My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3418: Intrigue

"This guy is really not afraid of death! My eldest brother is standing here, he dare to come?"

In the stands, Feng Xiaotian waited for a few strategic level that didn't matter, and wanted to see it.

After all, they don’t have much experience with dark matter energy, so they have to prepare early.

But at this moment, Ye Fan found something was wrong.

Although the Remnant Sword in front of me looks the same as before, it feels wrong!

"Cultivation...How can you win the sky?"

Ye Fan found that he could see the cultivation base of this remnant sword, even if the other party hid it well, but he couldn't hide it from him.

"Oops! Wife, we are in the middle!"

Ye Fan sent a message to Su Qingxue, "Hurry up and find a reason to cut off the live broadcast!"


"This guy is not a Remnant Sword! To be precise, it is not the previous Remnant Sword, he should have some trick..."

Su Qingxue suddenly realized that the situation was not good.

"Husband, it is too late to cut off the live broadcast now. If you don't let the whole world watch it, it will be easier for the other party to say that we are in a shady scene."

"Can Jian's entire plan is most likely to mess up you, or even disturb the hearts of the entire human race..."

Ye Fan frowned, "Then I will try my best to make a quick decision and not give him a chance to produce moths..."

At this time, Can Jian had already reached the ring.

He took off his mask to reveal his handsome face.

"Sword God, I have been waiting for a long time. I have been looking forward to this battle for a long time."

"Only you are barely qualified to be my opponent..."

While Can Jian said these words, he looked utterly cold.

Ye Fan didn't bother to care about how he pretended to be, and he was ready to make a sword.

However, a voice transmission fell into Ye Fan's mind.

"Sword God! Please! Kill me, or let this match be interrupted directly..."

On the surface of Remnant Sword, there was a gentle master posture, but the sound transmission turned out to be extremely urgent!

"Zhuanghe? You are Zhuanghe!?"

Ye Fan was stunned, the soul of this remnant sword turned out to be Zhuang He! ?

"Zhuang He, why did you become a broken sword?"

"I fainted suddenly, and I woke up like this... It was the guy who had dealt with me before, and attacked me."

"Sword God, you don't have to lose to me deliberately, you just need to interrupt this discussion... the people in that village will survive!"

Zhuang He continued to put on the expression of Remnant Sword, but Voice Transmission was anxious...

"Your villager was kidnapped?"

"Yes, they have all been transferred, and I don't know where they went..."

"I beg you! Those villagers are innocent! I know that in your mind, such hundreds of lives are nothing..."

"But I don't want you to surrender, you just need to interrupt this discussion, and they will survive..."

Ye Fan squinted, "The guy who put your soul into this body, do you know who it is?"

"I don't even know, every time it talks to me directly with voice transmission, my cultivation base is too weak..."

Zhuang He drew out the big sword behind him, and made a starting pose.

"Sword God, take the move!"

He must act real, so he can no longer drag on...

"Sword God! You kill me! Kill me, those children will survive!"

"They admire you so much, admire you so are their hero..."

Zhuang He knew that Ye Fan could not admit defeat, so he could only ask for death!

He didn't leave anything behind, and rushed up crazy!

The begging to death sword move is full of murderous aura.

Those who watched the live broadcast naturally also think that Can Jian is trying very seriously.

Ye Fan sighed. If he killed Zhuang He, he would break the rules of the sword platform, bully the weak, and have a bad reputation.

If he interrupts the live broadcast, public opinion will be unfavorable and the villagers will die.

Of course, it is impossible to admit defeat...

The point is, no matter what you do, it is estimated that the villagers will have to become victims.

When the opponent makes such a game, he may just divert his attention at first, so as to ignore the secret activities of "Titan".

But now, it is to disturb his "Dao Xin" and make people fall into chaos.

The battle on the battlefield is not only about strength, but also psychological and resourcefulness.

I have to say that the other party really targeted him carefully...

"It's a pity... I just came out to fuck..."

Ye Fan slammed straight away, with a backhand sword making a stance, knocking Zhuang He to the ground!

This sword was nothing. It didn't kill Zhuang He, but Zhuang He was even more anxious!

"You killed me! I can't lose to you! But I can't commit suicide either!"

Zhuang He was anxious, but couldn't speak out, he could only play the role of Sword and continue to make moves.

At the same time, far away from millions of miles!

A secluded valley.

Hundreds of villagers, following the words of "Zhuanghe", ran here to avoid monsters.

At this moment, the villagers are surrounding the fire, waiting when they can go back.

Zhuang He held a flying sword and sat on a tree with a cold expression.

A group of children wanted to find him to play, but the old brother Zhuang He, who was very warm in the past, ignored them at all.


A figure appeared not far from Zhuanghe!

Zhuang He immediately got up and was shocked: "Sword God!? Why are you here!?"

"Do you think I can't find you?"

When Ye Fan came to the village as early as that time, he asked Shi Lanyu to arrange the poison to track the whereabouts of the villagers.

He knew that people who had something to do with him might be targeted, so he kept his eyes on him.

This time, he left a phantom on the ring, and the main body came here and found the real "Remnant Sword"!

The Remnant Sword in Zhuang He's body, although he didn't understand what was going on, he turned his head and ran away without hesitation!

Ye Fan had previous experience, and when he went up, he swept with a sword, and the black and gold ripples rippled away, covering the sky!

"Yijian Shuanghan!"

Although he didn't know if it was useful, Ye Fan blocked the magic skills first.

At this time, a cloud of dark matter enveloped the soul and shot out from Zhuang He's body!

Zhuang He became an empty shell and fell from the sky.

At the moment, the villagers thought that the sword **** had killed Zhuang He, and they all panicked and screamed.

Upon seeing this, the dark soul dropped hundreds of black spheres toward the ground!

Ye Fan had already taken precautions, a liquid sword intent clone, waved a "chenhui" below, a fan of light, blocking all the dark matter energy out.

At the same time, Ye Fan's body manipulated hundreds of thousands of flying swords and liquid sword intent, and eight stegosaurus roared out, encircling them, transforming into a huge spherical cage!

"Emperor Dragon Sword Prison!"

In the blink of an eye, the dark matter that wanted to escape was directly imprisoned in the sword intent!

The dark soul smashed everywhere, but at this moment Ye Fan tripled disintegrated, plus doubled sword intent, the quality of sword intent was already extremely high.

"Don't bother. I have estimated your strength. With this level of sword intent, you can't get out."

Ye Fan shrank the Emperor Dragon Sword prisoner, imprisoning the opponent in a small space.

"If I guessed correctly, you should be one of the members of the Ancient God Realm, the core Titan..."

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