My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3904: future

His heart sank, Ye Fan subconsciously felt and searched.

Immediately after discovering that Chu Yunyao was in the laboratory, she let out a sigh of relief.

When I came to the laboratory, I saw what Chu Yunyao was busy alive.

"The war is over, don't you take a break?" Ye Fan asked with a smile.

Chu Yunyao didn't look back, "The war is over, a hundred wastes are waiting, some are busy..."

Ye Fan reached forward and hugged the woman from behind.

Chu Yunyao trembled, her hands stopped.

"Thanks for your hard work," Ye Fan said sincerely.

Chu Yunyao turned her head away, swallowed her throat, and said, "It's less numb, just do your job, don't delay my work."

"Feng Xiaotian and they said that there is a celebration party. You, the commander of the sun, must attend, right?"

"It depends on the situation, let's talk about it when you are done..." Chu Yunyao said perfunctorily.

Ye Fan smiled. Actually, she saw that the woman's eyes were red, but she didn't get it through.

Before the celebration of the day, Sally Ye rushed back from Purgatory Lake of Fire.

She now controls almost all the Demon Kingdom, with a heavy burden on her shoulders, and she is indeed very busy.

But when she saw Ye Fan, Sally Ye was not too excited. After all, she knew Ye Fan was safe and sound when she killed Greteny.

There were also many senior demons who came with Sally, who also wanted to use this relationship to draw closer to the Sword God.

Ye Fan knew it well, but it didn't matter. In his eyes, there was no racial distinction.

However, Ye Fan discovered that Nie Wuyue was sadly left alone.

When I asked, I realized that the women told Nie Wuyue that Ye Longyuan had "burried" to the underworld in order to save his son.

Ye Fan hurriedly explained that Ye Longyuan did not completely disappear, but in a divine dragon jade talisman, it preserved a trace of primordial spirit.

It is not difficult to resurrect, he himself, or find Jian Yuzhu, should be able to handle it.

It's just to fully restore the cultivation base, I'm afraid it will take a lot of time.

Seeing Nie Wuyue weeping with joy, Ye Fan also fully understood that her mother was indeed planning to continue her relationship.

In fact, as far as Ye Longyuan is concerned, the cultivation base may not be important anymore.

After experiencing the ups and downs, taste all the states of life, and untie the knot, what I want is probably only the joy of family.

In contrast, Lu and Xiao Jiang, in that long river of time, did not know when they would return... Ye Fan sighed in his heart.

The Human Alliance was extremely excited to learn that the Sword God had returned.

Although too many lives have died, those who have survived feel particularly precious in this world.

At the celebration banquet that night, a group of gods who had returned from Jiuyuan were also drunk and didn't want to use their cultivation base to resist alcohol.

They have been waiting for this meal for too long.

After daybreak, the gods from all walks of life quietly dispersed, and did not intentionally say goodbye to Ye Fan and the others.

Ye Fan didn't ask too much about where these comrades-in-arms who lived and died were going. Anyway, for him, the two realms of Yin and Yang were not big, and they would meet sooner or later.

Two days later.

Yaozu Donghuangjie.

Ye Fan took his family to the Demon Emperor's Palace.

Jane Zizai's wood carvings were quietly placed in the palace garden.

Xiao Wangge and Jian Yuzhu, as well as a group of demon elders, participated in the ceremony to welcome back the demon emperor.

Jane Zizai is immortal, he will wake up sooner or later, but everyone doesn't know if it is thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, or longer.

However, as long as the demon clan is still there and the eastern emperor world is still there, this living wooden sculpture will be the spiritual symbol of the demon clan.

When the statue was placed, everyone heard the ringing of bells in the sky above the Eastern Empire.

"Is it the Chaos Clock?" Everyone reacted.

Xiao Wangge's mother and daughter, and the elders of the Demon Race, prayed to the Chaos Clock, hoping that it would bring the Demon Emperor back as soon as possible.

