The horned whale, whose tail was cut off, struggled and rushed backwards.

This attack made it feel a rare fear, and it could not face the sea monster in front of it.

This is one of the sea monster's abilities.

【Eyes That Cannot Be Looked At Directly】

Any creature that is stared at by the scarlet eyes will have countless chaotic information in its brain, which will continue to fill its brain.

Only unconscious creatures can escape this disaster, such as shadows or dead people!

"It's too late to run now."

Yunye pretended to swing the giant trident again, and fiercely stabbed it into the center of the horned demon whale's body.

Just like Runtu stabbing a wild boar!


The vast force directly penetrated the body of the horned demon whale and imprisoned it on the trident, unable to move.

It was like a small fish hunted by fishermen, waiting for death.

The imprisoned horned demon whale suddenly became silent, as if dead.

In a trance, everything became calm.

The next moment, an extreme force suddenly burst out from it, as if all the strength of the body was mobilized in an instant. It forcibly broke free from the trident at an extremely fast speed and fled to the distance at an unprecedented speed.

This decisive look is worthy of its reputation as the overlord of the ocean.

It is not shameful to run away if you can't win.

"I wonder where you can run to."

Yun Ye took back the sea monster and quickly came to the captain's room.

He passed by the red-nosed captain who looked puzzled, and went straight forward to control the rudder.

As soon as he touched it, the familiar feeling instantly came to his mind, and all the knowledge was poured into his brain.

Under the shocked eyes of the red-nosed captain, Yun Ye began to operate astonishingly.

The horrific storm outside was still raging, and the turbulent waves did not calm down with the passage of time, but became more and more fierce.

But even in this situation, there is still a huge sailboat on the turbulent sea.

Yun Ye used the propulsion of the waves to increase the speed to 1,500 kilometers per hour. , just to catch up with the horned demon whale that was fleeing in front.

Even with such a fast speed, the hull was still very stable, without the ups and downs at the beginning.

With the unsolvable operation, the sailboat was getting closer and closer to the horned demon whale, and it was about to get close.

Yunye directly handed the rudder to the stunned red-nosed captain behind him, and went straight to the bow.

Behind him, the shadow of the vast sea monster appeared again, still holding the huge trident in his hand, showing bursts of cold light under the flash of thunder.

This scene made the horned demon whale flee more frantically, constantly consuming the remaining strength in his body, just to escape the devil's palm.

But all this is futile.

"I wonder what equipment you can drop for me."

Yunye looked at the Horned Demon Whale with interest and slowly raised his right hand.

The next second, the huge trident pierced into the body of the Horned Demon Whale again at an extremely fast speed, and the deep blue blood once again infected the entire sea surface.

In order to prevent the Horned Demon Whale from escaping again, Yunye pulled out the trident and stabbed it again.

After 749 times of the same operation, the pupils of the Horned Demon Whale were dilated and it completely floated on the sea surface.

"Put it into the inner world and let the shadow deal with it."

Yunye glanced at the sky covered with dark clouds, and the shadow behind him began to expand infinitely.

In just a moment, it covered the sea surface within a radius of 100 miles, and directly swallowed the huge body of the Horned Demon Whale into the inner world. What awaits it is an inhumane decomposition!

While Yunye was still thinking, a bolt of lightning struck the statue on the deck directly, forming a brilliant and magnificent scene.

This made Yunye raise his eyebrows slightly in surprise.

Legend has it that anyone who sees this spectacle will have a difficult life.

Although I don't know whether it is true or not, it doesn't matter to Yunye.

Since he came here, fate has become unpredictable.

"Did you really kill it?"

The captain appeared at some point, smoking his pipe with lingering fear, looking at the deep blue sea in horror.

He never thought that Yunye could actually defeat the ocean overlord Horned Demon Whale.

There were people who came to attack before, but all of them were eaten by the Horned Demon Whale. A full five one-star ocean hunters stayed on the sea forever.

Even the top two-star hunters had to consider whether they were sure of winning.

The captain was already ready to fight with the determination to die, but who would have thought that there was such a big Buddha on the ship.

"It's just a fish, of course I killed it."

Yun Ye looked forward calmly.

This made the red-nosed captain gasp. As expected of the champion of the fighting competition, he killed it as he said.

At this time, the sailboat had left the rainstorm area and welcomed the bright sunshine again.

Everything became sunny and bright again.

"On the boat, everything is fine outside."

""Those who can stand up, get out!" the captain shouted.

Soon, people came to the deck one after another.

Looking around, there were no more than ten people.

"Alas, a bunch of losers, still coming to participate in the Hunter Trial like this."

Captain Red Nose shook his head in disdain.

Every year, countless people come to participate in the Hunter Trial, but only a few can pass.

Even so, it does not stop these people's enthusiasm, but it becomes more and more intense.

To date, the number of people participating in the Hunter Trial has reached tens of millions!

"Why is Brother Yunye with the Captain?"

Xiao Jie looked at Yunye, who was talking to the Captain, in confusion.

"Brother must have something important to discuss."

Killa answered like a detective who solved a case.

Hearing the answer, Gon nodded with deep understanding.

On the other side, Leorio and Kurapika stood side by side, not knowing when their grudge had been resolved.

In the following time, nothing else happened on the ship, and everything was moving in the established direction.

During this time, Gon still became familiar with Leorio and Kurapika.

Even if there was a little deviation, fate still brought them together.

"We are almost there."

Looking ahead, the image of Port Dore gradually emerged before his eyes.


���With a loud bang, the ship approached the shore and stretched out a giant wooden board.

""Remember to show mercy to the examinees when you meet them."

The red-nosed captain advised Yun Ye earnestly.

After all, with his strength, he could break someone's bones with just a wave of his hand.

"I won't take action unless it's necessary."

Yun Ye was a little speechless.

He has never been a person who advocates violence, so he naturally won't take action just because of a disagreement.


Suddenly, a man with a big nose and shifty eyes bumped into Yunye's shoulder.

He turned around and instead of apologizing, he looked at Yunye with a mocking look on his face.

"Why are there still little brats coming to participate in the competition? Go home and find your mother to drink milk. If I meet you later, I will definitely lock you up and have some fun with you."


In an instant, Yunye grabbed his head and smashed it hard on the ground.

The huge force directly flattened the man's head, which looked like a deflated volleyball.

A small pit with a human face appeared on the originally flat ground.

This was still under the condition of controlling the force.

Once the force was really applied, the man's head would not be able to withstand the pressure during the descent and explode.

In order not to dirty himself, Yunye chose a gentle way.


Seeing this, the red-nosed captain took a deep puff of his cigarette and said nothing.

He said he would not take action, so how could he flatten someone's head the next second?

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