My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3905: Academy

"If you come here late, you can drink a cup of nothing..." A small restaurant in Yuncheng, after the catastrophe, was regarded as a shop that opened relatively early.

Next to the railing on the second floor, in a black robe, he looked at a pretty handsome man who was quite white, holding a wine cup, and muttering alone to the flying snow outside.

"Why, are you still interested in the poems of this civilization?"

Ye Fan walked upstairs, sat opposite the man, and poured himself a glass of wine.

In the future, he changed his identity and appearance, but it is not difficult to distinguish.

Ye Fan always felt that this guy was a literary youth, and he didn't know whether this temperament was cultivated by himself or was derived from eternity.

"Each civilization has its own merits. Literary studies, you bronze civilization, can be regarded as first-class."

Mirai smiled and said with emotion: "It's also a coincidence that the last time I saw the Sword God, it was also when it was snowing."

"Snow..." Ye Fan murmured: "It's a coincidence indeed, I'm here... also for ‘snow’."

Seeing Ye Fan drank the drink in one fell swoop, in the future, he wisely took the initiative to fill a glass for him.

"It's true that this meal, this snow, I really didn't expect it..." The future was helpless: "Originally, I had gone to another world to do business and learned that the Five Great Civilizations had survived. It really messed up my schedule."

Ye Fan frowned: "Isn't it just the big worlds sneaking around and searching for the emperor species?

Why is it quite formal, like a business trip? "

"For us, this is a business trip," Mirai said with a smile.

Ye Fan sneered, and he could say that killing and plundering was so high-sounding, and there really were them... after all, they weren't the same kind of people, and they couldn't talk together.

"When you come here, you never just want to have a drink with me at a bar," Ye Fan said lightly.

"Drinking with the sword **** who created the miracle is naturally a thing."

Mirai smiled and said, "Of course, I will not forget the things that Sword God cares about."

"Sword God can rest assured, Miss Su is doing very well now, the side effects of the emperor's species have completely disappeared."

"After recuperating, Miss Su's body is only stronger than before. Just continue to practice, and Yangshou will naturally last longer."

Ye Fan was relieved when he heard this.

"Where is she?"

Mirai smiled mysteriously, "If I remember correctly, I didn't promise the sword **** at the beginning, tell Miss Su's whereabouts, right?"

Ye Fan knew it was not so easy, and said, "Let's talk about it, what do you want for eternity?"

"It seems that Sword God is really anxious."

The future put down the wine glass and said: "It is true that there is a regret in the heart of the Supreme Supreme."


It is supreme and supreme, what regrets can it not make up? "

Ye Fan disapproved.

"Some experiences, even the Supreme Supreme, can only be experienced once and cannot be experienced again."

Ye Fan listened strangely, could it be that?

That is, after all, there is only one time, women can repair, pretend to be, men are... "Sword God, you may want to be crooked", Mirai said with a smile.

"How do you know, what am I thinking?"

Ye Fan is suspicious, could this guy be able to read the mind?

"From what I know about you, you will probably think about virgins," the future looked very understanding.

Ye Fan cleared his throat, "Nonsense, what I think is that China is perishable, the appearance is easy to grow old, time waits for no one..." The future laughed and said, "Well, it seems that I have misunderstood."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Ye Fan said unhappy.

The future looked mysterious and said: "Does the Sword God know how the arbiter of the Origin Temple was appointed?"

"The temple?

Adjudicator? "

Ye Fan frowned, why did he mention it there again?

He shook his head, "How do I know?

I don't even know what the temple is or where it is. "

"The Temple of Origin is rumored to be built by the God of Creation."

"After God has created countless worlds, he discovered that most life in the world will eventually go to destruction because of endless desires."

"And if these destructions have to be controlled, they will affect the entire world."

"So, the Temple of Origins appeared. Through the arbiter, fulfill the rules of the Temple, to manage countless worlds."

The future said: "Bronze civilization needs to be destroyed and rebuilt on a regular basis, which is exactly the rule laid down by the temple."


It's tyranny," Ye Fan said with disdain.

Mirai smiled and said, "In the eyes of the temple, countless worlds are just like the trees in the forest."

"If you do not follow the rules and carry out tending and logging, sooner or later, the entire forest will be deprived of nutrients and will die."

"In fact, the golden civilization and the vast majority of silver civilizations agree with this management method."

"What the temple does is right or wrong, and the supreme supreme does not dare to make a conclusion."

Ye Fan chuckled: "Gold and silver civilizations don't need to be destroyed on a regular basis. Naturally, they agree."

"I also know the thinning of the forest, but I don't know whether the temple's approach is for the sake of the world or what selfishness is."

The future shrugged, "This, Sword God must have a chance in the future to understand it by himself."

"Today, what I want to talk about is the appointment and selection of the main members of the temple, that is, the ruler of the temple, the ‘arbiter’."

Mirai raised two fingers.

"If you want to be an adjudicator, there are usually only two ways."

"First, the temple will issue invitations to the strong in the world, as long as they pass the basic screening and assessment, they can become the arbiter."

"Such adjudicators are generally outstanding at the creator level, and the powerhouses of the golden civilization account for the vast majority."

"As far as I know, the Queen of Thousand Faces in your world received an invitation letter. This is a rare glory in the bronze civilization."

Ye Fan said unexpectedly: "She agreed?"

Mirai shook her head, "She refused, but this doesn't affect it, because the appointment and removal of the arbiter of the temple is not mandatory."

Ye Fan murmured in his heart, that expressionless eldest sister, it seems really extraordinary.

The future continued: "As for the second type, it is to pass the'examination'. This is also the only way for practitioners under the Creator to become a judge..." Ye Fan chuckled and said, "Examination?

Isn't it just a competition in a ring?

Why, does Eternal let me take the exam? "

"Yes, nor is it."

The future said: "The Supreme Supreme, I don't care whether you become the arbiter or not."

"Then what does he want me to do?"

Ye Fan was even more puzzled.

"If you want to participate in the adjudicator's exam, you must be a candidate of the'academy', and you must be one of the'ten seats'," Mirai laughed.


Which college? "

Ye Fan asked.

Future Road: "The Academy is the Academy. It is located on the Shenqi Xing where the temple is located, and is a place of study under the jurisdiction of the temple."

"The reason why there is no prefix is ​​because before this academy was born, there were no other academies. Naturally, there is no need to make a distinction."

Ye Fan listened fresh, "You mean...this is the first school in the entire universe?"

"Yes, it can be understood that way."

Mirai nodded and continued: "It is true that the Supreme Supreme Master used to study in the'College' when he was young."

"It's a pity that Supreme didn't get the chance to be the chief of the academy at the time, but was only ranked second in the academy. This... has always been a great regret in the life of the Supreme."

Ye Fan finally heard it, his expression a little bit dumbfounded: "Does Eternal want me to go to the academy and then win the'first seat' for him?"

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