My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 4178: goodbye

All the way into the academy, Ye Fan felt somewhat complicated about what he saw and heard.

The academy was very ordinary, so ordinary that Ye Fan didn't have much memory.

In addition to the ten statues at the entrance, there are various ordinary stone buildings inside.

Seems to be old, but so what?

This is a matter of course, after all, it is the first academy in the big world.

Although with the changes of the times, there are also various scientific and technological products in the academy, but this is the same as some large colleges in Wutai.

Ye Fan felt that, aside from Fizz Civilization, the technological level of Shen Qi and Aslan was no different from Wu Tai.

Although I have never been to the Anda civilization, it can be seen from the cultural level of Dugu Gudu.

I don't know, whether it is Chu Yunyao and other group of five scientists who are too good, or whether he is too unprofessional and can't see whether it is good or bad.

The only thing that interested Ye Fan was the teachers and students who walked around here.

Although it is not all gold, it can be seen that they are all talented and special, and they are not mediocre.

Entering a circular building, the interior space expands rapidly and is far wider than the outside.

Ye Fan has seen this kind of space technology several times and is used to it.

"This building is basically the offices of the academy's management and tutors."

While walking, Tian Wu introduced Ye Fan.

Dugu Gudu and Lei Zhushui, who were originally in charge of the reception, could no longer speak.

At this moment, a man with half of his body wrapped in precision armor walked towards him.

Ye Fan's first reaction was Chu Yunyao's biological armor, but here, it should be the product of alchemy.

The man's facial features are deep, his eyes are sharp, and he feels aggressive.

"Tianwu teacher, it's rare to see you dressed so much, but you are still beautiful!"

What surprised Ye Fan was that as soon as this guy came up, he actually licked the sky dance?

"It's Gordon, coming out of the tutor's laboratory?"

"That's right, although the study didn't go well today, but seeing Teacher Tianwu, everything doesn't matter," Gordon flattered.

Tian Wu introduced with a smile: "Sword God, this is the proud disciple of the Great Sage of Canaan, Gao Dun, and also the top three favorites in this ten-seat selection."


Does he teach here? "

Ye Fan asked.

Tian Wu shook her head: "Although the great sage of Canaan is a special tutor of the academy, he only comes to give lectures occasionally."

"Gao Dun came to the academy mainly to make breakthroughs in cultivation, and his main focus is the field of science."

"After all, if the cultivation base is not high enough, the lifespan will not be long enough. For scientists, lifespan is very important."

Gordon just glanced at Ye Fan lightly, nodded slightly, and didn't say much.

"Hey, Gordon, when you see Sword God, is this your attitude?"

Dugu grumbled in dissatisfaction.

"Things without brains don't deserve to talk to me," Gordon's attitude was extremely arrogant.

"You're looking for a fight!?"

Dugu Gudu is about to rush up to fight.

Ke Lei grabbed the girl as soon as he boiled the water, "Don't do it here! Be careful of being fired!!"

Gordon sneered: "The low-energy carbon-based creatures of the Anda civilization are really sad for your ancestors of the Dugu family, and I don't know what kind of crossbreed with them to give birth to your mental retardation."

Dugu was so angry that his face turned pale, and bursts of beast-like roars came out of his throat, "Where is my sword, my sword!?"

"Isn't your sword broken?"

Lei boiled water reminder.

Dugu Gudu was stunned for a moment, then he pouted in grievance and was about to cry.

After Gordon finished humiliating, Chao Tianwu grinned again: "Teacher Tianwu, when I get the first place in the ten seats this time, we should have a date."

"Of course, what I promised, I will naturally abide by it," Tian Wu nodded.

"I hope that one day, you will wear a short skirt with suspenders and a black body." Gordon made no secret of the wildness in his eyes.

"As long as you take the first place in the ten seats, it's okay if you don't want me to wear it." Tian Wu stroked her blond hair and casually showed off her slender back.

"It's a word!"

Gordon grinned, and swaggered away.

Ye Fan looked at him in a daze, what the **** is going on! ?

"Uh, Teacher Tianwu, were you inspiring him just now?"

Ye Fan asked.

Tian Wu smiled charmingly: "That's right, I just like the feeling of being pursued by powerful men."

"Gordon wants to date me, so I'll let him get the first place in the ten seats, and then beat the tyrant."

Ye Fan frowned: "Can he defeat the tyrant?"

"I don't know, although Gordon's cultivation base and physical quality are not as good as that of a tyrant, his alchemy is very strong and he has a very high scientific literacy."

Tian Wu pointed to Dugu Gudu behind: "She can prove it, because she has been humiliated by Gordon more than once."

Dugu Gudu's face flushed: "That's because this lady didn't kill me! The 'three swords' of our Dugu family are meant to kill!!"

"Sword God, that guy is a complete racist, and he believes in science first, looks down on physical confrontation, and likes to use his brain to solve problems."

Lei Zhushui said with emotion: "The only creator he respects seems to be Kanger, and even you are just a rough guy in his eyes."

Tian Wu smiled and looked at Ye Fan: "Does the Sword God mind?

To get Gordon back and teach him a lesson? "

"You're not too lively," Ye Fan said with a light smile: "He didn't provoke me. Does anyone have to kneel and kowtow when they see me?"

"Well then," Tian Wu continued to lead the way with a look of regret.

On the way, Ye Fan couldn't help but curiously said: "Teacher Tianwu, there should be a lot of people who usually pursue you, right?"

Tian Wu's bright eyes smiled like a crescent moon, "Sword God is also interested in me?"

"I just haven't seen such an open woman like you," Ye Fan sneered.

"No way, I spent most of my early years on cultivation."

"When I look back, I realize that I have become too powerful that there are not many men who can conquer me."

"But I'm a woman, and I long for men."

"So, I like to show my beauty to the world."

Tian Wu shrugged, "This is not a shameful scandal, what does Sword God think?"

"Ah yes yes yes" Ye Fan nodded hurriedly, "It makes sense, it should be upright."

Tian Wu sighed: "Originally, I thought Sword God was my final answer. After all, Sword God likes beautiful women and everyone knows that" "And a creator, a mighty Nine Tribulations Azure Dragon, is also my ideal destination."

"So, I took the initiative to apply for the task of receiving the Sword God this time."

"I didn't expect that Sword God is not interested in me. Maybe I don't fit the aesthetics of Sword God, so I can only continue to find a male partner." Ye Fan was crawling like thousands of ants, and was about to say something, but in front of him was arrived at the destination.

"Okay, this is the dean's office, Sword God, please." Tian Wu politely stretched out her hand, "I still have classes, so I will leave first."

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