Looking at the two blades coming straight at him, Lai Ke gritted his teeth and chopped them down.


The two forces began to fight against each other, colliding with endless sparks.

The powerful force almost made Lai Ke unable to hold on, as if the knife in his hand would fly out in the next second.

Strangely, the blocked blade still did not stop spinning, but spun faster and faster.

""It's not just that."

Yunye said slowly.

Under the shocked gaze of Lai Ke, one of the blades actually began to break away and attacked behind him.

The scene of enemies on both sides was instantly created.

【Wind Wall】

As his mind power was activated, a wall made of wind solidified behind Lai Ke, blocking the incoming blade.

But Lai Ke obviously overestimated the strength of the wind wall.


The next second, the wind wall broke, and the blade flew to Laker's neck at an extremely fast speed and stopped.

It was only one centimeter away from chopping off Laker's head.

A drop of cold sweat flowed from Laker's forehead and dripped onto the blade.

"Still need to practice."

Yunye waved casually, took the blade back in his hand and left the ring.

It was not until he left the training room that Laike recovered from his shock.

A hot current came from his neck.

He reached out and touched it. It was blood.

"I don't know when the old man will finish it."

"Let's go out for a walk first."

After leaving the training room and checking the time, Yunye decided to go out for a walk first.

When he arrived outside the association, many people were discussing their recent gains.

Yunye did not join in, but walked around the periphery.

Suddenly, a sloppy young man caught his attention.

He walked forward and looked left and right, and he felt very familiar.

"Little boy, why are you looking at me?"

The young man didn't seem to be good at communicating with children, and said stiffly

"Uncle, do we know each other?"

"You look familiar to me."

Yun Ye said directly.

It's not that the face is familiar, but the breath is very familiar.

"Me? Are you talking about me?"

"I don't remember having any encounter with you, a little brat."

The young man waved his hand and denied it.

Hearing this answer, Yun Ye didn't say anything, but sat down next to him.

""Uncle, don't you have any family? Why are you here alone?"

Yunye asked innocently.

This instantly struck the young man as he looked at Yunye helplessly.

"I also have a child, who should be the same age as you now."

As he spoke, a look of nostalgia appeared in the young man's eyes.

"The same age as me, that's really sad."

Yun Ye muttered softly

"Why do you say that?

This attracted the young man's attention, and he asked in confusion.

"Because he can only look at my back."

Yun Ye said casually

""Little boy, you will be struck by lightning if you brag."

The young man was amused by this and shook his head.

As if to prove that he was right, he looked at Yunye with a 'condensed' look.

The next second, the smile on his face froze along with his body.

He clearly saw that Yunye's body contained infinite power.

This power was polarized, darkness and light blended, miraculously coexisting together, forming a balance of yin and yang.

What was even more surprising was that this power did not burst Yunye's body.

According to the physical fitness of ordinary people, he would have exploded and died long ago.


The young man was speechless after seeing this scene.

He finally understood why Yun Ye dared to say such a thing.

""What's wrong, uncle? Did you see it?"

Yun Ye said with a smile.

This made the young man feel cold all over.

"Jin, what are you doing here?

Suddenly, a voice pulled Jin back to reality.

Looking back, he saw Netero waving and walking towards him.

"Hey, Xiaoyun, you are here too."

After discovering that Yunye was also here, Netero said with some surprise

"President, do you know him?"

Jin asked quickly.

"Are you talking about Xiaoyun?"

"He is the child of the Zoldyck family. The reason why I asked you to come here this time is to let you teach him hunter knowledge."

Netero explained the reason.


Hearing this name, Jin's face showed understanding.

But he still didn't understand why Yunye had such outstanding strength at such a young age.

"By the way, Xiaoyun is the most talented child in the Zoldyck family."

Netero seemed to have seen something and explained with a smile.

Jin reluctantly chose to accept this explanation.

‘This person is Xiaojie's father, Jin?’

‘No wonder it looks so familiar.

Yunye looked at him carefully.

He had an unshaven face, a cloth cap on his head, and a torn robe on his body.

He really had the style of Jin.

"President, you didn't tell me that you wanted to teach a little kid."

Jin scratched his head and said

"His talent is stronger than yours, you won't suffer any loss."

Netero had already prepared his words.

"Stronger than me?"

"Then let me take a look."

Jin immediately became interested and agreed.

"Very good, then you follow me."

After hearing the answer, Netero walked towards the association with a smile on his face.

The three of them came to a place similar to a library.

Looking around, there were all kinds of books, and the amount of knowledge involved was very huge.

Many of them were already antiques, which showed that they had been passed down for a long time.

"This is your place from now on."

"Then I will leave first."

After saying that, Netero quickened his pace and left here.

Only the somewhat embarrassed Jin and the calm Yunye were left.

"The fact that the president chose me to teach you shows how important you are."

"Next, you need to read all the books here."

"If you don't understand something, you can ask me."

Jin said seriously.

"I understand."

Yun Ye nodded.

Looking at the sea of books in front of him, his eyes were still not panicked at all.

This made Jin look at him with a new look.

"Let me see the essence of the Hunter world."

Yunye couldn't wait to open a book and immerse himself in it.

The state of selflessness was instantly activated, and everything around him began to slow down or even stop.

The only things that moved were his hands and his brain that was working at a high speed.

""Hua hua hua."

The only sound in the whole library was the sound of flipping pages.

Seeing Yunye flipping through the book so quickly, Jin frowned.

But he remembered Netero's words and didn't say anything. He was ready to teach him a lesson later.

Time passed bit by bit.

Yunye quickly finished reading the book in his hand. Just as he was about to pick up the second one, he was stopped.


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