My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3419: Should be true

The dark soul was quiet for a while.

Suddenly, a strange dark wave was released from its body!

The dark matter turned into a special high-concentration corrosive energy, directly permeating the entire Emperor Dragon Sword Prison!

"this is……"

Ye Fan quickly discovered that his sword intent was being weakened? To be precise, was it a loophole?

wrong! It is the power of the Shenlong bloodline that is being weakened!

This kind of energy is like the "dragon slaying technique", and it seems to have an enhanced killing effect on everything of the Shenlong clan.

Ye Fan directly stripped the power of the Shenlong bloodline from his sword intent.

The sword intent became more and more pitch black and timeless, like a deep void.

"Before ambushing and attacking me, I also used this dark matter."

The dark soul found that the attack had no effect, so he chose to give up.

"As expected to be the Sword God, although I knew that it would be difficult to break through you head-on, but I didn't expect that the chance would be so slim..."

An unfamiliar voice came from the soul.

"Since you know the gap, answer my question well," Ye Fan said.

"What do you want to know?"

"Your identity, the purpose of the forces behind you."

"My name is Apatos. As you might expect, I am a member of the ancient Titans..."

Iapatos played with taste: "As for our purpose of doing this, it is natural to hope that we will unite the various races here and fight against the menacing Glory."

"We are not human beings, Hongmeng may be generous to you outside the law, but to us... they will only kill and enslave!"

Ye Fan grinned: "Lying, if it's such a fair and honest reason, why bother to make a broken sword to attract my attention, but secretly stealing?"

"You are human, we are Titans, including the various races of gods, demons and elves. It is the irreconcilable contradiction between us and Hongmeng..."

"Whether the war will start, it is not your Titans that have the final say."

Iapatos said: "Sword God, we don't need your consent. Now every minute and every second, there are pioneers of the Hongmeng monks, killing the so-called ‘barbarians’ on this side..."

"It won't be long before all major kingdoms and races will hate Hongmeng..."

"Sword God, don't forget, our Titans are standing in the camps of the major races here."

"I used the identity of a broken sword and showed a face here, but is it too much?"

"Are you sure...for this matter, are you going to turn your face with us?"

Ye Fan said coldly: "Iapatos, you think you are too important. In my eyes, it has no reason to kill you, it only concerns my mood."

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Fan swung his sword, and the space was suddenly unbearable, violently collapsed and shattered!

"Dimensional exile! Thirteen layers!"

Ayapatos found that the situation was not good and tried to resist it with all his strength, and the primordial power burst out continuously from the dark soul.

"Sword God! Are you crazy!? Do you really dare to kill me?"

"I tell you the truth, this is only part of my soul! Do you think it's useful to kill me?"

"If you do it, you will declare war with the Titans! Cronus will not let you go!!"

"Then I will kill Cronus!"

Ye Fan hasn't finished speaking yet, the dark soul has been crushed by sword intent!

Although the power of the Shenlong clan was targeted by this guy, the emperor-level sword intent could still effectively kill.

Ye Fan estimated that he was "marked" by the Titans. Part of the reason might be that the Titans could not do anything about the emperor's rules.

After solving Apatos, Ye Fan took Zhuang He's body directly away.

Back in Yuncheng, Zhuang He was stunned by Ye Fan's phantom.

At the end of the live broadcast, everyone thought that Remnant Sword lost its combat effectiveness, but they already thought it was very powerful if they were able to fight the Sword God.

A crisis was finally lifted temporarily.

Everyone knew that it was the Titans behind the scenes, and they couldn't help being quite shocked, each with a solemn expression.

"What kind of expression are you guys, didn't you guess it was a Titan?" Ye Fan asked.

"Master Sword God, although I expected it early, but I really confirm it, it's still quite anxious," Jiang said, "After all, it's a Titan!"

Many people nodded one after another, Titan, has always been the insurmountable peak of the race in everyone's hearts!

"It's really annoying. According to Iapatos, it just split a part of the soul..."

"I have to go back to the Titan God Realm, find its body, and then kill..."

Everyone nearby turned pale, as if their heads were full of question marks!

"Big brother... are you serious?"

Feng Xiaotian couldn't help his tongue: "These ordinary Titans are so big that they are all too big! How long will you kill the ancient Titans?"

"Yeah, that's more laborious than destroying millions of stars! After all, Titans won't stand and let you kill them in vain. When the time comes, the Titans will burn all the jade and stones, but..." Ji Zhihei also resisted.

"Huh... it's just a bunch of stupid big guys. I've seen their boss Cronus, and that's what happened..."

"Have you played against Cronus?"

"Forget it, if I didn't pay attention, I was sent back to the Human Alliance from the Titan God's Realm, and time was backtracked a bit..."


Everyone is speechless, it's all like this, why do you speak such an understatement?

Ye Fan had thought about it, and the big deal was that his firepower would be fully fired, and the entire Ancient God's Domain would enter a state of frost and cold.

fight? nonexistent!

At that time, all of them can't use magical skills, they can only fight hard, and they will use the external release to disintegrate and smash to death!

Of course, it is possible in theory, but it is not so easy in actual combat.

Just as everyone is worried, once the Titan goes wild and moves a few times, destroying countless stars, human deaths and injuries will be incalculable.

Therefore, if Titan is willing to constrain and refrain from instigating war, then he doesn't want to make such a big move.

"Or, let's have a showdown directly with Hongmeng. If Hongmeng knows that there is a Titan here, will Hongmeng converge? Or let Hongmeng and the Titan fight directly!" Ning Zimo suggested.

"I thought about it a long time ago, but we can't tell what Hongmeng's attitude is."

Su Qingxue shook her head: "Not to mention, how do we contact Hongmeng's core senior management? Even if we can see Hongmeng's decision-making level, will they listen to our opinions?"

"Moreover, if Hongmeng knows about the Titans and the Tomb of Gods, if one chooses to use a larger scale invasion, then we will be really passive."

"Before controlling the situation on our own side, or without the confidence to negotiate, it is really not safe to talk directly with Hongmeng."

Ye Fan touched his chin and muttered: "I don't care about Hongmeng, I really want to see, what strength is the Titan?"

"I don't know if Ayapatos lied to me, this guy can really split the soul?"

As Ye Fan thought, he was still quite young in his heart. When it comes to multiple gods, he is an expert!

"It should be true!"

Suddenly, the candle wick soul who did not know where it came from, a pair of red eyes, was full of excitement and said: "Iapatos is the'soul titan', it may indeed divide the soul!"

"Candle wick soul? Why did you come here suddenly?" Ye Fan wondered, this woman likes to stay in the cemetery and do research, and rarely comes out.

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