stupid afterwards and will blame yourself.

However, Ye Fan never regrets it! He is not the smartest and most man in the city, so he has never played Kailand in conspiracy.

But it is just occasionally revealed, it seems that the blood is on the top, so that Sally, and even many of the people around him, can trust 100%! Because, they can feel Ye Fan's reality, they won't be above the sky, they are out of reach.

Sally Ye decisively abandoned her flesh and turned into a demon soul into the sword **** ring.

Ye Fan has recovered 80-90% at this time, and has little effect on the battle.

Quadruple disintegration! Jianyi double disintegration! The flames of black, gold and green color sprayed out on Ye Fan's body! Behind Ye Fan, six pairs of sword-like blaze wings spread out, extending to hundreds of meters in an instant.

The twelve sword-like wings of light, as if in the galaxy, burst out a gorgeous fire lotus! The rushing emperor-level sword intention completely burned the gates of the casinos of those dozens of parks in an instant! "Sword God!?"

"You are not dead!?"

Kairande had just been devoured for Tidor, frightened.

Seeing that Ye Fan was not dead at this moment, there was a trace of surprise! "Son-in-law! Let us put down our grudges and deal with this demon first! It controls Tai Cang!!!"

Demonized Tai Cang turned his head, frowning slightly when he saw the imperial sword.

"Interesting, it turned out to be the emperor-level sword intention with Qinglong Cangyan?

Never seen before. "

Although appreciative, obviously not too serious.

Ye Fan threw out the flying swords in the sky, and hundreds of thousands of flying swords turned into countless streamers in the paradise! "Frost sky!"

Flying sword, tearing the starry sky, like a meteor shower baptizing back and forth! "No!--" Viknes, who was quietly observing the weakness, could not avoid the flying sword of this speed, and was directly beaten into a sieve! Viknes was already relatively fragile and was not good at fighting head-to-head, which was enough to destroy him! At the same time, the paradise was riddled with holes! These amusement facilities, like parts that have been dismantled, are scattered and messy.

"Sword God! What are you doing!?"

Kailand was shocked, his own paradise was quickly disintegrated! ?

He tried to repair it, but the surrounding space was full of flying swords, and his laws could not compete with the laws of emperors! Ye Fan is too lazy to talk nonsense to him. Just a long time ago, he has learned the general rules of the paradise.

Although this super large-scale complex law, imitation is not realistic.

But to destroy it is no longer a problem for Ye Fan.

Ye Fan didn't want to be insidiously calculated by this Kailande when he fought against the demonized Tai Cang.

Sword intention transfer! Ye Fan exchanged positions with a flying sword closer to Kailand! Kailand was caught off guard and his eyes widened! "Heavenly Dragon Crossbow!"

Ye Fan faced Kailande's head and hit the sword and ballista directly, hit! "boom!"

Kylander was blown up! Although because of the power of faith, this ballista is not enough to kill him completely, but it has also lost its fighting power.

Ye Fan is again a sword change, and comes to the position where Liu Sensi is! Liu Sensi did not hide at all, there was fear and fear.

"Dragon Five, even if it's you..." Ye Fan crossed the sword directly, the blade oscillated, tearing the starry sky! There was a huge crack in the space, and the blazing flames shattered Liu Sensi's Yuanshen! His law that can filter all harm is invalid! "Ignorance... Sword God is Dragon Five, but Dragon Five is not Sword God!"

Ye Fan solved the three Celestial Clan in an instant, and then slowly turned around, staring at "Taicang" with a wicked smile on his face.

"You are not worthy of his gunshot."

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