After hearing this, they began to weigh the pros and cons in their hearts, and finally spoke slowly.

"My name is Kurapika, and I am the only survivor of the Kuruta tribe."

"My name is Leorio."

After hearing the introduction, the red-nosed captain glanced at Yunye

""Tell me your purpose of becoming a hunter."

Another question was raised.

This immediately aroused Leorio's anger.

"Who are you? What qualifications do you have to keep asking us questions?"

This made the red-nosed captain laugh and took out the pipe in his mouth.


""I am qualified to eliminate you!"

This statement surprised everyone present.

They didn't expect that an ordinary captain would be one of the examiners of the Hunter Trial.

For a moment, the whole place fell silent.

"I became a hunter to give someone a face."

Yunye said slowly.

As for who it was, it was Netero who had always wanted to win him over. When the red-nosed captain heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't say anything, but turned his eyes to other people.

Everyone has his own goal.

Leorio wants to make money so he became a hunter.

Kurapika wants revenge so he became a hunter.

Gon became a hunter to find his father.

Killua became a hunter for fun.

Everyone has his own goal.

"I am here to follow the boss."

Gra's goal is very simple and clear.

He will go wherever Yunye goes.

"Same for me."

Leike said with a cold face.

He was already a one-star hunter, and he came here purely to follow Yunye.

If there was any other purpose, it might be to find Alan.

""Is it about to start?"

Suddenly, a fierce quarrel caught Yunye's attention.

Turning his head, he saw Leorio and Kurapika clashing because of their different goals.

Sparks burst out from their mouths.

"Let me wipe out your race completely."

Leorio's words completely ignited the powder keg of the battle.

"Take that back, Leorio!"

Kurapika yelled with anger in his eyes.

"Call me Brother Leorio."

Leorio walked out the door.

Kurapika was driven by anger and went straight to the deck.

The storm did not stop but became more violent.

The shaking of the ship and the fierce beating of rain did not extinguish the anger in the hearts of the two.

"It's not too late for you to take back what you said now."

Kurapika took off his robe, drew the two swords at his waist and issued a final warning.

"Stop talking nonsense."

Leorio took out his knife with a serious expression and confronted him.

The battle was about to break out.

Both of them rushed towards each other, and the competition of strength began with a bang.

Yunye did not watch this scene, but turned his eyes to the turbulent sea level not far away.

There, there was a lot of energy hidden. A monster was approaching here quickly!

"Captain, you have sensed it too."

Yun Ye glanced at the red-nosed captain with a serious face.



Suddenly, an extremely huge figure leaped out of the sea, splashing hundreds of feet of waves and making a loud cry.

Just this one glance made the red-nosed captain's eyes become more serious.

"Horned Demon Whale!"

This name caused Yunye's world library to flip through quickly, and soon he found the corresponding information.

Horned Demon Whales live in the deep ocean. They are hundreds of meters long, covered with hard black scales, and have a sharp and long horn on their heads. It contains deadly toxins, and any creature attacked will die instantly. It is a well-deserved overlord of the ocean.

It is extremely aggressive and will attack and devour any creature it sees.

It is said to be a creature that is rarely seen in a hundred years, perhaps because everyone who has seen it has died!

"We have to leave quickly, this is not a monster we can deal with."

Captain Red Nose made a prompt decision to retreat.

Looking at the busy crew in front of him, he urged them again.

If we don't leave, we will all die here!

Seeing this scene, Yun Ye couldn't help but praise him. He is indeed an old driver. He is very calm in the face of danger.

"You two should help too."

"I'll go check this thing out."

With a command, the two people beside him disappeared instantly.

Yunye looked forward and saw the Horned Demon Whale swimming towards him at a very fast speed.

It was obvious that this ship had become his target.

"Is it really different?"

"Forget it, it's all the same anyway."

Yun Ye walked forward slowly, muttering to himself.

Although the plot was a little off, it was still acceptable.

It was just a horned demon whale that had dominated the ocean for many years, no big deal.

"Brother Yunye is so handsome."

Xiaojie looked at Yunye standing at the stern of the ship facing the storm with his eyes shining.

As a young man, he never wanted to be so majestic.

Killua, who was standing beside him, also secretly swore in his heart that he would be like this in the future.

"Let me see what kind of stuff you are."

Yun Ye looked closely, and the huge figure of the Horned Demon Whale slowly emerged from the water.

Looking around, the entire ship in front of it was just a newborn baby.

The Horned Demon Whale opened its mouth, and countless sea water and big fish rushed into its mouth.

This also affected the ship, and its speed slowed down.

But every time the Horned Demon Whale opened its bloody mouth and prepared to swallow the hull, it was dodged by the captain's superb operating skills. He is indeed a man who can be a captain.

But this also aroused the anger of the Horned Demon Whale, swinging its huge body and swinging its tail.

It wants to smash the hull!

Once the Horned Demon Whale hits it, no one on the ship will survive.

"You can't live without it."

"Let you see the real���Power!"

A black shadow appeared on Yunye's body.

【The roar of the sea monster]

In an instant, a vast shadow appeared behind Yunye. It had a human body, an octopus head, a trident in hand, and blood-red eyes.

It was a hundred feet high, approaching the clouds!

A terrifying pressure swept across the entire sea, causing the horned demon whale to stop moving unconsciously and stare blankly at the shadow of the sea monster in front of him.

"You are the overlord of the ocean, and I am Cthulhu!"

Yunye smiled slightly and waved his hand.

In an instant, the vast sea monster waved the trident in his hand and cut off the tail of the horned demon whale.

The next moment, the deep blue blood infected the entire ocean, forming a unique landscape.

"What is this..."

"I don't know either."

On the deck, Leorio and Kurapika, who were fighting, were stunned when they saw the sea monster in front of them.

When had they ever seen such a scene before?

Even the captain, who had been paying attention to this place, couldn't help but show a horrified expression.

He knew that Yunye was very powerful, but he didn't expect him to be so powerful.

Even the ocean overlord, the demon whale, could easily deal with it.

"Want to run?"

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