My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 4179: you call me

Ye Fan watched the swaying graceful back of Tian Wu leave, with mixed feelings in his heart.

It always felt that the woman was "playing" with him, but she was scratching her heart.

Taking a deep breath, it seems that even if you have eaten it before, you still eat that set when you meet someone with a high rank! Ye Fan shook his head and pushed the door into the office.

As soon as he entered, Ye Fan was shocked by the sight in front of him again! He has seen many masters from outside the world, the creators of the Ling family.

The impression to him is that these people are very simple, don't like exaggeration, and like to go back to the basics.

But in front of me, it is more like a museum than an office! The huge dome, covering tens of thousands of square meters, has a variety of exquisite paintings on the high walls, covering all styles.

On the ground, there are sculptures of various shapes and materials, complex musical instruments, and specimens.

Rows of books are stored in various gaps by the suspended bookshelves.

To say the most luxurious, or the decoration here, there are precious metals and gems everywhere.

Gold and diamonds can only be considered basic here. All kinds of spiritual stones that have not been seen before have been turned into lighting decorations, making Ye Fan dazzled.

This collection lasts ten days and a half months, so I'm afraid I won't be able to read it all.

Just when he didn't know where to go, a female voice entered his mind.

"Is the Sword God here?"

Ye Fan was about to respond when the other party quickly said, "Just walk forward, I'm on the inside."

"I can't walk away now, feel free to visit if you want, but please don't touch the paintings."

Ye Fan smiled. After he came to the academy, his biggest feeling was that these guys seemed to be very casual to him.

It's not like being outside, who would hug each other as soon as they appeared, and they were all in awe when they saw each other.

In this way, the academy is still very special.

Ye Fan stepped on the floor tiles such as gold, agate and jade all the way to the innermost side of the "office".

There was a huge long table in black.

Ye Fan took a deep breath. If he read it right, the table was made of the shell of the mysterious beast! And there are more than a dozen chairs next to them, all of which are made of dragon bones! As for the chair, the blanket on which it was cushioned was the fur of a white tiger! Ye Fan touched his forehead, and it seemed that he had to change his opinion that the masters like simple life.

"Come on, sit down, sit down, there's something to drink on the table, you're welcome, take it yourself."

A woman wearing a gorgeous long dress and covered with all kinds of jewelry is sitting on the largest keel chair.

The woman has long gray-blond hair, neatly combed and rolled up, showing grace and luxury.

Although in terms of overall feeling and temperament, they are all old people, but the skin is firm and the appearance is like that of a young woman.

If it weren't for the unfathomable aura of the other party, Ye Fan would have a hard time believing that this was the dean of the academy, Fang Henshao.

She's just a rich old lady! At this moment, Fang Hen was wearing a headphone-like optical brain device on his head.

"I'm sorry, there is a problem with my light-brained plane. There is a lot of information in it. If you don't fix it soon, it will delay things."

"But this light brain is bound to me, I have to be here, so I can't go out to pick you up" "Xiao Qin, how is it?

Haven't it been fixed yet? "

Beside him, a young-looking black-haired man in plain overalls was using a connected tablet computer to operate something.

"Don't worry, don't worry, you'll be fine soon," the man replied leisurely.

Ye Fan glanced at the man and was stunned.

Good guy, a brain repairer, why can't he see through?

Xiao Qin?

The bronze-looking Ye Fan frowned and couldn't help thinking of something.

He sat down, picked up the crystal bottle on the table, opened it, and drank the drink inside.


As soon as he took a sip, Ye Fan spit it out.


Ye Fan looked at the crystal clear drink, he thought it was water, but when he entered it, it turned out to be very sticky?

Fang Henshao looked disgusted: "Have you ever drunk Suzaku?

This is a bottle of 30,000 gods and coins. If you don't like it, don't drink it. "

"Suzaku saliva?

What do you mean?" "It's Suzaku's saliva, it's hard to collect, it nourishes the face and qi," Fang Henshao said.

Ye Fan retched for a while, "Thank you, leave it to others."

"Looking at what you're wearing, it's shabby enough. After all, you're also an emperor. What's the matter?"

Fang Henshao sighed: "Well, this time to be an assessment officer, I will give you an extra payment to buy some good clothes to wear."

Ye Fan was a little puzzled, and looked at his attire: "Is my clothes not good enough?

There are thousands of God Qi coins. "

"Only a few thousand?

Not enough to buy a single thread on me! "

Fang Henshao pointed to his own skirt: "See, Qingluan and Bi Fangbird's fluff are blended, and then I invited Akimir, the **** forge of Fizz's feet, to strengthen it with fine gold."

"This skirt, even if it is pulled by Qinglong's sharp claws, will not break for a while, and the Suzaku fire will not burn, so it is worthy of our identity."

"If a poor man like you wears clothes, once you get hit, you will definitely be bare butt. What a shame!"

Ye Fan was a little ashamed. He had been in the arena for so long, but he didn't expect that he would create a suit that would not be damaged in battle.

"Yeah, I'll give you a big reward later, 10 million Shenqi Coins, which should be enough to buy a decent outfit."

Fang Henshao was very forthright, and then asked impatiently, "Xiao Qin, are you alright?

! I'm going to get my hair done later! ! "


Xiao Qin completed the operation at this time, and when he pressed a button, the light brain made a clear sound and started to operate smoothly.

"By the way, I went in, it's finally normal." Fang Henshao smiled happily: "You are really good at repairing your brain, why did you do it for you?"

"Actually, it's stuck, and the restart is over." Xiao Qin put away the device and said, "The repair fee will be charged to my account, so I'll go first."

Fang Henshao took off his light brain, "It's an old rule, you are not allowed to tell outsiders about this place."


Fang Henshao smiled with satisfaction: "I have guests today, next time I will bring your wives to dinner."

"Hey, Dean Fang, why don't you convert the money for those dishes to me, so that I can support my family." Xiao Qin blinked.

"Look at what you're doing, if you're short of money, take out that painting from me and sell it for tens of millions." Fang Henshao waved his hand away.

Ye Fan stood up at this time and stopped the maintenance worker.

He took out the string of beads that Ji Wuming gave him at the time.

"Old Qin?"

Ye Fan asked, watching all the changes on the other's face at the same time.

The man was stunned when he saw the bead, then looked at Ye Fan with doubts in his eyes.

"you call me?"

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