However, the Chaos Clock didn't give any response, it just stopped after it rang a few times.

"It seems that Chaos Clock is just welcoming the Demon Emperor back home."

Seeing Jian Yuzhu weeping in sadness, Ye Fan sighed and reached out and patted her fragrant shoulder.

Before Ye Fan could speak, Jian Yuzhu said: "Don't comfort me, I know that my father is not dead, I will wait for him to wake up."

Ye Fan was dumb, then smiled and nodded: "If you need anything, come to me, I am your uncle."

Jian Yuzhu glared at him, too lazy to respond.

In the following days, all worlds and races are busy restoring their old lives and repairing their homes.

Just cleaning up the battlefield and treating the wounded is a long process.

In fact, many civilians do not know what happened before.

They only know that they have encountered an enemy, but they do not know where and why the enemy came from, and the scale of the war.

With the passage of time, many injuries will quickly fade away, and history will slowly be buried.

Of course, the names that saved them and saved the world will gradually be forgotten, and even eventually only circulated in fairy tales.

Ye Fan knew that this couldn't be changed, but he didn't feel that he needed to let the world know what they did and what the sword **** did.

For him, it is enough to see that the people in this world have groundbreaking power and the belief in fighting for themselves.

After the restructuring of the Human Alliance, it has achieved basic democratic autonomy in accordance with the previous strategy of Su Qingxue.

Thirty and ten statues are still reserved, but they are only used as supervisors and not involved in daily affairs.

In order to ensure a smooth transition, several women, including Ning Zimo, Feng Yueying, Nian Rujiao, and Xu Lingshan, still took over the main daily tasks.

Candlelight and Shi Lanyu hide behind the scenes and do some intelligence work.

Ye Fan was not idle either, what he had been thinking about was the condition of his beloved dear.

Now, through his insights in the white space and the power of time, he finally has the confidence to heal Tuantuan.

After all, the root cause of Tuantuan's illness is caused by the chaos of time and space.

Now that Ye Fan had a deeper understanding of time and space, he forcibly repaired the "error" on Tuantuan.

The treatment was carried out in Chu Yunyao's laboratory, and there were not too many people and no special preparations.

This process actually took a few minutes. Ye Fan hugged the group while the little guy ate snacks, and it passed.

Even no one else noticed any changes.

But after Ye Fan succeeded, he cried excitedly while holding his daughter.

You know, for this moment, he paid too much effort!

It can be said that half of his motivation for practicing hard is to make Tuantuan grow up healthily!

"Dad, I don't need to take medicine or injections in the future?" Tuantuan asked innocently.

Ye Fan nodded vigorously, "No, in the future... Tuantuan will grow up healthy and healthy, and there will be no need for injections and medicine anymore."

Seeing this scene and hearing this conversation, Nie Wuyue, Ye Huangtu and his wife, as well as Bai Qianluo, Gu Qing and others were all tears of joy that could not be concealed.

Several playmates including Xiao Jin, Fat Tiger and Xiao Zi also cheered.

"Dad, when are we going to find mom?" Tuantuan asked suddenly.

Ye Fan was startled, and everyone around him calmed down.

During this time, everyone has been afraid to mention Su Qingxue, because this topic is too heavy.

Su Qingxue's affairs were hard to avoid for the rest of his life.

Just when Ye Fan wanted to say something, he suddenly noticed that there was a figure who came to Yuncheng again.

The person who came is the "future" of the Seven Eternal Sons!

The future did not cover up, but deliberately conveyed the message of wanting to meet.

Ye Fan frowned. Speaking of it, he had promised eternity before, and if he didn't die, he would promise it one thing.

It seemed that he was here to fulfill his promise.

But it also happened that Su Qingxue's whereabouts must also be in their hands.

Ye Fan showed a look, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he stretched out his hand to squeeze his daughter's face.

"Don't worry, dad promises you that he will definitely get mom back!"

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