"It's okay. Xiaoyun has taught you a lesson today."

"Just be more careful next time."

Netero did not blame Qiduo too much.

Instead, he admonished him like a senior.

‘Is this the future 12 Earthly Branches?

Yunye looked at him carefully with his eyes open.

He could not tell that this flustered person in front of him would be the Earthly Branch of the Dog who would act vigorously and decisively in the future.

"Then I'll go first."


Qiduo glared at Yunye and turned to leave the room.

Now, only Yunye and Netero were left in the room staring blankly.

"Long time no see, old man."

Yun Ye broke away from Netero and sat on the sofa beside him.

A comfortable feeling instantly swept over his body. It was indeed the president's office.

"Why don't you call me grandpa anymore?"

Netero said jokingly with a smile.

"Let's not talk about this for now. Where are Leke and Gra?"

Yunye asked.

With his identity, the two of them should have a comfortable life in the association.

"Those two you are talking about, they are training in the training room"

"They are both rare geniuses."

Thinking of the two, Netero praised them.

"That's fine, what's the matter with you, old man?"

Yunye breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that the two were fine, and then asked.

If Netero hadn't called him over, he might not have stepped into this place until the plot officially began.

"I asked you to come here because I want you to systematically learn about hunters."

"You also know the types of hunters, right?"

Netero said meaningfully.

Hearing this, Yunye showed a look of understanding on his face. There are many types of hunters, involving astronomy and geography, ancient and modern knowledge.

There are no less than 20 known types of hunters!

Among them, bounty hunters, gem hunters, and gourmet hunters are the most common types.

"So, you want to?"

Yun Ye asked uncertainly.

"Well, I want you to choose three types of hunter knowledge to learn."

Netero said his true purpose.

""It is true."

Yunye pondered.

Each hunter has a wide range of knowledge.

Just one aspect of knowledge is enough for a person to learn for a lifetime.

But Netero actually asked him to choose three aspects.

""Three types are not too few."

Yunye suddenly said.

This made Netero narrow his eyes.

"How many do you want to learn?"

Netero had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Of course it's all!"

Yunye said with a smile.

The brilliant smile made Netero take a deep breath.

What does all mean?

The knowledge in it is enough to burst a person's brain!

Even Jin, who is known as a genius, dare not make such a bold statement.

But if Yunye really masters all the knowledge and applies it, then he will become a god walking in the world!

"Are you sure?"

Netero asked with a serious expression.

"I always keep my word.

Yun Ye was firm in his thoughts.

"Okay, you go and rest first, I'll find someone to arrange it later."

Netero didn't ask any more questions.

Hearing this answer, Yunye got up and left the room.

Looking at his back, Netero sat in a chair and pondered.


"It should be here" to look at the closed mechanical door in front of him, Yunye took out the hunter card and brushed it. Squeak

, the door opened, revealing the true face of Lushan inside.

""Gela, you need to keep practicing."

Leke said sternly while standing on the ring.

The man opposite Gra was already covered in wounds, and his panting showed that he was exhausted.

Everything seemed to be a foregone conclusion.

"Gra, don't let your mother down.

Suddenly, a voice came to Gra like a ray of hope.

"It's the boss!"

Gera turned his head and saw Yunye looking at him with a smile.

The warm look made him vaguely see his mother. The determination in his eyes bloomed with an endless flame. He stood up again with all his strength, picked up the almost broken double swords and pointed them at Leike.

Confrontation again!

"I acknowledge your will."

Leike took a fighting stance.

He kicked his front foot and rushed towards Gra again. He was like a gust of wind and arrived in front of Gra in just a blink of an eye.

His body drooped slightly, and his left hand tightly grasped the hilt of the sheathed sword.

He drew his sword and slashed!

A sharp white light flashed.

But unexpectedly, Gra withstood this fierce blow with his two swords.


The two swords were completely broken.

Gra seized the opportunity and used all his strength to kick Laker in the chest.


This blow kicked the relaxed Lecter out of the field.

The winner was determined!

The overall situation was decided, and Gra officially fell to the ground unconscious.

""Laike, go call the doctor."

Yunye ordered.

Only pain can make people remember the feeling of fighting.

From now on, Yunye will not use angel healing unless the injury is fatal.

For the strong, wounds are glory!

It is a tribute to the battle.

Even he has traces of battle left on his body.


Leck went straight to the door to call for a doctor.

Soon a group of people in white coats came in and carried Gra away.

"Let's practice together."

Seeing that everyone had left, Yunye looked at Leike and said.

Gra was just someone who had not received systematic training.

It was a little difficult for self-study to compete with the professional class.

Unless the other party was a genius, or a determined person who was willing to endure hardships.


Leike came to the ring again and looked at Yunye with sharp eyes.

"Better to use all your strength"

"Otherwise you will probably die."

After saying that, a shadow appeared behind Yunye.

Then it entered his body.

The next second, two thought balls appeared in Yunye's hands.

But he did not throw them out, but began to knead them.

The original thought balls suddenly turned into two sharp pointed blades.

Before Lai Ke could figure out the situation, another black shadow attached to Yunye's body.

"Got it."

Yun Ye's eyes narrowed slightly.

【Waltz of Death】

Yunye opened his hands, and the blade that was supposed to fall began to hover in the air.

The speed became faster and faster until there was no trace of the afterimage.

Yunye shook his hands lightly, and the two rotating blades rushed straight towards Lecque.

"Is this Gra's telekinesis? No!"

Seeing this scene, Laike thought uncertainly.

This move is too similar to Gra's.

The difference is that it is only the blade that is rotating from beginning to end.

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